The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 474: Fatt is out and Gooding is furious

In the boulder area, a few kilometers away from Fat, Guding stood on a pile of gravel and silently looked at the video projection of Fat not far away.

When he was teleported, he was not far from Fat, but he did not choose to merge with Fat because that was not what Fat wanted.

The first time after Fatt was in trouble, he rushed to the neighborhood, but he didn't shoot, but just paid close attention.

In this boulder area, Fatt ’s strength has been greatly inhibited. Originally, he was not an opponent of the opponent under normal circumstances. Now in this case, he has to spend a lot of effort even moving his footsteps, not to mention Fighted.

Therefore, the video projection is full of pictures of blond young people teasing Fatt.

"Why not help?" The emperor looked anxious. According to common sense, Guding would not allow anyone to hurt his companions, but this time he chose to stand by.

"Fart said before entering the game that he didn't want anyone to help. I didn't know he could stick to the present, but he did. I shot now, it will only make him feel that these twenty days of persistence Meaningless. ”Guding shook his head.“ This battle is a battle of Fatt. He does n’t want anyone to intervene. Do you see the expression on his face? Although painful, his eyes are firm. These twenty days The ordeal has made his inner heart stronger and stronger, and this battle, whether winning or losing, will only make him stronger. "

"Then we are watching aside?" The Emperor asked without hesitation.

"Well, we just look at it." Guding looked at Fart, who was unable to fight back in the projection, and couldn't help but frown.

"However, the strength is too disparate. This blond young man is called Rabitz, and he is the 38th strongest man on the demigod list. Fatt will be eliminated," the sea emperor reminded.

"The ruins of the Outer Territory will only be more than ten times more dangerous than this virtual world, and Fatt's exit is not necessarily a bad thing. Death in this virtual world does not have much impact on people. If you die in the ruins of the Outer World, it is true Has fallen. "

Gooding was silent for a moment, and said his true thoughts.

"Actually. I let Fatt and Mi Ke come in. I just want them to experience the real battle. I don't want them to get the quota to enter the foreign domain ruins. It's not that they have no confidence in the two of them, but I know they can The ruins of the high-level dialogue and negotiation between the two races are definitely not a simple ruin. I am not sure if I can survive in that ruin, let alone Te and Mi Ke. "

After hearing this, the Emperor said nothing more, and he was very clear. Gooding's concerns really make sense. The federal government has carefully screened the places, and the danger of the site can be seen. In addition, the relevant information on the Internet has been completely erased, which shows that this site is definitely not simple. The more dangerous sites, the higher the mortality rate, which is common sense. Therefore, Guding did not want Fat and Mi Ke to get the quota, he did not want to see the two fall into the site.

Gooding also fell silent. His eyes fell on the projection.

In the projection, Fatt's body was kicked by Rabitz. This was the first time he didn't know that he was kicked off. His tumbling figure rolled over a few times after falling to the ground, causing a ridicule from Rabitz.

"What do you think, you fat man is useless, I really don't know what point the Guding Pirates are looking at you. Would it be because of your spherical shape, rolling up like a bowling ball? Hahahaha ... "Rabbits walked slowly towards Fatt again. Stepped on his face with a foot, "In my eyes, you are a fat, waste of food. Others say, how good is the Guding Pirates. I never believe it. Look After I came to you, I was more convinced of my thoughts. If someone like you is here, other people will certainly not be much better. That Guding, I do n’t know what means to kill the five-star extreme god, and that Dorcot, who did n’t know what conspiracy was used to defraud Futuro points ... "

"You are not allowed to say bad things about them!" Fatt managed to reach out and grabbed the ankle of Rabitz's other foot.

"I warn you, let go, or I'll crush your head!" Rabitz didn't expect that the other party still had the strength to resist.

Fatt completely ignored his threat and still grabbed his ankle.

"I let you let go!" Rabitz lifted the foot that originally stepped on Fatt's cheek, and then stepped **** Fatt's head.

Under this foot, Fatt hit his head heavily on the ground, and his head began to faint. He knew that he was not far away from the game, but he still did not let go, and muttered vaguely in his mouth, "No To say bad things about my partners ... not allowed ... "

"Let go, you pig head!" Rabitz stepped foot and foot, just three or two times, and Fatt's head was swollen and unshaped, the entire face was full of purple color, and the facial features were more It was a bit deformed, but he still didn't let go.

"Reluctant to let go, right?" Rabitz saw Fatt still grabbing himself, and he pulled out his long sword with a stern look, "Then leave your hand!"

Rabitz's wrist shook, and a silver awn crossed Fat's wrist. Fat's hand was cut off suddenly, and the broken wrist turned into energy completely dissipated.

But there are no more supernatural sources in Fatt to repair this trauma. The intense pain from his wrist made him sneer, and extended another hand to grab the other's ankle.

"It seems that you don't want your hand anymore!" Rabitz raised his mouth, and the long sword crossed again, cutting off Fat's second hand.

Fatt's already swollen eyes stared at the other person, without giving in.

"It seems that your eyes don't want it anymore." Rabitz squatted slowly, and the tip of the sword pressed against Fat's eyelids, then raised his mouth and smiled, "As long as you are willing to beg for mercy, then shout three times, Guding The people in the pirate group are all waste. Not only can you protect your eyes, I will let you leave safely. You know, although this is a virtual world, all the pain is exactly the same as reality. "

"Bah!" Fatt spit out.

Rabitz didn't hide for a while, and he was spit in the face with that spit.

"You're looking for death!" Rabitz was completely furious, and the sword in his hand violently forced. Directly penetrating Fat's eyeball, the tip of the sword penetrated through Fat's back head.

Fatt ’s entire body gradually disintegrated and dissipated into the air.

But Rabitz yelled, "Damn something, actually angered me deliberately, and wanted to torture more ..."

"You just didn't have a lot of fun just now. Then I will accompany you."

At this moment, Rabitz heard a voice coming from behind him. He immediately turned around and looked at it, but he saw a face that scared him.

It was Guding. He didn't expect his behavior to be seen by Guding. But he thought about it, Guding might have just accidentally glimpsed the scene where the body dissipated, he should not recognize Fatt, or he must have shot before he killed Fatt.

"Guding ... Captain ... Do you have anything?" Rabitz calmed his mood. He thought that Guding came for his own points, "I am also an interstellar pirate, everyone is an interstellar pirate, we do not need to do it, I can admit defeat ..."

"Confess?" Guding narrowed his eyes slightly for a moment, and said, "Okay! Turn the points around."

Rabitz carefully opened the confession page, pressed his finger up, and his original 15 million points were halved immediately.

The Guding points immediately soared by more than 7 million.

Rabitz saw that the transfer was completed. Just about to turn around and leave, Gooding spoke again.

"Did I tell you to leave?"

"You ..." Rabitz's face suddenly became a little difficult to look at. He did not expect that Guding did not intend to let himself go. But he also knows the rules of the game and can have three chances to concede defeat. Guding obviously wants to let himself concede three times in a row.

He stood on the spot and carefully measured the difference between his strength and that of Guding. Finally, he painfully clicked on the confession page again and clicked the confession button twice in a row. The original 15 million points. Suddenly it was reduced to only 1.9 million, and the ranking of points quickly dropped to more than 900, almost falling a thousand.

After three consecutive defeats, Rabitz glanced at Guding and saw that he hadn't spoken. He asked, "Can I go now? I now have less than two million points left, and everyone can only concede three times ..."

"No." Guding shook his head.

Rabitz found that after Gudin said this sentence, he was filled with horrible murder intentions. He was horrified, "How can you go back and forth ..."

"I haven't said it since the beginning. If you admit defeat, I will let you go, won't you?" Gooding slowly walked towards Rabitz, and every step of his step made him add a point of killing. "Moreover, many people know that those who dare to move our pirate group will die terribly."

"You saw ..." Rabitz was completely desperate. He didn't expect Gooding to see that he killed Fatt.

"Yes, not only did I see it, but I saw it clearly. If it wasn't Fatt who told us not to intervene in his battle in advance, do you think you can live to this day?"

As Gooding stepped closer, Rabitz saw a black demon face forming quickly above his head. The devil's face, thousands of meters tall, looks like a evil spirit from **** ~ ~ with a terrifying and terrifying look, and filled with a cold sense of killing and death. Even the otherwise bright world suddenly dimmed, not because the dark clouds blocked the sky, but the whole sky seemed to fall at night.

That powerful sense of oppression made Rabitz feel that the gravity of the entire boulder area seemed to be tens of thousands of times heavy, making him unable to move even a step. He could only watch Guding raise his right hand less than three meters away from him, and then extended a finger.

"Dead, scum!"

At the same time that Guding's sentence was pronounced falling, the strength of the finger shot from his fingertips turned into a dazzling blood, directly penetrating Rabitz's head.

Before Rabitz's body began to collapse, he saw that the magic face above Guding's head suddenly opened his eyes when his fingers shot, and two dazzling red awns penetrated the whole sky. The virtual world trembled.


[Forgot, yesterday was Singles Day ... To add a sentence, happy friends, it should not be too late ~ anyway, everyone still has hands yesterday ...] (To be continued. .) ()

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