The Highest Bounty

Chapter 215: Dangerous woman

After escaping from the battle scene, Bigger quickly found a source of water following the abilities he had gained through long-term training in his memory.

It was a creek, and the widest position was less than two meters. The stream is very shallow, the depth is less than fifty centimeters, and the water is very clear.

Usually, the location of the water source means that there is food, but it also means that there are hunters.

Bigger carefully observed a large tree for a while and found no other people. Then he climbed down from the tree and ran quickly towards the location of the stream.

After eating the corpse-eating black beetle, he always had an unpleasant smell in his mouth. The first time he picked up the stream was not drinking, but gargle.

After rinsing several times, the unpleasant smell just slightly faded, but it didn't completely dissipate. Bigger also knows that the smell can only be removed with a washing tool, and he stops the meaningless gargle and swallows the water in his mouth. The stream was slightly cool and slightly sweet, so he couldn't help but swallow several sips.

Looking at the blood-stained self in the reflection of the stream, he simply took off a clean, picked up the stream, took a bath for himself, and even washed his clothes together.

After a few minutes of bath time, he put on his clothes again. In fact, the clothes were still wet against his skin, but he could only wait for the clothes to be dried.

After bathing, Bigg found a big tree near the creek and climbed up again. Although dangerous here, there are water sources essential for survival. There are no big fish in the stream, and there are some small fish with long fingers, which can be used as food. It is always better than eating corpse-eaten black beetles. His plan is to wait patiently here and try to avoid conflicts with others.

It didn't take long for Bigger to climb the tree. Someone walked towards this stream. It was a thin man who looked about thirty years old. He also looked around and found no trace of other people. Then he walked towards the creek.

Footsteps were heard in the forest while the man was crouching and drinking water. He immediately rolled over and rolled into the grass not far away. He lowered his body and stared motionlessly at the source of the sound.

Bigger also condescended to observe what was happening here. He clearly saw that a woman was approaching towards the stream. The woman looked about 20 years old and looked pretty, but an expressionless poker face made a lot of impressions. Although her face did not say that no one should be close, it was not far away. Of course, in this environment. Everyone is an enemy, and this expression is normal.

The woman was still carrying a package behind her. The package was actually a piece of clothing, and it seemed that the main body shape of the clothing should not be small. The parcel was stained with scarlet blood stains. Obviously this "parcel" should be her loot.

"In this environment, there is only one thing that can be contained in the package, and that is food!" While the idea came to Bigger's heart, the man in the grass also thought the same way.

"There is still a parcel in this place. There must be food in the parcel. Kill this woman and take her parcel. There is food."

The woman seemed to be unaware, and walked straight towards the creek. She didn't even stop to observe if there was someone in ambush nearby.

Walking to the creek, he took a handful of water, and just drank his first bite. The thin man hiding in the grass not far away moved.

The long sword in his hand shot like a Liman. Take the woman's neck straight.

But the incredible thing happened quickly. The woman suddenly disappeared from his eyes. At the next moment, he only felt a coolness coming from his neck, and then a burst of liquid spewed out. He reached into his neck. The thick red blood instantly impregnated the entire palm, and he knew that at that moment, the woman had cut off her neck artery.

Bigger, who saw this scene far away, was also surprised. The speed of this woman just now has exceeded the limit of the first-order genome. He just barely saw the woman's movements, and recognized that the woman used the same long weapon as the thin man.

"You have too many flaws. First, the moment I walked out of the forest, I felt your killing intent. Second, your dark, autumn clothes are so conspicuous in the green grass. Third, you The swordsmanship is too bad, to be powerless, to be speedless. "The woman stood in front of the thin man, commented blankly on the other side, and then looked up and down," Unfortunately you are too thin, I will barely Get your thighs. "

As soon as the words fell, she cut out with a sword, and the thin man's thighs were immediately cut off, but he still hadn't died, and looked at the woman with hate on his face.

The woman chopped down her two feet and threw them into the creek, and then the two swords were drawn out. The pants of the two thighs that had been cut off by the thin man were completely torn apart. The two thighs were folded up and thrown into the side of the package in. Seeing that the skinny man was not dead, she rummaged through the package and took out a hand, the hand of the strong man that Bigg had killed before. "Look clearly. This is the man's hand. I won't eat your hands with me."

The skinny man did n’t know until now that the other person ’s parcel was actually the meat of the other dead. Bigger, who was sitting on the big tree, also frowned slightly. In fact, he had also expected that the parcel was probably human, but let him see Arrived, still very uncomfortable.

With the aorta severed, the thin man died without long support.

But the poker-faced woman did not leave immediately, but found an open space, found some hay around, picked up some branches, piled up, and lit a fire. Then took a thick thigh from the package, shaved the legs with a long sword, washed it in the stream, cut a sharp branch and stringed it, and grilled it above the fire .

In the air, fleshes of meat soon came.

Bigger smelled the scent and his stomach was even more hungry. Facts also prove that human meat roasts with a fragrance similar to that of other edible meats.

This woman, so arrogantly barbecued here, is enough to prove that she has enough confidence in her strength. Bigger did have some fear of the opponent's swordsmanship. He can only hope that the other party will leave here soon after eating.

But many times things don't develop as people think.

After roasting the meat, the woman did not start eating immediately, but buried the bonfire, then carried the package and climbed up a big tree near the stream. Looking like that, it seems that in a short time it is not going to leave.

With such a dangerous guy on his side, Bigger is really a little uneasy. In addition, the poker-faced woman's unscrupulous behavior will inevitably lead other people here, and you will inevitably be affected.

With these issues in mind, Bigger plans to change to a safer location, but not now. Although the woman can't see herself now, once she has planted a tree, she will become an obvious target. Can only wait patiently for the arrival of the next wave of people, and wait for the woman to shoot again. And Bigger is also quite sure that the campfire just now will attract other people, and he can leave the chaos by himself.

The poker-faced woman ’s choice of hiding place is not very concealed, at least Beagle can see her when she stretches her head. At this time, she was sitting on a tree trunk, chewing the roasted thigh happily. Although she still had the expression on the poker face, Bigger could tell that she was enjoying herself, and she didn't seem to care if she would be discovered.

Bigger's prediction was not wrong. The poker-faced woman had just climbed the tree in less than five minutes. Someone rushed in this direction, and more than one came. Bigger also knows that usually this kind of person who chooses to take the initiative to attack will not be weak. But that poker-faced woman is definitely the best among this 10,000. If nothing goes wrong, these people will soon all become food for poker-faced women.

The first man to arrive at the scene was a man with a **** beard. The plaid shirt he was wearing was half open, revealing a chest full of chest hair, and there were three long scars on the chest, which looked very sturdy. He carried a long knife on his right waist, and his right hand always seemed to inadvertently rest on the handle of the knife. Obviously he was a master with a knife, and he showed a very vigilant look at the moment.

Walking to the bonfire, the extinguished bonfire was still emitting smoke. He reached out and probed over the bonfire. With the remaining temperature, he quickly judged that the person who had just ignited the bonfire did not go far.

He looked around ~ ~ and soon found the body without legs in the grass beside the campfire. He squatted down and examined the body. "There was only one fatal injury. The neck artery was severed, and he died of excessive blood loss. The cuts on his legs were very neat. Obviously, only one cut was used to cut the two of the dead Legs, it seems that this time the opponent is really not simple "

Just when he made this judgment, the second and third people came out of the forest almost simultaneously. One is middle-aged with obesity, and the other is a teenager who looks about the same age as Guding.

The two looked at each other, but looked at each other alertly, and did not immediately start.

The two also noticed the existence of a big beard.

"Hey, you are the one who just ignited the bonfire. The courage is not small." The fat man shouted at his beard.

"I was just over here, one minute earlier than you." Bearded gave a negative answer. Although he knew that this battle was inevitable, he did not like being framed.

"He was right, I ordered the campfire." Suddenly, a female voice came from not far away and attracted everyone's attention. (To be continued ...) ()

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