The Highest Bounty

Chapter 252: Combat Madman Docott

The reason why Liliat gave Guding his eye was because Marken clearly did not admit to knowing such a person. That only shows one problem. He did not want others to know that he was holding such a person. But Gudin asked directly, which made her a little worried that Marken would be angry and angry.

But Marken just froze for a moment, then asked back, "Do you know that person?"

"Not knowing, he is a brother of one of our friends. Uncle, why are you holding him?" Guding then asked.

His problem caused Liliat to squeeze the sweat.

Marken was a little helpless about this matter. "That guy is a fighting man. When he was a ninth-order gene a few months ago, he approached me and said he wanted to challenge me. I agreed when I was free. Because it ’s okay to think about pointing the younger generation. After his defeat, I arranged a room for him to comfort him. I thought he would leave after staying for one night, but I did n’t expect that the kid stayed at ease, every few days. Heaven came to me to challenge. I had no choice but to drive him out, but I didn't expect him to run to the dungeon to settle down. I bought this house for nearly a hundred years. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know if it was still there There is a dungeon. "

"I want to chase him away, but the kid made me unwilling to kill him. Every time I started, he didn't defend at all. I can only stop and let him live. If you really can take it away He, I can send you a golden arm! "

"Do you have so much golden armament? Uncle? We have four people who can use it." Arming this kind of thing, only humans can use it. Robert and Tagore don't have this blessing. Of course, Guding did not forget to lie in the cell repair cabin Bigger.

"If you want forty pieces, I certainly don't have any. Four pieces are no problem." Marken actually thought of it as a good friend when Guding came to visit, because he and Roland were very good friends. Gooding and Roland had a long relationship. Moreover, the golden armed forces only have an effect of increasing the combat effectiveness of talents below the demi-god. Sooner or later, these golden armed forces will be given away. He simply gave Guding a task to take away the tough guy.

In fact, using gold as a gift is really a little expensive. The price of a gold weapon on the market is at least 800 million universe coins. And there is no market. Basically, every time it appears at an auction, it will be taken away at a price of not less than 1.2 billion. Because the golden armament has a combat power increase effect on everyone below the demigod, and the increase effect is fifty times. For people who are less than demigods, this thing is easier to use than demigods. Guding has been a star pirate for half a year, but he has never heard the sea king say where there is a gold armed auction. If there is, he has already rushed to buy it, wherever he has to wait until now even the bronze-level armament is useless.

"How is that guy's combat power?" Gooding quickly thought of a solution to Docot's trouble.

"He is a mind-reader. A few months ago, he was still a ninth-order genome. Now he is already a twelfth-order genome. The combat power is slightly stronger than the ordinary demigod, but his strength is limited. God, there should be no pressure to kill the newly-promoted demigod or the unstable demigod. Moreover, he has a special ability to transfer his injury to his opponent, but only if he touches his opponent. " Marken quickly shared some information about Docot.

"Uncle, take me to see him." Guding initially estimated his combat strength. Although there is no increase effect of extreme body surgery and bronze armament. But his basic combat power has been increased to 100 million points, even if it does not count the damage stack. Coupled with the increase of various capabilities, there are 200 billion points. However, after superposition of higher damage, his highest combat power is almost 200 trillion. The basic combat power of one-star gods is only 100 trillion points. Coupled with the suppression of 90% of the opponent's combat power in his own field, almost all his gods can now be directly crushed.

Gooding's idea is also very simple, as long as he crushed this guy called Dorcot. Docote will definitely shift the target, shifting the spear from Marken to himself. The only trouble is that it is very likely that this guy will get stuck with himself. But for a few pieces of gold, Guding decided to sacrifice himself temporarily.

"His combat strength is not weak, let's let your team's Bigger come." Marken heard Gooding ask Docot's combat strength. I probably guessed what Guding wanted to do. He has just watched the fighting videos of Guding's big fight with Red Shield Star. Although these videos are completely blank after Robert released the horrible annihilation gun, the previous content is enough to let many people see the latest fighting power of the Guding team. And when Guding appeared in front of him, he was also a bit surprised. The Guding team was able to escape from Potty's hands, which he did not expect. But in the video, Guding's combat power is not enough to be an enemy of Docot.

"Big was hit hard, and I was enough for this battle." Gooding didn't think Docot could threaten himself.

"Injured?" Marken frowned slightly, but he also saw the three puppets summoned by Poti in the video. In the face of opponents of that level, the Guding team is indeed unlikely to retreat, and it is already a matter of fact to be able to escape. Bigger was injured and normal. But Marken doesn't think that Guding can win. "Otherwise, I will lend you a gold arm in advance, so that you will have a greater chance of winning."

"Really, I never overestimate my strength, but I know that I can definitely win him." Guding shook his head and refused. He also guessed that Marken might not believe his fighting power, so he needed it. Prove your strength.

"Okay, then." Hearing Gooding said so, Marken was not good to force anything, "Come with me!"

The three followed behind Marken and quickly entered the dungeon below the palace from an entrance in the courtyard.

The dungeon space below this palace is larger than the palace. The dungeon was also cleaned, and there was no smell at all. It was supposed that it was cleaned by Duke Marken when he was idle.

The four went all the way to the deepest part of the dungeon. A young man was sleeping on Shi Chuang with Erlang's legs, saying that he was sleeping. In fact, his eyes were closed, and Erlang's legs were still swaying, obviously not asleep.

Hearing the sound of footsteps constantly approaching in the distance, and the footsteps of more than one person, the young man turned over and sat up. In the sleeve gown, several scalpels stood ready.

Seeing the headed Marken, he relaxed his guard a little bit and turned to ask, "Who are they?"

"Dorcott, hello, my name is Gooding." Gooding said, and then he took off his mask.

"I know you. You were an interstellar pirate who was having trouble at Red Shield two days ago. I had a drink with the Duke of Roland before." Even when he was in prison, Dorcot never forgot to watch the latest news. "I have a question, how did you escape? The chick in the Dark Demon is so powerful, shouldn't it be killed by the robot of your team in one stroke? The online video can only see the robot making a big move, and then it seems that All the video equipment was blinded. However, many local residents said that you were drawn into the field by that woman. If that is the case, should you have a low chance of escaping? "

"We were indeed pulled into her realm by Poti and beheaded her before escaping." Guding did not intend to elaborate.

Hearing Gooding's answer, Docote didn't believe it at all. However, Marken was a little surprised. The Guding team now has only three people left. From this point, it can be seen that the battle at that time was absolutely terrible. He immediately stopped Docott from continuing to ask, "Guding, what are you doing with him, just say it."

"We once met your brother Om in Jiehe, and he told us about your ability. Two members of our team were hit hard, and we hope to use your power to restore them." Guding said The purpose of this trip.

"You met my brother? How is he now?" Docott asked quickly when he heard Gooding said he had seen Ohm.

"He is now in the temple of the Templar Star, and he has become a priest who specializes in treating people. Didn't he dial your communication number? We found your number and already gave him. He also said there was one Things want us to tell you, we do n’t think it ’s appropriate, let him speak in the communicator. "

"We haven't seen it for more than six years ~ ~ I haven't received his newsletters and calls. What's the matter?" Dorcott felt a little strange.

"He said, your master has fallen." Although Gu Ding felt that this kind of news should not be conveyed by an outsider himself, he could not drag on and tell the truth.

"The old man is dead?" Dorcot didn't look very sad, only slightly surprised, but it seemed to be as expected.

"Sorrow." Although Gutin didn't quite understand why Dorcott didn't react much after hearing the news, he still comforted.

"Actually, my brother and I had expected it for a long time, and his Shouyuan had already come to an end, and he could die at any time. It was a relief for him, not a bad thing." Dorcot said the reason, "Your wounded What about it? Take me to see it. "

"At the port, you didn't bring it with you. Let's go with us." Guding did not intend to continue to delay time.

"I'll go over with you to take a look." Marken felt that it was okay to be idle anyway. It would be better to join in the past and look at Bigger what they hurt. (To be continued ...) ()

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