The Highest Bounty

Chapter 251: Duke of Marken

Normans star is a pleasant holiday planet.

On this planet, there are blue oceans and golden sandy beaches like sapphires, polar exotic regions with snow and ice, lush plant kingdoms, and novel and steep mountains and rivers.

Therefore, many people in the Lado universe chose the place of marriage here. Apart from being a holy place for marriage, it is also a good place to spend the month. Because of this, it has become a romantic place for many young single women. And there are some people here who have luckily encountered love, and have been written into stories and spread it. At this point, the planet also has an elegant nickname-the romantic star.

The number of visitors to Normans is very large. According to the unified time of the cosmic calendar, in the Philippine Charm, the number of tourists on this planet can be ranked in the top 50 of the Philippine Charm, in fact, nearly ten The average annual ranking is around the 41st.

Guding came to this planet, naturally not to meet love, but to find the brother of the Om.

The emperor locked the coordinates of the smart watch to show that he was on this planet. In fact, when he met the Om priest in the Jiehe River before, the coordinate that the sea emperor found was this planet, and the guy had never moved his position.

After getting off the spacecraft, Guding only saw that there are very few raptors like Golden Eagle at the port, and most of them are Yan Se's gorgeous starry sky series. This type of spaceship is generally purchased by female groups, and it has no attack power, and it is more inclined to civilian quality.

Liliat and Elsa followed Guding, but at the moment they felt a little overwhelmed, because there were so many starry spaceships in the port, which made the two women look dazzled and the two women were obviously not in the mood. It was so low before.

"Sea Emperor, where are the specific coordinates of Docote?" Gooding did not intend to stay on the planet for too long, because Bigger's physical condition also determined this.

The sea emperor immediately projected the map, and looking at the area shown on the map, Guding raised his eyebrows, "It seems that he should mix well!"

The projection clearly shows that the location of Docote is a palace. Although Guding did not know who the owner of the palace was, he also heard that the tourism industry on the planet Normans is extremely developed, but wherever the tourism industry is developed, there is nothing but money. Ordinary residential houses will not be cheap, let alone this palace. Of course, Gooding didn't think Dorcot could afford the palace. He just thought that Docote was able to establish a relationship with the owner of the palace, and it was a good mix.

But the location comparison of a palace perspective drawing and a smart watch came out immediately after the Emperor Haitong cast Guding frowned. Because according to this comparison, it is shown that Docot's position is at the bottom of the palace, and has never moved in this position.

"If I guessed right, that guy should be imprisoned." The sea emperor's tone was slightly teasing.

"Who is the owner of this palace?" Gooding asked after touching his nose.

The sea emperor directly threw out the man's message.

[Duke: Marken]

【Don't: Male】

【Age: 3323】

【Gene Level: Demigod】

[The strongest combat power: unknown]

[Special ability: unknown. 】

[Other abilities: martial arts strong]

[Character introduction: The demigod strongman dubbed the Duke of Zhengfu of the Federation, who is upright and kind, is very popular, and has many friends in the circle. Ranked 33rd on the demigod leaderboard, but rarely shot. His friend, Grand Duke Roland, once said that the rank of 33 greatly underestimated the strength of his old friend. 】

Seeing the information of the characters on the projection, Guding was relieved a little. Since the other party was a friend of Roland, it would be reasonable to call on his own initiative. After all, he and Roland were also familiar. But he also wondered why the Duke of Marken would detain Docote in his mansion. According to official description, Marken should be a good person, and he was also a friend of Roland.

"I also collected some other information about Marken on Skynet. He is indeed a good person. The people he has contacted with him have a high opinion of him. And he has made many anonymous charitable donations. He The donation is not the kind of anonymity on the surface, but the kind that is difficult to trace. The amount is huge, and it is as high as hundreds of millions of cosmic coins every time. If I do n’t check his bank account, I wo n’t find a few huge amounts at all. The reduction is exactly the same as the amount of several anonymous donations, and the time is exactly the same. "

"Let's go visit. He is very strong. We want to rescue people secretly. It is estimated that it is difficult to do. I can only discuss with him to see how he will let go." Guding rented a frame with two women. The small aircraft, half an hour later, the three arrived outside the palace.

Strangely, there is no guard at the gate of a large palace. Even the door is opened directly, which means that it doesn't matter if you just enter.

Guding didn't even see the doorbell, so he walked into it with two women.

The plants in the yard are all neatly trimmed, and obviously people are often taken care of. The three passed directly through the front yard and walked to the door of the palace. Looking at the black painted door in front of him, Gooding pulled the door knocker.

After a moment, the door opened automatically, Guding stepped directly into it, and the two women quickly followed.

"What do you want to drink?" A magnetic bass sound came from not far away.

Gooding listened for a moment, and he didn't feel the existence of this person before he even touched it.

"This man is very strong! Absolutely not weaker than Roland!" The Emperor immediately whispered in Guding's ear.

"Just give me a cup of Mirka, thank you!" Gooding asked his request without any politeness, and at the same time, he looked at the man in front of him.

This man looks like he is twenty-five to six years old, tall and slender, and his face is not big, his facial features are very good. He belongs to the kind of handsome guy with small face. But the most peculiar is his temperament, like a natural aristocrat. The word "elegance" is generally appropriate for a woman, but the word "elegance" feels appropriate. It's not that he was feminine, but the aristocratic temperament that really came out of his bones.

"Where are the two beautiful ladies?" The corner of the man's mouth raised just right, and it felt very sincere, not like the deliberate smile or the exaggerated smile.

"We just drink juice." Liliat still has a certain sense of vigilance towards the other party. She doesn't intend to drink alcohol at this time.

"How about lime juice? Sweet and sour taste, many girls like it." The man said, looking at Liliat, who was still modulating Guerin Mirka.

"Well, lime is good." Lilia nodded characteristically.

"You can find a place to sit, just wait for a while, and it will be fine soon." The man said, and began to get busy.

The Guding trio also sat on the sofa not far from the bar without any care.

"Mr. Marken, we see that your yard door is open, have you always been so open?" Liliat first asked her own question.

"Yes, as long as I am at home, the yard door is open. If the yard door is locked, it means that I am not at home. Because all the people who come to visit are friends, it is enough for everyone to come in directly. There is no need to lock the yard door. "Marken's logic sounds strange, but he has a good appetite for Gooding. He probably knows why Marken and Roland became friends.

"But won't it be thieves like this?" Liliat still didn't understand.

"No, Butute Versing's law and order is very good. If someone really comes in to steal something, it means there is really nowhere to go. It doesn't matter if he takes a few things. Anyway, here are some daily necessities. Throwing a few things is better than starving to death. "Marken seemed really open to money.

"The drink is ready, you come to try it." Marken handed the drink to three people, he poured himself a glass of Binks, and then sat on the right of Gooding.

"Wow, Uncle, it's really delicious. How did you make it? Did you add any special seasoning?" Guding took a sip and couldn't help shouting.

"I just used a special technique to grind the crystal finer, so the taste has improved a lot." Marken didn't hide it, he directly said his secret.

"This is also delicious!" Elsa took a sip of lime juice first, then poured a glass directly into her mouth.

Liliat just took a sip and put the cup back on the coffee table.

"Don't you like this taste? Otherwise, I will make another one. What do you like to drink? I have most of the ingredients here." Marken also noticed that Liliat didn't drink much.

"No, I'm actually not thirsty." Liliat secretly worried about this guy's hands and feet in the drink.

Marken seemed to perceive Liliat's thoughts, and he didn't ask any more, didn't say much, just smiled. "OK then."

Gooding also finished drinking Mirka at this time ~ ~ Just as Marken was about to pass the tissue, Gooding wiped his mouth directly with his finger.

Marken froze for a moment, then smiled, "You really said the same as Roland."

"How do you know who we are?" Gooding felt that it was impossible for anyone to recognize them while wearing the mask.

"Whereever I drink Mirka, except Guding, who else?" Marken smiled. "And there are two female dolls to follow. Come on, what are you three children looking for me?"

"Uncle, in fact we are not here to find you, we are here to find Dorcot." After Gudin finished, Marken seemed puzzled.

"Dorcott? I don't know such a person? From whom did you hear that I know?" Marken's expression didn't look like he was pretending.

Hearing this, Liliat looked a little hesitant, she made Gu Yan se, so that he did not ask about this matter, but Gu Ding did not pay attention to her eye se, directly said, "Docot is just uncle you The guy in the dungeon ... "(to be continued.) ()

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