The Highest Bounty

Chapter 277: Robert the god

More than ten days passed quickly, and the death penalty order of the Guding team by the Congress has spread throughout the entire Philippine universe and all the universes shared with the Philippine universe.

As for the crime facts column, only two words were written "Top Secret !!!"

With the exception of Elizabeth and the top executives of Congress, no one knows what the Gooding team did. Congress does not allow a word to be leaked about such shameful things as the captive.

But Guding and his team did not care about the death penalty order, but a notice of execution issued with the death penalty order.

[Wanted offender: Docot]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 16】

[Identity: Star Pirate]

【Affiliated Team: Guding Pirates】

[Reward amount: 5 billion universe coins (formerly 50 million universe coins, temporarily increased.)]

[Criminal facts: top secret! ! ! 】

[Sentence Result: Death Penalty! 】

[Place of execution: Longwuxing]

[Time of execution: Philippine charm 7846596, Longwu calendar August 5]

This notice of execution was received by Guding on the night of the arrival at Badnews Star, at that time Longwu Star happened to be the next morning.

Throughout the Philippine Charm Universe, the voices of the Guding team have been discussed everywhere these days.

Everyone was wondering what exactly the members of the Guding team did and why they suddenly received a death sentence. And the newly joined member, who had never heard his name before, even because of one thing, the amount of bounty soared by a hundredfold.

Many people are also speculating about the reaction of the Guding team.

According to common sense, no matter which pirate regiment receives the death penalty order, it will definitely escape from the Philippine Charm universe immediately. But some people who know Guding's character better know it. Guding team, I am afraid not to leave so easily.

Before the death penalty broke out, the Guding team had disappeared for more than a month. And more than a month ago, the battle between the team of Gooding and the Dark Demon Poti also made many people see the power of the team of Gooding. After more than a month of silence, such a big thing as the death penalty order suddenly broke out. Many people were shocked.

Generally speaking, pirate groups issued death penalty orders will be denounced by various forces on Skynet. But this time, there were not many condemnations. In fact, there are two main reasons. One is that this time the Philippine Universe Congress is covering up the crimes of the Guding team, which makes many people feel bored. Another reason is that the Gooding team had previously contended with the Dark Devil many times, and the confrontation with the military department did not cause too many killings. and so. All along, the image of the Guding team has been relatively positive, and there are also many fans in the dark, especially the Dragon Kingdom. Many new pirates adore Guding. Even the issuing of the death penalty order was met with boos from some organizations among the citizens of Longteng Universe.

"Tomorrow is the day of execution ..." Guding looked at the projection of the execution notice indifferently. These days, he has seen the projection of the execution notice no less than ten times. "My Vientiane Emperor's body has been stabilized on the second floor. I have also completed the first form of Burning Sky. Bigger has improved their strength, and Tagore has stepped directly into the realm of demigods. Now, only Lower Robert did not wake up. "

"If you get the energy matrix of the enchanted paradise, Robert should wake up immediately, and not only that, he will be directly promoted to the gods." The emperor suddenly mentioned the matter of the previous energy matrix.

"Unfortunately, it's too late. I'm busy with practice these days. Now even if I ask the tower to answer the questions, the points are enough, and the purchase is too late to be delivered to us. We will leave tomorrow." Guding shook his head.

"Hey, Guding, you have to thank me this time." The sea emperor heard Guding say so. I could n’t help laughing, “Because my advanced unlocking permission is on, I ’ve been trying to crack the entrance to the Paradise of Evil these days, and finally I successfully broke through three days ago. After I entered, I directly unlocked and asked the tower ’s Restricted, answered the question raised by a higher spirit, and received 8.5 million points on the spot. I changed my hand and spent 8 million points. I bought the energy matrix and should be able to do it this morning. Arrival. After the arrival, you sign for it, your name left by my recipient. "

"So powerful? If you answer a question, you have 8.5 million points ?! If you answer more, wouldn't it be possible to swipe a lot of points for resources?" Gu Ding's eyes brightened when he heard it.

"This kind of thing can't be done again. X must have discovered it. Although he doubts it, there is no evidence to prove that I did it. If it is done a second time, it will probably be discovered by him, but I do n’t want him to know that I have a database that carries all the information of ancient civilizations. So, in the future, I will honestly answer the questions of the demigod realm and slowly accumulate points. "The sea emperor is still a little bit worried about x. If the guy knows that he has a horrible database, he may not be able to do anything, so this matter must still be kept secret.

"Well, that guy X really has to guard against it. We are better to keep a low profile." Gu Ding also agrees. After all, it's just an immediate benefit to exchange resources. x is obviously a dangerous person. If the database data of the sea emperor is stolen by him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Guding was chatting with the sea emperor, and his communicator suddenly sounded, a strange number.

"It should be the express delivery!" The sea emperor reminded.

Guding directly pressed the answer button, and there was a sound across the communicator, "Hello, is this Mr. Guding? I have now arrived at the port of Badnews, and I will immediately arrive at the door of your spaceship. Sign for it. "

"Okay, come now!" Gooding appeared at the door of the spacecraft's cabin, and opened it.

A young man who appeared to be in his early twenties, with five or six earrings on each ear, stood at the door of the spaceship. He reached over and passed the package, with tattoos on both hands.

"Thank you!" Guding took the package directly and nodded at the other party.

"You are really Guding, I thought it was just the same name." The young man laughed.

"Are you?" Guding asked with some confusion, he didn't remember knowing such a person, because this young man dressed too personality, if he had seen. Certainly will not forget.

"Oh, I am also a member of the demon concentration camp. I usually take some courier work to earn points. This time I saw your name, and I also entered from my side, so I picked it up to see if it was It ’s not you. It ’s still the same name, ”the young man explained.“ You ’re really a celebrity now. No one in the entire Philippine universe has no idea of ​​you. In other words, why did you get the death penalty order What? Can you tell me? "

"Sorry, this thing can't be said. If you have nothing else, I'm still busy." Guding said as he prepared to close the hatch.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask another question, and I'll leave immediately after asking, and I won't disclose your news here." The young man hurriedly supported the hatch. Afraid of Gooding closing the door.

"You ask, but you may not be able to get the answer you want." Guding said with a blank expression.

"I want to know, will you go to Longwuxing tomorrow?" The young people looked at Guding expectantly, waiting for his reply.

"Dorcott is a member of our team, and I don't allow anything that hurts our team members to happen." Guding finished and closed the door of the spaceship directly.

The young man who heard this sentence froze for a moment, and then whispered again what Guding said just now. His eyes shined, "That is to say. The team of Guding will definitely go to Longwuxing to save people tomorrow!"

"That kid wouldn't reveal our news in Badnews? Then we will be a little passive, although we are now not afraid of the hunt of the Phantom Universe." The sea emperor asked with some concern.

The Golden Eagle was not expelled by Badnews because the spray paint on the surface of the spacecraft was covered by a layer of phantom, which blocked the original appearance. And every time he went out, Gu Ding and his team would put on a mask of disguise, making people unable to recognize their true identity. These more than ten days. They have also been hiding on this Badnews star, without attracting anyone's attention. Once the courier kid revealed the Gooding team's news here, Gooding and his team would not only be captured by the Federal Army and the Star Hunter, but the Hong Kong Department should also expel the Gooding team with armored cannons. Despite the current strength of the Gooding team, these pursuits and evictions cannot cause trouble. But it was affirmative that it was unpleasant.

"No, I have carefully read the points acquisition method of Yaoi Paradise before. People who take this kind of task are not allowed to disclose customer information, otherwise they can't get points rewards. And once they are found, they have disclosed customer information once. This kind of thing is not allowed to accept such tasks in the future. Although this guy looks unreliable, it is obviously not the first time to accept the task. "Guding felt that this did not need to worry at all.

Back in the main cabin, Guding opened the package and took out a slap-sized gray metal block. "Is this the energy matrix? It looks very inconspicuous."

"What's so nice to do? Practicality is the most important thing!" The sea emperor knew the horror energy contained in this energy matrix. "Don't play, let Robert absorb it."

The sea emperor said that Robert was taken out of Guding's storage space. At this time, Robert had completely transformed into a metal ball. Guding took the energy matrix and stuffed it into the metal sphere.

The silver metal sphere began to change rapidly ~ ~ It was like boiling water, frantically bubbling, and a large metal sphere was boiled, and it quickly gasified at a rate visible to the naked eye. Until the end, the entire metal sphere disappeared completely, replaced by a fog.

"Robert will be okay?" Gooding asked with some uncertainty.

"This is a normal gasification process, which is somewhat similar to the energetic process of the human body, which means that Robert is evolving in the direction of the gods." The sea emperor explained, "When he completely condenses a new body, he really Become a god! "

Time passed by one minute and one second, and under Goodin's gaze, Robert's body finally formed. What he condensed this time was the last big man who was taller than Beagle, and there was almost no change in appearance, but Guding clearly felt that this Robert is now much more dangerous.

"I finally woke up again ..." Robert slowly stood up and opened his eyes, bursting out two harsh white lights. (To be continued ...)

ps: The third one is sent to everyone ~ Good night everyone, by the way, scream, ask for votes ~~

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