The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 488: Enter the federal government station

Two days later, the Guding team arrived at a branch of the federal government. When the spacecraft landed at the port, when Guding and they walked out of the spacecraft, many bad eyes turned towards them.

This planet is called Dashi Star, and is a planet rich in mineral veins. As the residence of the federal government, almost no interstellar pirates have come here, and the location of the port is extremely guarded. There is a military officer almost every ten meters. These military personnel are the source of bad eyesight.

As a member of the military, they are naturally no strangers to the Guding team. The Guding team on the demigod rankings almost occupies half of the top ten seats, and Guding is the chief strongman on the ranking. That face, with a slightly childish face, has long been remembered by the vast majority of people in the federal government military department.

Guding they did not pay attention to this, this time at the invitation of the federal government, they need not be afraid of anything. Moreover, this is just a branch of the federal government in the shallow sea area. The top management is not too extreme to be a god. Guding can turn this station into nothing between their hands.

Of course, in addition to the military personnel, some ordinary residents who are more concerned about current affairs near the port also recognized Guding.

In the open-air tavern, one person suddenly muttered, "Two little loli, one big man, and one cat, that seems to be the Guding pirate group."

Hearing him mumbling, many people in the tavern looked towards Guding.

"Yes, it is the Guding Pirates. I just saw Guding's reward in the tavern." After seeing Guding, one person shouted excitedly.

"Hello, you will be heard in a quieter voice." The man sitting next to him immediately covered his mouth and scolded.

"Why are there interstellar pirates here? Does the army don't care?" An old man frowned slightly. He has lived on this planet for decades, and is the first time he has encountered an interstellar pirate. As a person who has lived under the protection of the federal government since childhood, he has little interest in interstellar pirates.

"I'm afraid that no one dared to stop him. Guding is too strong. Lord Camodi is probably not his opponent." The next person whispered.

"Oops. He came towards us." Suddenly shouted.

Others saw the Guding team walking towards the tavern, and they all looked pale, shut their mouths and dared not speak again, and pretended to sit calmly and drink. Actually, I was playing drums.

Guding naturally heard this discussion. These people are just ordinary people. They do n’t know the interstellar pirates, and it is normal to be afraid. Guding did not care about this kind of thing. Not to mention the fact that it is the residence of the federal government, that is, the blue star where Guding was, and most people will also be biased against interstellar pirates. The red light district where Guding used to live was often infested by interstellar pirates. Except for local residents, other ordinary people rarely visited.

Find an empty table and sit down. Liliat deliberately armed the gun on her waist and shot it on the table, shouting pretentiously, "Waiter, have a drink!"

Gooding gave her a weird expression, and Lilyat was obviously because she heard what these people said. These people were deliberately scared.

Seeing the silver pistol Liliat shot on the table, many of the people sitting nearby were directly green.

A group of waiters stood not far from the door and did not dare to see this scene. After a while, they pushed out a small, thin man. The little man was obviously a teenager. He looked like a fifteen or sixteen year old. He wore black-rimmed glasses. He looked like a student.

The little waiter came over with some trembling. "Hello ... how are you ... please ... please ... what ... what?"

Gooding has never been an embarrassing waiter. He grinned at the other party. "Give me a Mirka, wait, two more. It's been a long time."

"I want lime juice!" Liliat armed with the gun in her hand. Sideways.

The little man looked terrified, fearing that Lilyat would be upset, and nodded quickly, "Uh, uh."

After the rest of the people have passed by one by one. I heard a lot of people around froze.

Because almost all the members of the Guding team ordered drinks such as fruit juices, only Doco had a glass of pinks, which also belonged to fruit wine and had a very low alcohol level. Guding, the captain, ordered the legendary children's drink Mirka.

"Isn't it saying that the interstellar pirates are the kind who can drink half a box of fire in one breath? Why does this ancient pirate group drink fruit drinks?" Many people secretly slandered in their hearts.

Blaze is a kind of alcohol with extremely high alcohol content. After the entrance, it is like a blaze into the abdomen. Ordinary people may cause gastrointestinal perforation if they take a bite. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a taboo drink. I do n’t know where these unreliable rumors came from, saying that the interstellar pirates drank fire, and everyone drank half a box.

After drinking the drink, Gu Ding left the tavern with an ice cream in their hands, which made everyone stunned.

"The Star Pirates still eat ice cream? Shouldn't they eat human flesh?" One whispered after watching Guding as they walked away.

"That is, I also heard that the Star Pirates eat human flesh for every meal. As for dessert, it is a pudding made of human blood." The next person nodded quickly.

"They may be tired of human flesh, and occasionally change their taste." The other said with a chin on his head.

"Well, it makes sense, so it can explain why they don't burn hard." One person felt very reasonable after hearing it, and quickly gave approval.

"They seem to be heading towards the Federal Hall ..." One of the crowd shouted in surprise. "There is the residence of the federal government, do they want to take control of the planet ?!"

The crowd suddenly panicked, and some people even posted the news of the arrival of Gooding on Skynet.

In fact, on this day, there have been many such things on Skynet, all of which are well-known interstellar pirates suddenly appearing in the federal government.

Guding and they walked to the door of the Federal Hall. Although the guards at the door did not look good, they did not stop them. Obviously, they had greeted them and they dared not violate the order.

After entering the hall, a woman in a blue uniform greeted him, "Hello Guding, welcome you."

"Where are the rewards?" Guding asked directly.

"Please come with me." The girl in uniform just smiled slightly, and led Gooding and the others towards the depths of the building. On the way, the atmosphere seemed awkward, because no one took the initiative to talk.

After taking Guding and them to a reception room, the uniformed woman spoke again. "Please take a short break here. I will inform the manager."

Guding they didn't wait long, the manager arrived in about five or six minutes. He is a middle-aged man who is slightly blessed. He looks very ordinary.

"My name is Billington, you guys, Guding Pirates, I have heard of you very early, but I didn't expect to really meet them." The middle-aged manager said with a smile.

Guding could feel that the other party seemed to have experienced the storms and waves, and he was completely calm when he saw his party.

"Mr. Manager, we are here to collect the rewards." Guding and the federal government have no common language, and they directly understand their intentions.

"Captain Gooding is indeed as straightforward as the rumors say, then well, the one who has received the reward quota comes with me. Others, you can drink some drinks or snacks, wait here." Billington does not Annoyed, after greeting the woman in uniform with the communicator, he gave a command and then took Guding and they left.

Billington took Gooding with them. They took the elevator to a location under the ground that they didn't know how deep, and after a dozen types of authorizations, they finally came to the door of a small room.

"You can only enter one person at a time. After entering, follow the prompts to get the reward you want." Billington finished, pressing his right palm on a scanning screen next to the gate.

With a click, the silver door opened.

"Who is advanced?" Gooding looked at the people beside him.

"Go ahead, you are the captain and you want to take the lead." Liliat sneered.

"Well," Guding nodded and stepped into it.

After he stepped in, the door closed automatically.

Immediately after entering this room, Guding's ear heard the voice of the sea emperor, "This is a small-scale base station established by Skynet. The information here can be directly transmitted to Skynet."

At the same time, a beam of light emerged from a location on the ceiling, and Guding was about to dodge, but was stopped by the sea emperor.

Guding is standing in the same place, after that light scans Guding from head to toe ~ ~ A voice came from the ceiling, "Identification, name Guding, champion of the semi-god-level virtual world trial field, total points 4.08 billion . "

"Hello, tester. Let me briefly explain the rules for redemption of rewards. Redeem points for items of the same value as the one-star fetish are 10,000 to 30,000 points, and redeem points for items of the same value of the two-star divine are 10 to 30 10,000 points, and so on, the five-star fetish items can be exchanged for points ranging from 100 to 300 million points. The five-star fetish items go up to be pseudo-fiends, and the cheapest kind of things require at least 1 billion points to be exchanged . As for real spirits, at least one trillion points can be exchanged. "

"Hundreds of trillions of points ?! No one can meet this requirement?" Gooding heard a little speechlessly.

"Virtual world trial field points can be accumulated, and the points of each level can be taken to the next level after promotion. With trillions of points, the federal government camp is also reached by someone." The female voice explained .

Guding realized this. The virtual world that he had entered before was actually a trial site that the federal government has been using, and there are more than one such trial site.

"Don't think too much, choose the reward first, others are still waiting." The sea emperor reminded. ()

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