The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Michael and Shakya

The tremor of the virtual world has attracted the attention of many players. And some real powerhouses are looking at the source of the tremor, they not only feel the tremor, but also feel a powerful breath of palpitation. The breath was fleeting, but even then it made some strong people feel uneasy.

"Emperor, can you find out who the breath is?" Liliat frowned slightly, her soul perception was strong. Although her detection range was suppressed, her sensitivity to breath did not change much. The breath was so horrible just now that she had to be alert.

"It's Guding." The sea emperor's answer surprised Liliat.

"What's going on? How could his breath suddenly explode, have you encountered a floating man?" Liliat asked as he opened the leaderboard. She glanced at the rankings, and Guding's points rose from more than 100 million to more than 118 million, and the ranking was promoted to fourth place, while Futu was still ranked third with more than 120 million. , Not much change. "Not a floater?"

"No, it's a guy named Rabitz. That guy cleared Fatt out." The Emperor Hai told the whole story.

"Damn guy, if it were me, I would never let him die so easily." Liliat was also very angry after listening to it. "The magic face appeared again? Is Guding okay?"

Liliat remembers that the last time she saw the magic face was almost half a year ago. At that time, Guding was completely unconscious.

"He's nothing, not even a lot of wear and tear. The demon face didn't launch a substantial attack, and it has automatically dissipated." The sea emperor's words finally reassured Liliat.

In the flame area, Dorcot couldn't help but ask about this matter, and the sea emperor explained it again.

"The aura of terror just came from Guding? And it spread from the boulder area to the flame area ?!" Dorcot was amazed.

"Accurately. That shock spread throughout the virtual world." Hai Huang added.

"I was still a little worried that he was not an opponent of Futu, and now it seems that there is absolutely no need for it." Dorcott smiled with a wry face. He thought he was getting a lot stronger now. Even if his strength is not as good as Guding, he should not be different Too far, but did not expect Guding to be much stronger than he thought. He remembered the Futu he had encountered before. Like Guding, it is like a big mountain that people can look up to. "It seems that my practice is far from enough ..."

"Don't be pretentious, you are already strong." The emperor said comfortingly, "Some people can compare them, but some people can't compare them. Gooding is very special, even I signed a contract with him, scan Every cell that passes through his body, every section of the gene chain, can't figure out what secrets are hidden in him. "

"You have also observed Futu. Which one do you think is better than Guding?" Docott raised a doubt in his mind.

"There is no way to compare, and Budu gives me a very strange feeling, and I can't tell what it is. But if the two of them fight, I can only say that Guding should not lose, and I don't know if it will win. . "The Emperor said his own opinion.

"You mean, the possibility of a draw is higher?" Doco nodded his head, and he also thought that this speculation by the Sea Emperor was more reliable.

"According to Bu Tutu's attitude towards you. He should not be a killer when he meets Guding. Similarly, Guding should not use the same moves as he did when he met him. The two men played against each other. At most, it was just a match, so a draw. The odds will be greater. "Haihuang gave his speculation.

And just when the two discussed the float.

In the Purple Thunder area, the figure of Futu actually rose from the ground, suspended high in the void, and his eyes fell on a certain direction in the area of ​​the boulder. He clearly saw a young man standing proudly in that direction.

Almost at the same time, Gooding noticed a prying eye. He turned his head towards the source of his gaze. Although he could not see anything, he could feel that the line of sight originated from that direction, far away.

Founding that he was caught snooping, Futu was also surprised. Under the brim, the corner of the mouth slightly raised, "This boy, something interesting ..."

His eyes moved to a top strong man hundreds of kilometers away, his figure slowly fell, chasing away in that direction.

But when he noticed that the prying eyes had disappeared, Gu Ding regained his gaze, "Sea Emperor, who was spying on me just now?"

"It's Budu ... I originally thought that he used some special ability to circumvent the rules of this world, allowing him to restore part of the detection ability. Now it seems that he did not restore part of the detection ability, but completely lacked Affected by the rules of this world, "said the sea emperor, ejecting the video of Futu just now.

Seeing the video, the tall man was suspended in mid-air, and Guding was a little surprised when he looked at himself with his eyes blocked by the brim. "How did he do it? Each area is no less than the surface area of ​​a planet. He can even see the boulder area directly from the flame area, and can accurately lock my position with sight?"

"I don't know, some ancient races with extraordinary sight can indeed see their goals across the star field, but under the suppression of this world rule, no race can do what he just did." The sea emperor also thought I don't understand how the other party did it. "The only explanation is that he is not affected by the rules of the world's exploration restrictions."

"Forget it, don't care about him. With you there, his probing ability is not an advantage." Guding didn't care too much about this matter. "How are the others?"

"Lily and Dorcot just asked about you, and they noticed your breath changes. They were both in the ice zone and the flame zone. Although Elsa also found out, she was quite nervous, not too much. Care, now she is in Gangfeng District. There is also Mike, who is in Zilei District and is located in the same area as Futu. "

"Also, Carlot is in the flame zone, Scarlet is in the ice zone, Minina and Naro are in the gang wind zone. There is also a swordsman named Scall, ranking eighth on the demigods list. Second only to Carrot, he is in the boulder area just like you. These are the top ten strong points in the standings. There is also the little monk Shakya, who is in the same area as Mi Ke and Futu. His Although his strength is not weaker than his brothers, but his points are not high, less than 20 million, barely entering the top eighty. "

The sea emperor said something about the other members. There are also the top ten strongest divisions in the standings.

"Mike was able to stay up to now, which is a bit beyond my expectation." Guding was indeed surprised.

"Because I let him avoid the top strong guys, he challenged him to be a little stronger than him. And he was also lucky, and he met Carrot, Scarlet and Minina several times. At this point, I did not deliberately arrange it. Each time these guys met Mike, they would always take him until the teleport left. There was another time when they encountered Bu Tu, the guy seemed to like children very much, not only protected Mike One day. Mickey was also taught a set of ancient exercises with a rank no lower than your emperor Vientiane. "

"Is there such a thing? I haven't heard of you." For the news of Futu, Guding only knew from the sea emperor that Dokot and Futu were fighting.

"This is what happened just yesterday," the sea emperor explained. "And, now the little monk named Shakya is galloping in the direction of Mi Ke, which is less than 20 kilometers away from Mi Ke. If not Unexpectedly, Mike should have no problem supporting today. However, you do n’t have to worry. His points should have little chance to increase, because according to my scan results, his overall strength is more than 1,500 people. Here, it is the weakest one. His points are currently ranked at more than 1,100, but this ranking should only decline, and will not rise. Can not enter the top 1,000. He will not get the places to enter the site. "

"You should pay more attention to the situation on his side. If there is any news, let me know at the first time." Guding was also a little speechless. It was not that he wanted Mi Ke to be out, but that he was worried that Mi Ke might get a place to enter the site. According to the temperament of the federal government, after getting the quota. I am afraid that it will be difficult to actively refuse to enter the site.

Zilei District, as expected by the sea emperor, the young monk, Shakya, appeared in front of Mike in a minute. Seeing Mike, who was about the same age as her, Shakya was very happy. He looked back, and the fierce man hadn't caught up before, so he stepped forward.

"Who is it?" Mi Ke felt a little strange. He didn't get a warning from the sea emperor, but he heard someone approaching.

"Hello, my name is Shakya. I am eight years old this year." Shakya looked closely at Mi Ke, who was a little taller than himself, only to find that the other party seemed invisible and couldn't help but feel sorry for Mi Ke.

"My name is Mi Ke, I am ten years old." Mi Ke heard the other party's voice as a child, so he was relieved. He also knew why the sea emperor had not warned himself. When he met his peers in such a place, he also had Shy.

"You are Michael? I have heard your name." Shakya was a little surprised, "Are you Uncle Dorcot's partner?"

"Dorcott ... Uncle?" Mi Ke froze for a moment ~ ~ He knew that Dorcott was only sixteen years old, but he also heard that Dolcott was relatively mature, look It looks like over twenty, and he also likes to grow a beard, so he will look about ten years older than his actual age. It is no strange thing to be called an uncle by an eight-year-old child.

"Don't you know? But aren't you all members of the Guding Pirates?" Shakya couldn't figure out how Mi Ke's reaction was.

"I know, but I never called his uncle, so ..." Michael explained.


"Because he is only sixteen ..."

"No, but he looks older than my master."

"Maybe he looks older ..."

The conversation between the two youngsters started strangely around the age of Dorcot. Dorcot, who is far away in the flames area, sneezes, "Is this someone saying bad things about me?" (To be continued ...) ()

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