The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Last day

The friendly attitude of Futu made Docote a little confused.

On the contrary, it is Shakya. He is a good boy who believes in human nature. He also knows that the strange uncle who likes to touch his bald head is generally not a bad person.

After being pulled up by Futuro, Docote couldn't help but ask, "Why do you say you lost? You not only stopped my strongest move, but also cracked that move. Whatever you think, I lost. ? "

"If I use the same power as you, I will be killed in this battle. The reason why I cracked your trick is because I used far more power than you. You were the first to force me to use it Full-powered demigod. "

Hearing what Futu said, he felt a lot better in his heart. He actually knew that there was a big gap between his strength and Futu. After fighting with Futu, he even doubted whether Guding could win Futu, although he had never seen the limit of Guding's strength.

"Since I lost, my points will be yours." Futu said, directly transferring nearly 20 million points of his own to Docott, and he didn't let Docott have enough time to react.

"Hey, don't you mess up, okay? What does it mean to transfer all the points to me?" Dorcott was speechless.

"This is the rule of the game. If you lose, hand over all the points." Futu seemed very free and easy, and turned to leave.

"Then what do you do? Will be eliminated ..."

"Relax, I can still plunder other people, and there are still four and a half days." Futu dropped this sentence, and several longitudinal jumps disappeared in front of the two.

In the rankings, Docote surpassed Liliat, who was originally ranked first, and became the top because of Futu's more than 19 million points.

This huge change naturally made many powerful people notice. They even found that the original eighth-placed Futu disappeared. Even the entire scoreboard did not see the name of Futu.

"Dorcott killed Futu !!!" The news quickly spread throughout the virtual world.

And many strong people are somewhat convinced of this, because Docote is also the fifth-ranked super powerhouse on the demigods list, although the overall strength is weaker than that of Futu, but if a sudden outburst occurs. It is not impossible to kill the stronger Bu Fu. After all, there are times when Lao Ma has a misstep. In many cases, the strength of the strength does not necessarily represent the final result of the matchup.

But the rest of Guding's team felt that things were wrong because they knew Docot well.

Liliat asked the Emperor for the first time, and the Emperor did not hide anything.

"It turns out that this is the case. Uncle Futu is not a bad person." Guding grinned as he heard the matter.

"Do n’t care too much. I just watched the battle between Futu and Docote. The fighting power he broke out is not weaker than that in your heyday. And. If I read correctly, his martial arts mood Has entered the second level of spirit rhinoceros. If you become your opponent, it will be an extremely tricky guy. "The sea emperor is not very optimistic.

"I won't lose!" Guding said confidently.


Although the drastic changes in the leaderboard have attracted the attention of many people, in this virtual world, the game continues.

The first day of the fifth round passed quickly.

At the end of the first day, more than 100,000 players. There are only more than eight thousand people left. The predatory gameplay has brought the elimination rate to an unprecedented new high. The survival rate is less than 8%.

The first place in the leaderboard is Docot, and the total points have reached more than 67 million. The second is Liliat, with a total score of more than 59 million, close to 60 million. The third is Carrot, with more than 48 million points. Elsa ranked fourth with more than 45 million points ...

After solving Huck, Gooding found several fellows with high points, accumulated more than 32 million points, and finally reached the top ten again. Ranked eighth.

In the next few days, the collision of various powerful people became commonplace.

Gooding has played against Carrot, Crimson, Minina and even Naro, but he has never been in the same area as Futu.

After three days, the points of Futu also showed a trend of skyrocketing. Because of the drop of points, many strong people think that he is not invincible, which leads many strong players with high points to actively challenge him. Let his points rise all the way to the top three in the leaderboard.

The first one is still to stay ahead of Docot, his points have reached more than 140 million. The second is Liliat, with more than 130 million points. Futu ranks third with more than 120 million points, fourth is Carote, and fifth is Elsa. Both of them have more than 110 million points. Guding and Crimson ranked sixth and seventh, with points in the early 100s.

Over the past three days, there are only eight thousand players, and fewer than two thousand.

On the eve of the final day, the female voice sounded again in the sky.

"The game is about to enter the last day of the fifth round and the last day of the game. Here, I first congratulate all the survivors. Congratulations on your survival. Your support to the present proves that you are a demigod. The top of the strong. But ... "

Hearing this "but", many people's hearts are drawn, because the appearance of the word usually means that things have a bad turn.

"However, due to the sharp decrease in the number of players, and the fact that there are too many game partitions, everyone ’s exploration has been restricted, making it more and more difficult to obtain points. So, the rules of the game on the last day have changed. These rules have changed, I hope everyone can use it to get more points. "

"Change one: the isolation of the five areas is completely eliminated, no matter which area is transferred to, you can step into other areas at will, without any restrictions."

"Change two: The original top 1,000 rankings have been expanded to two thousand, so that all surviving players will appear on the rankings."

"Change three: originally spent points to query the position of players on the leaderboard, now it is changed to query the positions of all players for free."

"Change 4: The mode of the point plunder is changed. The player who is plundered can admit defeat. Each player has the right to admit defeat three times. After conceding, he loses half of the points to the predator and will not be eliminated."

"Change 5: The team formation mode is cancelled, and the point distribution authority after team formation is canceled."

"Change 6: The player's permission to actively transfer points between each other is cancelled."

"These six new rules of the game, I hope everyone can remember that the next transmission starts to count down, I wish you all a good time." After the female voice dropped the last sentence, a mechanical countdown sound came from the sky.

"... 3, 2, 1 ..."

The twenty-fifth day has finally arrived. This is also the last day of this virtual world game.

In fact, Fatt didn't quite believe himself, and he insisted on the last day, even though he had already dropped out of the leaderboard.

The moment he was teleported to the new area, Fatt felt heavier. He knew that he was teleported to the boulder area again. In the last round of the game, he has already experienced the other four areas, but he has not been in the boulder area, so the final transfer point is not difficult to guess that it will be here, because each transfer area in each round will not There is duplication.

Feeling the strong gravity from his body, Fatt tried to adapt to this oppression as quickly as possible. He has been to this place four times, and he is not new to it. It's just that every time you come, the gravity here will be strengthened, so every time I'm not used to it. He also knows that, with his own strength, it is difficult to break free of the gravity constraint here in a short time, and he can only adapt slowly.

While holding this slot, he also clicked the leaderboard page again.

On the screen projection, everyone's name was much smaller. The list that originally could only hold a thousand names, now has a total of 1,873 names. This number is also the remaining number of players in this game.

Fatt quickly found his name, ranking at 1,586, which is considered to be the last among the survivors. Fatt didn't complain, he knew very well that his current strength, at this level, is no longer easy to survive.

Later, Fatt also found the names of other members of the team, Dorcot, Liliat, Gooding, Elsa, all in a prominent position on the leaderboard. He also suddenly remembered that there was another person, "Mike doesn't know what happened ..."

Entering Mi Ke's name into the finder, Fate was surprised to find that Mi Ke was the same as himself and was not eliminated. And to his surprise, Michael's ranking was even higher than himself, at 1,163. Although he didn't make it to the first thousand ~ ~ but it is quite remarkable. The teenager is only ten years old after all.

"1.25 million points, how did he get them?" Fatt didn't expect that a child who couldn't see anything in his eyes would almost double his points.

Just as Fatt looked at the information, a figure walked towards him slowly.

"The Guding Pirates, even you such a weak guy, are all mixed up to the last day, and they can't even get rid of the gravity of the boulder area." It was a blond young man who said this. "You can mix until now, and you don't know whether you should be lucky or unlucky, maybe more unfortunately, because if you are lucky, you will be sent out early and you won't wait until now. And now, you met me again ... "

"What do you want?" Fatt knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, and it was easy to tell from the fact that the opponent was flat in the boulder area.

"You have two choices. One is to be beheaded by me and deprive you of all points. The other is to admit defeat to me three times in a row and take the points out actively. If I am in a good mood, I may turn around and leave. ..... "The blond man brushed his hair with one hand and looked at Fatt with a smile. (To be continued ...) ()

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