The Highest Bounty

Chapter 184: Horror effect of black crystals

Leoben Prison is the highest security prison in the entire Philippine Universe. All the walls of this prison are made of Cabot alloy. Even if the thirteenth-ranking peak powerhouse bombards it with all strength, it will not be possible Leave a trace.

The entire prison is managed almost automatically. Twenty-eight hours a day, what time these prisoners should do, there are strict rules, even accurate to the second. Including the time of going to the toilet every time, the time of bathing, there is a delay of one second, and it will be kicked out of the toilet or bath room automatically.

The purpose of the establishment of this prison at that time was also very simple, in order to let those criminals who do not understand the rules learn to follow the rules.

There are more than 80,000 prisoners held here who are really fierce and terrible guys, each one is an extremely dangerous person who has been sentenced to more than 300 years in prison, and each prisoner has at least 20 lives.

The reason why Gooding was reluctant to accept Camilla ’s proposal was that this prison, called the Absolute Cage, was located on the Djer star not far from the exit of the boundary river, and was also the six that Camilla mentioned before. The most prosperous one in the administrative planet. The existence of this prison turned Gyell into a tourist planet, and the reason why Guding insisted on going was that a person was held here.

"I've been in Rose Tavern with my dad since I was a child. In more than a decade, I heard the most from the story of Parret, because during that time he was the most famous interstellar pirate of the Dragon Kingdom. About him There are hundreds of different versions of the story, which have been talked about tens of thousands of times by the star pirates in the tavern. But no matter which version of the story, he is a fearless hero. "

"At that time I was very small and often bullied in school, so I always hoped that one day I could become a person like Parrett, fearless, and not bow to any difficulties. I was also determined to grow up at that time. Become an interstellar pirate in the future. "

"When I was ten years old, I heard news of his arrest. He was imprisoned in Leoben Prison, the star country of the Philippine universe. From the day I saw the news, I knew that one day I would Visit him at Leopold Prison. Go and see what a real parrot is. "

"And now, I'm only one step away from Gyor Star ... if I miss it. I don't know how many years later when I come back next time."

Guding's words silenced everyone else. They didn't expect that Guding wanted to take risks for this reason.

"When I was a child, I grew up listening to the stories of the Viking warriors, listening to the stories of their burning and looting, and also yearning for their lives. So when you made me an interplanetary pirate, and there was food, I immediately I agreed. "Elsa interrupted.

"Guding, if it is usual. We will never stop you from going to Jell Star. But in this case, except for the sea emperor, all the members of our entire team are high reward bounties. The phantom universe is now in A large number of members of the military are stationed on the six administrative planets, as long as our golden eagle arrives at the port. They will react immediately. "Liliat frowned slightly, and she understood that Guding wanted to make a conclusion for her past. . In the long run, this is a good thing, which means that Guding will have more ambitious goals, but the timing is wrong.

"I know. The Golden Eagle target is too obvious, and Bigger and Robert are easy to recognize. So, I decided to go alone." Guding made a bolder decision.

"Are you crazy? There is a possibility that a team can go back and forth. Are you going to go alone?" Liliat has always been outspoken in front of Gooding. She felt that Guding's decision was totally unreliable.

"I've planned for a long time, and let Robert make some masks for me. I will change my clothes and no one will recognize them. You just need to send me to an administrative planet near the exit of Jiehe. I take a travel ship to Gyell Star. You hide on the unmanned planet near Gyell Star. After my visit from the prison is over and back to the port, let the sea emperor inform you. As long as you land in the port, I am We could get on the spaceship the first time, and then we immediately left. The whole process can be completed in less than ten seconds. The military personnel simply have no time to respond. "Guding has obviously considered the whole process, and it sounds feasible.

"At least you need to bring a voice changer? Once someone in the prison hears Gooding's voice, it's not good." Liliat looked more cautious.

"No voice changer is available. Leopold Prison has a voice change recognition system. Once the voice changer is put on, the sound will trigger an alarm." The sea emperor raised objections. "However, I can convert the sound and radio waves in the prison. You ca n’t hear Guding ’s original voice. If someone hears it face-to-face, it wo n’t work, but the chance of this kind of thing happening is low. Generally, only people who are very familiar can recognize it. There is no acquaintance in Charm Universe. "

"If you really want to do this, you must scrutinize every detail, and you can't miss any point, and then choose a plan with the highest success rate." Although Liliat does not agree with this approach, Guding has already made He had made his decision, and he had a good reason to make this decision. She had to choose to support it.

In the next few days, everyone has been busy.

After learning about Guding's plan, Bigger, Elsa and Liliat all entered the state of retreat.

Robert is as busy as usual, and he doesn't know what he is making.

Tagore slept a bit bored.

And Guding, who has been practicing the proficiency in the use of Yuanli these days, when practicing the "Solar Mantra" on the planet Uranus, through the transformation of the body by Yuanli, the cell comprehensive index can rise 55 points in one day, four days In time, his cell composite index rose to 3280 points. But in the spaceship, because of the lack of sunlight, he could not practice the "Solar Sun", and he could only practice proficiency.

However, on the third day after leaving Neptune, Neptune brought good news.

"Guding, you can use the black crystals obtained from the storage space of the poison master and the iron tower, but it's just a little addictive. However, it doesn't matter so much. And I analyzed this. The composition of the crystals has been optimized to a certain extent for the molecular structure, and can replicate similar energy crystals with the addictive effect removed. Only enough materials are needed to enable Robert to help mass production. When the team The strength of everyone ’s Yuan will be greatly improved. "

"How should that thing be used?" Gooding questioned the usage.

"It can be crushed orally or swallowed directly, or after crushing, it can be injected into blood vessels through other solvents as a medium, and it can also be implanted like energy beads." Haihuang thinks this kind of crystal is omnipotent usage.

"It sounds the easiest to take by mouth," Guding said, picking the smallest one. The black crystal was the size of a little finger, and he threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

The sea emperor monitored Guding's physical condition all the time. He found that after the crystal entered the stomach, the special virus appeared again and quickly decomposed the black crystal. But this time, the energy was not fed back to the gene chain, but to the cells of Guding.

The cells of Guding's whole body began to accelerate fission, at the same time, a very inclusive elementless elemental force also began to join the cycle of elemental force in Guding's body.

Feeling the sudden increase of the non-attribute elemental force, Guding began to work quickly from the Sun Jingjing, circle after circle. But soon he found out that the elementary forces that flowed out of the sky, the first cycle of the "Solar Mantra" could not be absorbed at all, and he began to build a second cycle in his body according to the guidance in the cheats.

After more than ten attempts, the second cycle was finally built successfully, and the two cycles worked together. Gudding suddenly felt that the elemental force he could control was more than twice as thick as before. But the non-attribute elemental forces flowing out of the body for no reason did not decrease at all.

Guding also began to try to build the third cycle in the body, and after nearly ten failures, the third cycle was finally completed. Those elementary forces with no attributes quickly poured into it and joined the cycle process.

In just a few minutes, Guding clearly felt himself stronger.

This continuous flow of non-attribute elemental forces lasted for more than three hours. During these three hours, Guding completely stabilized the three energy cycles in his body.

When he opened his eyes ~ ~ saw the projection of Neptune on his own cell comprehensive index-3910, an increase of 630 points, an increase of 200 points in almost an hour. Not expected at all.

Taking a deep breath, Guding couldn't help but ask, "Sea Emperor, can this kind of thing be used continuously?"

"According to the speed and condition of your cell division, you can only use this reinforcement for up to ten hours a day. At other times, you must allow the body's cells to get enough rest, otherwise it will cause damage to the body." Haihuang has been paying attention to Guding He was also a little worried about the side effects before, but according to Guding's cell reaction, as long as it didn't exceed ten hours, the problem would not be too big.

"The strengthening effect of this thing is so horrible, it is strange that people are not addicted. If I have enough of this kind of spar, I eat it every day. Ten hours of strengthening a day is enough to increase the cell synthesis index by two thousand points." Guding said Then, he took out a thumb-sized crystal and threw it into his mouth.

This time he didn't waste a second, and at the moment the crystal was swallowed, he quickly started the "Solar Mantra".

With the help of non-attribute energy, Guding quickly built a fourth cycle in the body, the fifth cycle ... ()

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