The Highest Bounty

Chapter 221: Meet at the evil camp

[Ask for monthly pass again! Two more at night! Fifteen thousand words are sent today! Dear friends, please go to the personal center to see if there are any remaining tickets. Do n’t leave it until it expires tomorrow ~~】

Bigger and Tagore are still shopping for the ingredients market.

On the top of a tall building not far away, next to a middle-aged man with a tall scarred face, stood a tall young woman whose long hair at the waist was dyed at equal intervals of ten Different colors.

"Carle, how about that big man?" Roland looked at the figure of one person and one cat in the ingredients market.

"The eleventh-order gene has half-god power, at least a two-star monster." Carole quickly gave his judgment, "What about the cat?"

"I think that guy should not be a cat. The specific genetic level is unknown, but it certainly has not reached the semi-divine realm. It has almost the strength to fight against the second-star gods, at least the two-star monster." Roland also gave his own judgment . "This is the first mission you have just promoted to Demigod? According to your temperament, why didn't you choose the more challenging mission?"

"Because I'm more interested in Guding." Carrele smiled without any disguise.

"You're really frank." Roland had planned to tease himself, but he didn't expect Carle to say his purpose directly.

"No way, my master is a stubborn man. I grew up under that kind of influence. Uncle, you know ..." Carole said that his master was also helpless.

"Do you mean that you also like to pick your feet?" Roland stepped back a little bit, alertly.

Karel gave Roland a glance, "In other words, the team of Gooding really has some powerful characters. There is also a girl from the Vikings. Although the current combat strength has not yet reached the level of evil spirits, it has Fighting beyond two levels. The future is very malleable. I personally think that the Vikings ’moves are not suitable for women. If you find a good teacher to teach, it is not difficult to make her a star.

Roland did not comment on this, "The task has been completed, and the rest is free time. What are your plans? Do you want to leave today?".

"Uncle, don't you leave today?". Karel asked back.

"Guding asked me to drink tomorrow." Roland touched his nose.

"Drink a drink? Why not drink?" Carel felt a little strange. What happened when the two grandfathers mixed together without drinking?

"I quit, Guding can't drink. So I drink juice, he drinks Mirka." Roland didn't feel anything wrong.

"Uncle, I think you should join their team." Carole proposed with a smile.

"Guding invited me yesterday, and I will think about it after I become a god." Roland again gave a message that made Carel unbelievable.

"Okay ... Can I participate in that drink party?". Carole is very interested in meeting the real person of Gooding, although she has met Gooding in the Paradise of the Sin before.

"Yes, but there is a condition." Roland extended a finger. "Alcoholic beverages are not allowed!"

Carole listened for a moment, "Then I can only drink coffee, is coffee ok?".

"Coffee is fine." Roland nodded.


After buying the food, Bigger and Tagore returned to the spaceship as if nothing had happened.

Liliat and Elsa are still shopping for clothes. Gooding bought the potion materials early and went back to her room to start learning how to make d-level potions.

"Big and Tagore are back," the sea emperor reminded Guding. "The signals of both of their smart watches were cut off for a period of time, about forty-three minutes. The food market is less than ten kilometers away. During the time when their signals disappeared, I scanned a radius of hundreds of kilometers Their location was not found. It was not until half an hour ago that their signal suddenly appeared again, and I found that they had not left the ingredients market. I suspect that the two should have been attacked by a strong man with an exclusive field. . "

"Are they injured?" Guding asked, stopping the potion in his hand.

"That's not there." The sea emperor probed briefly. No physical trauma was found between the two.

In fact, Bigger encountered a nightmare attack. All his battles were carried out in his own dream, and naturally there would be no skin injuries. As for Tagore, he had only suffered from ordinary skin injuries. With his cell repairing power, he has completely recovered before leaving Roland's exclusive field.

"Then it's okay," Guding continued with the preparation of the potion. "If they are willing to say it, they will naturally say it. If they choose not to mention this matter, then naturally there is a reason for them not to mention it. I believe they Judgment, you should also trust their judgment. "

"I'm just a little worried about everyone's safety. If they are attacked, then other people are also very likely to be attacked." The sea emperor made his own inference.

"It shouldn't be. Although Bigger usually looks blunt, he will not ignore this point. If he is really attacked, he should talk to us the first time he escapes, let us be careful. But he If this is not done, then there are only two explanations. First, he has not been attacked; second, the attack is likely to be directed only at him personally, and he judges that such an attack will not affect other members. I think I should believe his judgment. "After Guding finished, he asked," Lily, are they okay? "

"She and Elsa are having a good time shopping, and there is nothing wrong with them there." The sea emperor has been under surveillance.

In Guding's hand, a bottle of d-level cell fortifier was finally refined, and the medicine was orange, and it was another bottle of perfect quality medicine. It's just that the D-level pharmacy is only taken by the sixth-order and seventh-order genosomes, and it is not very useful for the members of the Guding team now. Although Guding is only sixth-order, his constitution is too special, and using this d-level potion has almost no effect.

After refining the cell enhancer, Guding began refining other d-level potions. He has always been used to refining all types of conventional pharmacy at the same level. He can't pick out any problems, and then advances to the next level. In this way, his foundation will be very strong.

In the case of pharmacy refining, Gu Ding felt that the time was going fast. In the afternoon, he refined more than 20 different D-level pharmacies. Only Yirong pharmacy had some problems. The reason for the problem is that he wanted to increase the duration of the easy-contained potion, and made a slight modification to the prescription. But the result of the modification was not satisfactory, and a small-scale explosion and fire occurred. Fortunately, Liliat was not there, or Guding would be counted.

Liliat and Elsa also rushed back before dinner. The two women wore back obviously not the same set of clothes as noon. However, in addition to clothes, the two women also bought a lot of small snacks and put them in a cabinet in the living room.

The dinner prepared by Big was very rich, and everyone formed a circle in the small living room beside the kitchen.

At this moment, Gu Ding's communicator rang, and the number was still a mess of characters. Without thinking about it, it was X who called him.

"Guding, how is it? Do you like the gift we gave?" X's voice sounded very pleasant, but it felt a bit like he was getting the gift.

"What meeting ceremony?" Guding felt a little inexplicable. "Don't you say that the person who sent the meeting ceremony broke down, and will it take two more days to arrive?".

"Big didn't tell you? Our meeting gift has been delivered to him." The words made Guding look at Bigg.

"I have been busy in the room, just came out at dinner time, he has not had time to say." Guding explained.

"Okay, I believe you and your entire team should be satisfied with this gift." X is very determined. "As for the gift, ask Beagle yourself, I will not disclose it. Also, confirm the gift. When satisfied, do n’t forget to give us a thumbs up in the system. If it ’s convenient, it ’s best to leave a good review. "

Hanging up the call, Liliat guessed, "Is that guy named x?"

"Yes, he told me that the meeting gift has been issued and received by Bige." Gooding looked at Bige, and he was also curious about what this so-called big gift was.

"Gift? No." Bigger shook his head, his expression somewhat puzzled.

"Don't you encounter any strange people stuffing you?". Gooding felt that x shouldn't fool himself very much, maybe Bigger didn't notice.

Bigger searched several pockets on his body, all of which were empty. "Nothing was jammed, but strange people touched one."

Bigger then simply told about his inexplicable attack.

"If you have to say that there is any gift, it is that this attack allowed me to successfully overcome my psychological obstacles. I no longer need to be hypnotized and I can directly participate in the battle." Bigger thought carefully and thought this It may be the meeting ceremony mentioned by x ~ ~, it should be this. "Gudin heard the light, and Biger's combat power, he never doubted. Under hypnosis, Beagle's strength was actually greatly suppressed. Now he can participate in battle without hypnosis. Not only does this mean that the strength of his main battle member has been enhanced, but even the identity of Liliat Firearms, who has not had many opportunities to shoot, can also play a real role.

In fact, the firearms division is an indispensable occupation in every powerful team. Whether it is range attack, fire control, or remote support, the firearms division is the first choice.

"It seems that they didn't just talk about it casually. I was really satisfied with this meeting." Guding smiled happily.

"The meeting gift has been received, shall we leave tomorrow morning, or will we stay for another day?" Liliat asked, because the previous ten days had indeed suffocated, and I hope this holiday will be a little longer.

"Stay for another day tomorrow. I still owe an uncle a drink. If you do n’t return tomorrow, I do n’t know when I can get it back. Let ’s go together after lunch at noon tomorrow." Guding made the decision so happily. . (To be continued ...) ()

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