The Highest Bounty

Chapter 276: 2 new abilities

Guding returned to his room and did not immediately enter the state of cultivation. He was nervous all day and did not take a good rest. After two battles, people were also a little sleepy, so he planned to take a nap first. Moreover, he is also waiting for Elizabeth to return to Longwuxing to send a message to himself. At that time, he still needs to release the six people trapped in his field.

After two or three hours of nap, the communicator finally remembered that the number was Elizabeth ’s encrypted number, and Guding directly connected the call.

"Guding, I have arrived at Longwuxing, and the side of Wangyouxing is still blocked. However, I have just contacted the Congress and got two bad news. One is that the application for your death penalty has been blocked. The federal government approved it. Another even worse news is that your companion was caught. Does he seem to be called Docote? After he was caught, he was sent directly to the federal court, where the trial was in a The result was already executed many hours ago, and it was the death penalty. The place of execution was Longwuxing, and the execution date was fifteen days later. "

"I reckon that on the Longwuxing side, tomorrow morning, the death penalty order will be issued against you, and the sentence for Docot will also be issued at the same time. I advise you not to come, this time it is obviously a trap . The reason why we have to wait for fifteen days to execute the death penalty is to allow enough time to summon more powerful people to come. "

"I know, thank you, I will immediately release the six guys in my field." Guding said, then hung up the call.

After opening the field, Guding stepped into it one step at a time.

When the six saw him coming in, they stared over and waited for him to give the result.

"Elizabeth has returned to Longwuxing, you can leave." Guding said, crossing the void with one hand. There was a gap in space not far from the six people.

The six quickly rushed in and quickly escaped from the exclusive domain of Gooding.

"Why not leave these six people hostages?" The sea emperor could not help asking.

"Because the six of them can't change back to Docote, according to Elizabeth, the members of Congress are now determined to kill us, and even the hostess Elizabeth can't stop it. How could it be easy because of several hostages What about compromise? Besides, I have promised before, as long as Elizabeth cures the beagle, I will let them go. The dad used to say that men either do not promise, and the promised things must be done, otherwise they are not called men. "Daddy's education method does have a very important influence on the growth of Guding.

"After two or three hours of rest, I'm going to start cultivating, and wake me up if something happens." Guding said as he pulled out a jar of animal blood. Opened the altar, "I don't know what will happen to this beast blood effect?"

The black source of God slowly overflowed from Guding's hands, and turned into two straw-like silk threads to enter the animal blood jar. Under the drawing of the divine source, the bright red beast blood kept pouring into Guding's body. At the moment when the animal blood entered the body, Guding clearly felt that every cell in his body seemed to be singing happily, and the cell comprehensive index began to skyrocket from the original 100 million base. It only doubled in less than a few minutes, to 200 million.

And the cell evolves at the same time. Another force also poured into the genetic level of Guding, and began to frantically impact the innate genetic shackles that blocked the advancement of the Guding gene.

About half an hour later, Guding's cell index rose to more than 400 million points, and the gene shackles finally could not bear the impact. A brand-new gene chain coagulates rapidly at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. It takes only a few minutes for the fifth gene chain in Guding to be completely coagulated. Gooding. It finally finally became a ninth-order gene.

Immediately after the promotion of the ancient genetic level, the Sea King's advanced unlocking permission was finally opened.

But Guding's gene chain change did not end because of this. After the fifth gene chain was condensed and entered a stable state, one of the gene segments began to change rapidly. Neptune also noticed this change in the Guding gene chain. He knows that this change is a new ability in Guding's body.

"This is ... natural ... flame power ?!" The sea emperor compared the information in the gene bank, and found that this gene chain is the flame power, and the most destructive inflammation among the flame power. But he was not quite sure what kind of flame Guding would get. The situation of Guding is very special, because he already has a kind of fire in his body. As long as the kind of fire grows to a certain stage, he can be manifested and become a kind of flame ability. But the fire within God's body has not yet grown to that level, and at this time, the ability to gain flames again makes people wonder what kind of flames will appear.

But the emperor soon discovered that after the completion of the change of the genetic chain of Guding, it did not stop, but extended outwards to guide the adjacent chain of genes to change. It felt like a virus infection. . In addition, the change of the gene chain is very slow, because the black energy divides a stream of animal blood and passes into the soul space of Guding.

Seeing that the animal blood of the first altar had been exhausted, the sea emperor quickly took out the second altar and the third altar. The two gods of Guding directly penetrated the seal and entered the altar of animal blood.

With the help of new energy, the second fire quickly condensed in the space of Guding's soul. As the energy continued to infuse, the fire also quickly ignited, the flame was blue, and the height continued to rise until it was more than ten meters before it stopped. The blood energy was also injected into the original black flame several meters high. The volume of the black flame quickly expanded, and soon reached the point where it was flush with the blue flame.

The change of Guding's gene chain was not completed until this time.

The strengthening of the cell continues, and it is only after more than half an hour that the cell index reaches one billion points before it can stop.

Guding, who has been immersed in the changes in his body, finally opened his eyes. Neptune also showed the latest body detection data:

[Name: Guding]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 15】

【Gene Level: Ninth Order】

[Comprehensive Cell Index: 1 billion]

[Spirit Index: 1 billion]

[Special ability 1: First-class advanced rage (evolvable)]

[Special ability 2: Three-level high-speed regeneration (evolvable)]

[Special ability 3: Level 1 higher damage stacking (curse ability) (evolvable)]

[Special Ability 4: Absolute Seal (Secondary Taboo Power) (Evolvable)]

[Special ability 5: Three-level advanced iron block (evolvable)]

[Special ability 6: Second-level advanced repulsion (evolvable)]

[Special ability 7: One-star martial arts field (evolvable)]

[Special Ability 8: Flame of Destruction]

[Ability description: The flame power carrying the destruction attribute can act on all living and non-living bodies, decomposing everything into nothingness. 】

[Ability limit: Attack power and attack range are limited by the strength and magnitude of the user's divine source. 】

[Special Ability 9: Engulfing Flame]

[Ability description: The flame power carrying the engulfing attribute can act on all living and non-living bodies, and feed back the engulfed energy to the user. 】

[Ability limit: Attack power and attack range are limited by the strength and magnitude of the user's divine source. 】

"Obtain two abilities at once?" Gooding confirmed, and his genetic level really only increased by one step.

"You are in a special situation. Ben Tie is an awakening of a flame ability, but you already have a kindling of fire in your body, which has caused a chain reaction. It gives you two kinds of flame ability, and one more kind of fire. "The sea emperor did not expect good luck in Guding. This kind of natural power is rare. Gooding got two at a time.

"The Santan beast blood is so gone?" Gu Ding noticed that it took him more than an hour to absorb the Santan beast blood. Before that, the sea emperor said that normal cultivation, one altar can be used for a week.

"You were in a special situation just now. It's normal to consume quickly." The sea emperor explained, "You are nothing. It's terrible for Tagore to absorb it. He just absorbed the eighteen altar beast blood in one breath. It ’s estimated that it wo n’t take long to wake up. ”

"That guy is not comparable to humans." Gooding heard the sea emperor said that he knew Tagore should wake up soon.

"You now have more combat power, and you have two more range attack capabilities, but this is not enough. If you can't pull your opponent into your field, not counting the damage stack, your current combat power is comparable to a star. , Even if you count the damage stack. Your highest combat power is just barely reaching the four stars. You still have no way to meet the opponents of four stars and above. Unless you can pull the opponent into your field. But you are now At most, you can only force the demigod into your realm, even one star can resist your realm power. Therefore, your true combat power can only be calculated based on the effect of excluding the field increase. "

"Of course, in the past few days, you can also practice the Vientiane Emperor Body. With these beast blood. The speed of the practice will increase greatly. There is still hope to step into the second layer of the Vientiane Emperor Body. The combat power has increased tenfold, and the highest combat power can barely reach five stars. Basically, everyone except the one named Quinn can be killed. "

"How strong is that defender named Quinn ~ ~?" Guding frowned slightly, and the woman might be the most difficult problem this time.

"Under normal circumstances. After the five-star god, it is not a star. But according to the energy fluctuations driven by the previous will projection, her will projection strength is at least several times stronger than the five-star god, if there are stars after the five stars. , The intensity of the will projection is at least six stars or more. That is to say, the deity of the defender is at least comparable to seven stars or more. I even suspect that the woman is likely to be in the midst of the impact of the gods, otherwise this should not be the case. It is just a will projection, but it should be a deity. Because Longwuxing and Wangyouxing are too close, even if the deity comes, it will not take a few minutes and it will not be much slower than the will projection. The sea emperor gave his speculation .

"If it's really what you said, then we have no chance of winning this time." Guding frowned, he could not think of other ways to deal with it.

"If you do n’t have the two flame abilities, I might really want to be poor. But God is still facing us. There is a magical skill in my database, called Burning Sky, which should be enough for you to fight the one called Quin Woman ... "The Emperor finally brought good news. (To be continued ...)

ps: The second is sent to ~ ()

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