The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 487: List of substitutes for the federal government

The name of this set of major exercises is "Burn the Firmament". Guding turned to the first page and saw a description of the cultivation requirements. There is such a sentence: "Only the fire attribute energy body can practice this skill! The physical practitioners forcibly practice, and they will surely burn to death within five years. The practice of other attribute energy bodies will cause serious damage to the physical constitution !!!"

Seeing this, Gu Ding was dumbfounded, and finally got a copy of the true **** heritage, but the main practice method could not be used.

He also immediately told the sea emperor this bad news, "This time we get the inheritance of the true god, only the fire attribute energy body can practice."

"Is there any problem? Aren't you going to burn the sky?" The Sea Emperor shrugged off directly.

"You mean, you can practice by burning the sky?" Guding said with some uncertainty.

"Why not? As soon as Burning Sky opens, will your physique become a fire-type energy body? Moreover, it is a unique existence in the fire-type energy body." If the sea emperor has eyes, he will definitely give Guding a Despised eyes.

"Then I try." Gooding immediately set out to try.

After starting Tiantian, I looked up the practice method of "Burning the Sky" in the inheritance memory again.

The theory of this set of exercises actually sounds very simple. It is to create energy nodes in the body, store energy through the energy nodes, and release them at a critical time to achieve the effect of explosion. For the energy body, this idea is actually relatively new, because the entire body of the energy body itself is a huge energy container, there is no need to create energy nodes. This is equivalent to placing a small container in a large container, which makes little sense.

But "Incineration of the Sky" has some specialities in the manufacture of energy nodes. It can place the node in the body, but in fact, the energy in the node is stored in another compressed space. In other words, the energy node created by "Incineration of the Sky" is essentially to add a small container outside the large container. This increases the energy capacity of the entire body.

Of course, the manufacture of this energy node. It is more troublesome, and you need to control the flame energy to draw extremely complicated secret lines in your body. After the secret pattern is formed, it will automatically form a storage space for energy in the body. Entering energy into that space will slowly become an energy node.

These energy nodes, at the first level, can only hold up to 10% of the body's energy. Then every time the cultivation level is increased by one level, it will increase by another 10%.

However, due to the energy balance, each flame energy can only create one node. Guding's heritage memory. There are also people whose fire attribute energy body is composed of two different flames, and that person successfully created two nodes in the body. So Guding is also guessing that in theory, he can make five energy nodes in the body.

With Guding's powerful memory and control, it also took seven or eight times to condense the complex secret pattern, which took him two days. In the next two days, he also condensed and formed the five mysterious lines without any hindrance. The facts also proved. His conjecture is correct.

The set of exercises "Burn the Firmament" can be used as a major practice method for the powerful of the true **** level. Naturally, it is not simply to create energy nodes, to increase the body's energy tolerance.

The most commendable part of this set of exercises is a set of extremely explosive combat skills. This set of combat skills can make people burn the flame energy in the body and instantly burst out of extraordinary power.

For the next twenty days, Guding spent most of his time practicing this set of combat skills and injecting flame energy towards the energy nodes in his body. The rest of the time is spent digesting other things in the inheritance memory, such as the experience of cultivation. Some things like tricks have even made Guding's understanding of the practice of "Burning the Sky" much deeper than before.

When all five energy nodes are full, it is already the twenty-seventh day of Goodin's stay in Robert's field. Goodine has basically mastered the set of combat skills in "The Burning of the Sky". He suddenly produced a new idea, running this set of combat skills with physical energy. See if it can produce an instant burst effect.

Quitting the state of burning sky, Gooding once again ran that set of combat skills. With a punch, the Shenyuan in the body was quickly consumed, and the effect of an instant burst also appeared. This surprise discovery made Guding a little surprised.

"It seems that my strength can be improved again."

Three days later, new information from the federal government was finally released, announcing a list of 277 replacement places. In that list, the names of powerful men like Minina and Huck are all listed, while the members of the Two Ten Thousand Demon Temples, Ansia and Skall, have been removed from the list. Obviously, the federal government does not want these The anti-human guy entered the site to make trouble. In fact, this cannot completely prevent the infiltration of the members of the Wanmo Sanctuary, because at that time, if they entered the virtual world, the Wanmo Sanctuary must have sent more than one team of people.

This bench list makes Guding and others feel most astonished that there is no name of Futu. "Did I miss it? Why didn't I see the name of Futu?"

"You haven't overlooked it, indeed there is no his name." The sea emperor dispelled the idea that Guding wanted to go back and look for it directly. "Someone broke the news yesterday and said that Futu is a hidden member of the Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Demons. Maybe this thing is true. Now that he was removed from his name, it seems to confirm this speculation."

"Butu is a member of the Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Demons?" Guding was a little bit unconvinced. Although he didn't have much contact with Budu, he intuitively didn't think that Tubu was a member of the Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Demons. The gang of demons ca n’t even get a piece? "

"It is not ruled out that someone wanted to discredit him deliberately, so he made this kind of rumor." The Sea Emperor made another conjecture, "and the federal government may be unable to judge the truth of the rumor, so it has to make such a decision. After all, If Budu is really a member of the Sanctuary of Ten Thousand Demons, let him enter the site and the damage to the human camp will be huge. His strength, in the human camp, only you can contend. "

After the replacement list was issued, less than half an hour. Guding received another letter from the federal government in his mailbox. Guding and the sea emperor guessed that it was about entering the site this time, and quickly opened the email.

[His top 1,000 players, everyone! 】

[Please rush to the nearest federal government base within three days to receive the physical rewards after the game. 】

[For this award, the point exchange system is adopted. In the game, the higher the score, the more rewards can be exchanged and the higher the rank. 】

[Within three days, those who fail to reach the federal government base are deemed to have given up game rewards. Therefore, please rush to the nearest stronghold as soon as possible. 】

At the end of the letter, the signature is the head of the federal government and two other deputy heads.

"There is no mention of the site" Guding was a little surprised after reading it. He thought that the so-called reward was to enter the site outside the region. The result is really rewarded in kind.

"It is estimated that it is for confidentiality, so we will wait until the stronghold of the federal government to talk about such things in person." The sea emperor was silent for a moment and gave his guess.

"Emperor, call them all in," Guding said, getting up and standing up.

With the exception of Robert, Tagore, and Bruce, everyone else has practiced in Robert's field these past few days. Especially Liliat who has entered the virtual world, they deeply feel the gap between themselves and Guding. I'm desperately digesting the gains over the past month.

After they came in, Guding greeted the crowd to sit around.

"Lily. Have you all received mail from the federal government?"

"Yes, I didn't say anything about the ruins outside the territory, just let us go to collect the rewards." Lilia has her head, but she is a little uneasy, "But are we going to go? I'm a little worried that this is a case under the federal government. "

"Hey, of course. Go for those rewards, don't take nothing for nothing." Guding grinned, "The federal government fee is so big, it must be going to the site, not for the purpose of circling such big stars against us. A circle. "

"Sister Lily is relieved. What the federal government chief signs is not going to go wrong. This matter is basically irrelevant to the federal government military department. If it is really to capture us interstellar pirates, they will not let the chief sign this. Kinds of documents. When the letter is exposed, the entire federal government will be questioned by the public. This is related to the credibility of the federal government. The leader and deputy leader who signed the document will have to step down. "Mi Ke easily analyzed it. In the context of things, he was pretty sure this was not a trap.

"I definitely have to go, I call everyone, one is to prepare everyone, and the other is Mickey's thing." Guding then said, "Everyone knows that Mickey got the second place in the standings. , And also got a site quota. My consideration now is whether to let Mi Ke enter the site with us. The sea emperor also told me before that these rewards must be received at the expense of entering the site. If he Going with us to collect the rewards, it is impossible to get rid of this site. "

"Mike, don't go anymore. This is not a virtual game. Once something goes wrong, there is no way to remedy it." Liliat frowned as she listened.

"If the opponent is an alien, it will be very dangerous." Bigger gave his opinion even though he didn't enter the virtual game.

"I also think it's better not to go." Docote also looked heavy ~ ~ Everyone has seen this virtual world, and many strong people are not weaker than us. The strong interracial will only be stronger and more cruel. "

"But I want to go, I want to fight with everyone." After listening to everyone's opinions, Mi Ke still gave his own thoughts in a low voice, "I will try not to drag everyone back."

Hearing Michael say this, everyone fell silent.

"I know, let's go together!" Guding suddenly grinned, "It doesn't matter, there is a sea emperor, everyone will gather together the first time, there will be no danger. Interracial, there is nothing great, They dare to bully Mi Ke, we will beat them up !!! "


[Sorry, something happened yesterday, and I did n’t get out of a chapter. From six o'clock to nine thirty, there were four phone calls coming and going, and more than three hours of continuous calls. There will be three changes today ~] (to be continued ...) ()

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