The Highest Bounty

Chapter 220: Come out

Watching Bigger crawl out of the ruins, his body crumbling, the red pupil man grinned. "Actually, you might as well lie there. I'm quick and I won't make you feel any pain. Why do you needlessly struggle? Don't talk about fighting now, it's even difficult to move your feet. "

Bigger managed to stand firm, "I won't let you occupy my body. Your presence is a huge threat to my friends. I don't allow anyone to threaten them. And, the chef is A great profession. Becoming a good cook is also my lifelong dream, and I will not allow anyone to defile my dream! "

"It sounds boring, so ... you are still going to die!" The man with the red pupil suddenly flashed in front of Beagle again, and the dark red long knife burst into bleeding color again.

In the case of severely damaged internal organs, Bigger's every movement will bring severe pain to himself. He even spends a lot of energy even standing there, let alone attacking with a knife.

Bigger held the knife with both hands, trying to block, and the two Tushens, once again slammed together, and the **** light instantly enveloped Bigger.

Although most of the attacks were borne by the God of Tu Tu, the strong impact must be withstood by Bige ’s body. His hands were trembling, that is, the muscles had reached their limit, and the bones began to show small cracks under this strong impact. His figure also flew out again. At a certain moment, he also realized that his body could only withstand at least one more attack of this degree, and it would probably collapse completely. And by then he will face death.

"Very good, but he hasn't lost consciousness yet." A voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and Bigger's heart was bad. This time the attack of the red pupil man did not appear any intermittent, after one blow succeeded. He immediately leaned forward.

"Your body, it's mine!" The man of the red pupil pulled up the corner of his mouth, holding the knife in both hands, and a dazzling red awn violently hit the big chest.

Bigger only had time to lay the blade across his chest to avoid being cut by the waist, and his body appeared to be shelled. Suddenly hit the ground.

The entire ring finally collapsed into a ruin. The red pupil fell lightly on a huge gravel, staring closely at the ruins, as if confirming that the other party was really dead. .

At the moment of the attack, Bigger's breastbone shattered into a powder, and all internal organs of the body were completely destroyed under the violent shock. Even the heart stopped completely beating.

Deep in the ruins, there was no blood supply to the heart. His body temperature began to lose rapidly, and the activity of his brain cells also decreased rapidly. If placed in the hospital, he was already a standard dead person, but he was not dead.

His brain wave activity is also getting weaker ...

And deep inside Bigger ’s soul space, behind a door, Bigger ’s soul looked up to the sky, and the sky in the distance began to collapse. The ground is also collapsing, "Is everything over?"

at this time. A black awn suddenly pierced Beagle's soul gate and entered the world behind the soul gate. It was a long, black blade, which was suspended less than half a meter away from Bige.

"Old man, why are you here?" Bigger quickly recognized that the knife was a dark sword spirit, and he reached out and held it. He quickly understood Dao Ling's ideas. "Do you want me to absorb your vitality? No, then you will die."

"You are the only one who can read me, and I do n’t want to be handed over to others after you die. I hope my existence is more than just a killing tool, but more valuable. And now it is exactly When I embody my other values. So I hope you do n’t refuse. ”The message from Dao Ling was clear and firm, and at the same time, without waiting for Bige to give an answer, another wave of warm energy was transferred from the knife handle to the Bi Grid body.

I don't know how long it took, the falling sky and the ground began to return to their original shape, and Bige's body also began to repair quickly. The heart began to beat again, the activity of brain cells began to slowly return to normal, and the body's muscles, internal organs, and bones began to enter a rapid repair process.

The long black knife held by Bigger's color became more and more transparent, and finally, completely cracked and dissipated into the air. At this time, Bigger's body has also been completely restored to its peak state, even stronger.

He climbed up from the ruins, his eyes firmer.

In the middle of the ruin, a blood-colored beam rose into the sky, and it was Big who was declaring his rebirth.

In the eyes of the red pupil, it was only a mockery. "It's really impossible to kill Xiaoqiang. Don't you realize that there is an absolute strength gap between you and me?".

"I suddenly realized that I had made a mistake before. The question I always considered is how to stop you, because my subconscious thinks that you are the most violent me, the most powerful me, the invincible one. Me. But now, I want to prove that you are not, because I want to kill you! "Bigger's voice was firm and fearless.

He raised his knife and walked towards the man of the red pupil step by step, without any fancy body method, no long-range bombardment. Every time he took a step, his momentum rose by one point.

The red pupil looked at Bigger's performance in amazement. He felt Bigger was completely like a different person. If Beagle's performance before was just an excellent swordsman, then Beagle now is simply an emperor with the power to kill and kill.

As Bigger's momentum rises, the red pupil's heart is also trembling, and he can feel the terror that is like real substance. He looked up and even faintly saw a phantom. It was an emperor in black armor, sitting silently on a throne smelted from countless long knives, holding a **** long knife in his hand, blood stains faintly visible on the blade ...

It wasn't until Bige walked in front of the man with red eyes that the man with red eyes recovered, his forehead had oozed sweat, and his knees were slightly soft. Although he is a world-famous Shura, he has to lower his proud head in front of the peerless emperor.

"It's over." Bigger just paused in front of the red pupil, and passed by with the other party, his deep voice swaying in the air.

The red pupil man was a little puzzled, and afterwards his eyes glanced at Bige ’s long knife into the sheath, "Has he been out of the knife?"

With this question, the red pupil's head was thrown high, and the body fell completely to the ground.

"What a horrible knife ..." This was the last thought of the red pupil.

Bigger stood on the spot, his eyes calmly watching the red pupil's body turned into fragments, and then the whole arena became fragments ...

Scenes of memory that had been lost, also began to madly emerge in Bigger's mind. Most of the pictures are **** and ugly, but Bigger no longer cares. He stores those memories in a quiet corner of his mind.

Recalling again, Bigger found himself in the enclosed tower-shaped building again, and now the tower-shaped building has only one door left.

Bigger's mouth slightly raised, "No matter who you are, thank you for this matter! My heart has been completely untied."

Bigger said, pushing out the door.

Outside the door, it was the noisy food market before, but the beagle at this time was no longer the beagle ...

And while Bige was still fighting, Tagore, who was not far from Bige, also fell into a bitter fight.

The opponent's strength was completely beyond Tagore's expectations. The tens of thousands of swords were like a torrential rain, and they wrapped themselves crazy. Fortunately, he reduced his body hundreds of times in time, and escaped most attacks. But under that intensive attack, Tagore left several scratches.

Tagore knew very well that the opponent had just left his hand, because there were two attacks that could penetrate his body directly, but he only changed his direction temporarily, leaving only scratches.

"Wow, it can still be smaller." After the first attack fell, Roland looked at Tagore's position with his head in his head. "Otherwise, you will leave Guding's team and mix with me."

Tagore was too lazy to take a look and rushed towards Roland again.

Roland only moved slightly with two fingers, and a residual sword inserted in the soil broke out of the ground and shot towards Tagore, blocking his attack.

Tagore twisted his waist, evaded the sword attack, and continued to pounce on Roland. Roland's fingers shook again. Before that, the sword turned suddenly and took a bend towards Tagore.

After several attempts, Tagore seemed a little anxious, the opponent's strength was obviously too much beyond himself, fully grasped the rhythm of the battle, he has been led by the nose. He finally stopped the attack and began to consider whether to use a more severe ban.

At this moment, Roland suddenly said, "Big is over there, I can let you go. But before that, you'd better restore the original appearance."

"You killed Bigger ?!" Tagore gave a chuckle in his heart ~ ~ Bigger wasn't dead, you will know when you go out and see. "The mission has been completed, and Roland does not intend to continue to waste time.

Tagore restored the original cat form doubtfully, he did n’t worry that Roland would do it for himself, because even in this special battle state, he was not the opponent of the other party at all, and the other party did n’t need to lie to let him lift the battle. status.

After Tagore regained his cat form, Roland's exclusive domain was finally completely dissipated. On the roof, he saw at a glance the Bigger who could be easily identified among the crowd. He landed on Bigger's shoulder in a jump, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time, and I can't get through the communicator."

"Sorry, I went to the bathroom for a while. We continued to buy food!" Bigger smiled, touching Tagore's head.

"Don't touch my head!" Tagore protested. He didn't want to say anything about Bigger, and he didn't ask more questions. (To be continued ...)

ps: This story of Bigger is finally over. Well, I yelled again and asked for monthly tickets! Seeking recommendation tickets! ()

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