The Highest Bounty

Chapter 214: The nightmare begins

[This chapter was three and a half hours yesterday, and the content was relatively bloody, which may cause discomfort to some readers. Readers who are more sensitive to **** content are advised to skip ~~ Because it is Bigger ’s nightmare, I can only try to restore the authenticity of the story. For friends who feel uncomfortable, I apologize that similar content will not appear in this book Times. 】

The black robe walked in front of the two teenagers.

"Big, let's play a game. Only you and your friend can survive. Of course, the one who survived must follow me. Make a decision!"

The so-called "game" proposed by the black robe is actually a dilemma. If Pell is allowed to kill himself, Pell must leave with the black robe, then his future will never be a day, more painful than death. If he kills Pell himself, of course he can survive, and he will again become a prisoner of the black robe, and he will be more painful than death.

The knife came out of Pell's hand and was suspended between the two.

"You have ten seconds to make a choice. If you do n’t do it within ten seconds, it means that you choose to send your friend to me. I assure you that I will fine-tune his . "The black robe raised his mouth unabashedly. "Countdown, start ..."

Bigger still struggled, his body trembling slightly. Although the memory of the black robe has not fully recovered, but the moment he saw the face, his soul felt trembling, which originated from the deep sense of fear in the soul. In my heart, a voice repeated over and over again, "Don't go with him, the farther away from him the better ..."

But on the other hand, Pell's current appearance is a bit scary. His blood-stained consciousness seems to have been completely dominated by the killing, and the eyes are completely lacking in the previous expression. It was replaced by tyranny. Bigger is a little bit unimaginable, if you let him follow the black robe, what will happen in the future.

"Three, two, one ..."

The moment the black robe countdown ended, Bigger started. He reached over and grabbed the long knife. A knife stabbed into Peel's abdomen, and his right hand holding the knife never stopped shaking.

"I'm sorry ... I can't let him take you away. Although my memory has not been fully recovered, I know that he will turn you into a monster that will only kill. He will keep you alive, but it will also let you die It ’s more painful. ”Watching Peel gradually regain his consciousness, then looked at his body pierced by Bigger with some surprise, Bigger explained. But Pell didn't listen. His eyes were full of innocence and despair, and that was exactly the same as the scene in Bigger ’s memory that killed Peer many years ago. Bigger couldn't bear to close his eyes, "I'm sorry ..."

"You made the right choice." The black robe took off his hat, and that face was finally completely exposed in front of Bigger. "A weak loser like him, I am afraid that in the first trial, he will be completely wiped out of consciousness and become a knife slave. Death is the best relief for him."

"Aren't you here to take me away? Then you don't have to talk so much nonsense." After killing Peel, Bigger's fear of the black robe seemed to be diluted a lot, and he vented his emotions.

"The person is not big. The temper is not small," he said. Bigger suddenly felt dizzy.

When he recovered, he found that he had appeared in a primitive jungle, and at the same time, there was a sound from his black robe who did not know where he came from, "This game is very simple, this jungle There are 10,000 first-order genomes of humans, each of whom has been issued weapons, but 9999 must be killed before the game will automatically end. That is, only one person can leave alive. By the way. This There is a shortage of food in the forest. Good luck! "

As soon as these words fell, Bigger's mind flashed several pictures. It was a thin boy, who was alone in the forest, cutting off the thigh of a corpse with a knife, and then roasting it on the fire and eating it with relish. And that young man is himself.

According to the information inadvertently disclosed by the black robe, Bigger judged that this was only the first trial, and there will be a second, third ... He was a little unimaginable, what he had experienced in the past.

Before waiting for Bigger to come back, suddenly an arrow flew over and nailed to a big tree beside Bigger. The tail of the arrow was shaken violently due to the shock caused by the impact.

Bigger rolled over and hid his body in a big tree. The right hand holding the knife was a little tighter. He was still thinking about how to solve the food problem. The first trial changed like this. The follow-up The question of what kind of trial would be was attacked by someone. If the arrow just deviated to the left by another 10 centimeters, you would have just been headshot.

However, Bigger also noticed that the arrow just now was a very ordinary one, carrying no elemental force or other special abilities. This means that this time the opponent is actually just an ordinary first-order gene

Bigger, who was hiding behind the big tree, waited patiently for the opponent to appear. According to the rules of the game, everyone in this forest is an enemy, and everyone will act against others in the first time.

The man who attacked Bigger apparently did not intend to let Bigger off easily because Bigger was really thin and younger than ten years old. In this forest, he will not easily let go of such a prey.

Bigger also knows that it is easy to become the goal of others now. Different from the previous huge body, now he is only seven years old, and his body is also thin due to malnutrition. However, this body type also has the advantage that it is easy to hide and it is easy for people to relax their vigilance, because most adults do not think that a child under ten can pose a threat to themselves.

Bigger has lost all his strength and strength, but the sword is still there. Although the opponent is an adult who is much larger than his body, it is also a first-order genotype without Yuanli body protection. No matter how strong the defense is, it is impossible to resist the sharp blade. Bigger personally feels that as long as the big problem of food is overcome, survival is not a big problem.

The strong man carried a mechanical crossbow towards the big tree where Bigger was hiding before, and he walked across it carelessly. He felt his luck was good. He just met the rules of the game and met a child. "It's just the food that comes to your door." He thought. A child under the age of ten is a little chicken without any resistance to himself. He can be picked up by one hand without any threat.

But this time, he was wrong.

When he appeared under the big tree, he found that the kid hiding under the tree had just disappeared. He looked around in a puzzled manner. "The kid just rolled under this tree, why is there no one?"

At this moment, Bigger found the right position, jumped from the tree, held the knife in both hands, and inserted it into the opponent's body. In fact, he had already climbed into the tree. Looking at the fallen body of the other party, Bigger hesitated. To save energy, he must have enough food, but it is clear that the best food in this forest is other humans. Several pictures flashed from his memory, he is very sure of this.

Frowning slightly, Bigger searched the man's body to see if there was anything else to eat besides his body. But after some searching, I found nothing.

"What should I do? Do you really want to eat people?" As a chef, Bigger is not picky about the ingredients. He even knows that there is a special circle in the chef that uses humans as ingredients. For this type of chef, Bigger has reservations, because he has never seen such a person in reality, so there is no criticism. But for himself, this kind of cannibalism is too savage.

Just when he didn't know what to do, a few corpse-eaten black beetles crawled over and made Bigger's eyes bright.

The corpse-feeding black beetle is a carnivorous beetle. Although the bug exudes an unpleasant stench, the creature is not poisonous and can be eaten.

Bigger nailed a fist-sized corpse beetle to the ground with a knife, and a green liquid flowed out of the beetle's body, emitting an unpleasant stench. Bigger held his breath, cut the beetle into pieces, then closed his eyes and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing hard a few times, she swallowed quickly.

A few minutes later, a corpse-eaten beetle was finally eaten by Bigger, and his mouth was full of disgusting stench. He couldn't help tumbling in his stomach, but he resisted and didn't let himself spit out. He knew that to live, he had to learn to adapt. If you don't eat these bugs, you have to eat people yourself. But he didn't want to go back to what he used to be, to become the one who had eaten human flesh without fear.

A fist-sized corpse-eaten black beetle lowers his belly ~ ~ Finally, his stomach no longer feels hungry, and the odor left in his mouth also makes his expectation of food to a minimum.

Looking around, Bigger chose a direction and quickly left the battle scene just now. Staying in such a **** place will only allow you to attract enemies more quickly.

Bigger quickly penetrated into the depths of the jungle, and he didn't relax his vigilance to the surrounding environment all the time. In fact, he just made a very correct judgment. Just less than ten minutes after he left the battle point, a woman appeared in that position. After seeing the corpse, the woman squatted expressionlessly, cut off the man's two thighs and the two muscled arms with a long sword in her hand, and threw it into a cloth In the bag, behind his back. Obviously, she chose not only to eat human flesh but also to store food.

Not long after she left, another young man in his twenties appeared. It took him less than three minutes to completely dissect the corpse with a dagger in his hand, and remove all the meat. Even the man ’s crotch was not let go, and the incomplete body was dismembered There was only one skeleton, internal organs and a head left. He even reached out and took out the other person ’s heart, measured it twice, and raised the corner of his mouth. Continued ...) ()

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