The Highest Bounty

Chapter 222: New wanted order

[In the next chapter, try to get out before twelve o'clock and ask for monthly tickets! 】

Early the next morning, Gu Ding just woke up and was about to take a nap, and there was a ridicule from the sea emperor in his ear. "Hey, don't sleep, there is good news."

"What good news?" Gooding turned over and sat up. He knew very well that once the sea emperor spoke, it was unlikely that he wanted to sleep lazy, because he would keep nagging in his ears.

"The latest bounty order was just issued this morning. Guess what your bounty amount is?" The sea emperor knew that Guding, an interstellar pirate, would be happy to hear news of his bounty amount rising.

"I'm too lazy to guess, am I going up alone? What about the others?" Guding walked barefoot to the bathroom and started washing.

"No, only your reward amount has risen, Lily and none of them have changed. They did not participate in any events during this time. Last time they were only onlookers on the Gyor star. Elsa and Tagore stood at all. There was no hands on the side, Lily and they did n’t even get off the spaceship, and their faces were n’t seen in the surveillance camera. ”The sea emperor explained a little.

"Well, is there any news besides me?" Gooding then asked.

"Yes, Kurd Brad attacked the Lord of the Scarlet Universe a few days ago, causing him to be seriously injured and died. The Lord is a thirteenth-order gene peak strongman and a one-star monster , Has the power of a demigod. Because of this, his bounty amount has skyrocketed to 7 billion universe coins. And in addition to him, there are three people on his ship that have more than one billion universe coins, two of them are rank 13 The top powerhouse, and one person is a demigod, this time the reward amount directly exceeds 10 billion universe coins.

Hearing this news, Guding was silent for a moment. He asked, "Did you say why he attacked that landlord?"

"Someone broke the news on the Internet, saying that the owner likes to play with women, and built a castle on an isolated planet to hold the woman he fancy. The photos of the castle have been dug out, but It was empty when it was taken, "the sea emperor said, projecting several photos.

It was a solitary castle. There are no other buildings around. From the perspective, it seems that there is only one building on the entire planet, and there is no port at all.

Gooding looked up and did not express an opinion.

"Kold Brad really regarded himself as a law enforcer. I looked at some of his behaviors from his debut to the present. Most of the time he is fighting crime. Occasional and military bar In the first place, the people of the military department took the initiative to take the initiative. But this time, he did go a bit. The landlord is usually directly assigned by the federal government. If there is evidence that the other party committed a criminal act, it can actually report it. Basically there are Report, the landlord will be suspended for investigation as soon as possible. Killing the landlord will be classified as a terrorist by the federal government, and will become a member of the dark magic domain. "The sea emperor put forward his own views.

"He is a man of obsession. Obviously, when he withdrew from the military. He should think that the military could not give him the justice he wanted. So he turned to form a pirate group, and also called the pirate group name [Adjudicator]. Because the pirate can do whatever he wants, he does n’t need to say any rules. And he is the captain, so he is the rule maker. "Guding probably understands Kold Brad ’s journey. He did not make any further evaluation, because in his view, everyone's experience is destined to be different. Cold Brad chose justice, but he chose guardian. In essence, there is no one who is categorized.

After washing, Gooding first arrived in the small living room. Bigger was busy in the kitchen.

Not much, except Robert. Everyone else came out one after another, and Big ’s breakfast was also done.

"I am announcing good news now," the sea emperor's voice suddenly came out, and at the same time, he also projected a reward order.

[Wanted: Guding]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 15】

[Gene Level: Unknown]

[The strongest combat power: Twelve]

[Special ability: Taboo power-seal, can instantly seal all the abilities of the opponent, the use restrictions are unknown. 】

[Other abilities: Possess special physical skills, which can multiply one ’s own combat power]

[Reward amount: 2.8 billion universe coins]

[Latest crime incident: Clash with the Hunter Squad at Jell Star, hitting eight people including two captains. 】

[Official evaluation: Extremely dangerous beautiful young man with taboo power and advocating violence! ! ! 】

"Wow, it has risen by two billion!" Elsa shouted enviously.

"I said it won't exceed three billion." Liliat shrugged.

After eating breakfast, Guding returned to his room to practice the refining of pharmacy. As for the others, they were all busy and found their own things.

At noon, the sea emperor interrupted Guding's pharmacy refining, because he had made an appointment with Roland to go to the old George Tavern.

A group of people were preparing to go out for lunch, but the emperor shouted, "Wait a minute, Robert, his initial transformation of himself has been completed."

The sea emperor was talking, a giant robot nearly five meters high appeared in front of everyone in heavy steps.

"Robert?" Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, and the little robot who was less than half a meter high suddenly turned into a behemoth.

"Hello everyone, the highest can only be this size, because no matter how high it will hit the ceiling of the spaceship." Robert seems to think that this size is still too small.

"I think it's handsome!" Guding has always been interested in mechanical things.

"I still think it was cute before." Liliat gave different opinions.

"I think it's weird ..." Bigger was a little unaccustomed. He usually looked down at people, and now he suddenly needed to look up.

"Finally, I saw a guy who was bigger than my dad, but unfortunately it was not human. Otherwise, I could take it back and show him." Elsa's first reaction was different from everyone else.

After getting off the boat and having lunch, the group entered the old George Tavern.

The tavern had just opened, and old George seemed to be in good spirits. And he also recognized Guding, "You were the guy who drank Mirka yesterday. Do you still want Mirka today?".

"Yes, old man!" Guding grinned. He used to think that the shop owner might not know himself, because now the business is deserted. But in the evening, the business of the tavern will be full, and it is not easy to remember which guest ordered something.

"What about the others?" Old George looked at the huge beagle.

"Just give me a cup of absinthe," Bigger touched the back of the head, hesitated, and ordered this.

"The taste is very unique, this young man doesn't like drinking it very much." Old George smiled and looked at the others.

Absinthe is a bitter wine, which is usually ordered by people of a certain age. The purpose is to warn yourself to restrain the amount of drinking. In fact, after the bitter taste, it will slowly turn into sweet, and some people who have a lot of experience in life also like this kind of wine, because it also means that life is actually a process of bitterness before sweetness. Only after working hard will you get what you want.

Except Robert. Everyone ordered their own drinks, even Tagore. But he chose Mirka like Gudin.

Not long after the crowd started to drink, two people walked in at the door. One of the tall men with scars on their faces was Roland, whom Guding had previously appointed. And a color-haired woman beside him, Gooding also knew that it was Carle who had met before in the paradise.

"It's hilarious ..." Roland didn't expect Gooding to call the whole team.

Hearing this familiar voice, Tagore, who was lying on the counter and drinking Mirka, raised his head. Roland saw the scar on his face. He jumped down, stopped in front of Guding, arched his back, his hair all exploded, and screamed at Roland.

"Hello talking cats. We just met yesterday, don't you remember me?". Roland said, and took out the funny cat stick again.

The funny cat stick in his hand was immediately snatched by Gooding and lowered his voice in his ear. "You do n’t want to provoke him with this. He hates cat favorite things, including funny cat sticks, string balls, and rolls. Paper tube ... "

"No wonder ... I said why I suddenly ran away yesterday." Roland finally found the reason. It turned out that it wasn't the problem of making funny cat sticks, but people simply didn't like funny cat sticks.

"Guding, do you know them?" Tagore asked with some depression.

"It was this uncle who invited me to drink yesterday." Guding explained, "As for another beautiful woman, we met in the Fairyland."

"The guy with the scar on his face attacked me yesterday." Tagore sued Guding.

"Sneak at you ?!" Guding looked at Roland somewhat puzzled.

"Don't make it so serious, it's actually trapping you in my exclusive field and not letting you go." Roland's explanation did not make things clear at all, but made Guding even more puzzled.

"Big, should you remember my voice?" Carole walked towards Bigger.

"You are ... the person who pulled me into a dream!" Bigger froze for a moment ~ ~ reacted immediately.

"Yes, the two of us are the delivery people for this meeting. I am responsible for delivering gifts, and the uncle is responsible for safety. So he will trap this kitten and avoid him from venturing to the rest of you and causing panic. Carole explained.

"Can't you find us normally and then use that technique directly in Beagle?". Guding was also speechless.

"First of all, you may not agree with our approach, because after using this trick, his mortality rate is extremely high, almost to 99.9%. Second, if you are asked directly to explain the situation , His psychological pressure will not be enough, and encountering greater difficulties may produce the idea of ​​withdrawing halfway. And the attack is to make him get enough pressure, because he will have a will to survive. "Carrell carried out some A relatively simple and reasonable explanation.

Gooding finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"Who is Guding ?!" Just as everyone was happily holding a drink in line, a discordant voice suddenly came from the door of the tavern. (To be continued ...) ()

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