The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 502: The secret area within the site

After two days of flying, Liliat found the second exploration point according to the route given by the sea emperor.

This exploration point is also a residual point of martial marks, and it is a mountain that was penetrated. This kind of attack, if placed in the cosmic sea, is enough to penetrate a planet, but in a world with extremely high spatial stability, the density of a stone is more than tens of thousands of times that of ordinary stones, so only a hole is penetrated The mountain did not cause more damage.

"What is this attack?" Liliat saw the huge hole from a distance.

"It looks a little bit like a finger, but the hole is too big, and it's more like a hot weapon." Docot on the side glanced at Liliat when he said this.

"It is unlikely to be a thermal weapon. There was no powerful thermal weapon in the ancient times. The thermal weapon was really strong after the advent of the mechanical family in the ancient times. Before this, the power of thermal weapons could not participate in this level of war. Mike shook his head and gave his explanation. Although he didn't see the hole, he knew from common sense that it could not be caused by a hot weapon.

"You know it by touching it," Elsa shouted.

Everyone leaped from the top of the silver skull and climbed towards the place where the big cave was worn.

When they reached the point of penetration, they discovered that the hole was larger than they thought, with a diameter of at least several thousand kilometers. After a group of people climbed in, they reached out and touched the ground under their feet. The touch is very smooth, not because of cutting, but because of high temperature melting.

Crimson, they also felt a peculiar martial art mood passing along the fingertips, they all felt silently.

Liliat, who thought she would get nothing, did not expect that the moment she touched the ground, her consciousness was pulled into another space.

She saw a black figure floating in mid-air. She looked up and found that it turned out to be a martial arts beast, she was startled.

Preparing to escape, but found that the gaze of the martial hunter was not placed on his body, but on the mountain where his own group was. Liliat also saw it, on the other side of the mountain. A dark tribe is hiding. The dark tribe's body was leaning against the back of the mountain, holding his breath, and seemed to want to wait for the martial beast to approach and launch a sneak attack.

But soon, Liliat saw an incredible scene, and the Hunting Beast did not fly at all, but opened his big mouth directly, spit out a white shock wave from the mouth, directly penetrated the mountain, and will The dark tribe drowned in.

"Straight through the kill!" Liliat looked at this scene with great surprise.

After a moment. Only then did she break away from that scene, and the whole person looked dull.

Elsa on the side noticed this scene of Liliat, and asked with some uneasiness, "Lily, are you okay?"

"It's okay," Liliat didn't intend to explain the matter for the time being, because the scene just now seemed to make her vaguely discover something. She tried to grasp this feeling. Immediately sat down and closed his eyes. Recall that scene just now.

"Elsa, don't disturb her, it seems that she has gained something."

Everyone stayed in place for another day, but Liliat would not wake up at all for a while.

"It takes a long time to awaken the conception of martial arts for the first time. You still don't have to wait. Go directly to the third exploration point." The sea emperor also discovered Liliat's situation and moved towards other humanes.

"I will stay with Lily." Elsa was still a little relieved.

"Let me stay, you can't cope with the skull, and I can attack from a distance," Dorcott suggested.

"No need to stay, there is no danger in the vicinity. These skeletons are enough to cope, I will call Lily to wake up. Moreover, Guding will not catch up in a few days, you all go to the third point." Out of arrangements.

"Okay," listened to the emperor, and Elsa did not dispute anything.

During her cultivation, Liliat did not give these skeletons orders in advance, and several of them had to choose to walk towards the third point on foot.

Gooding was sitting on top of the golden skull for five days, but in these few days, he had no trouble. Even if there are humans or dark tribes passing by, seeing the huge silver skull from afar, they all choose to bypass. After spending so many days in this site, I know how much I ca n’t provoke.

In Guding's mind, all the martial arts images of the Lingxi Realm that have been seen have emerged, there are hundreds of Dao, as if the stereoscopic projection is generally automatically interpreted in his mind.

More than two hundred pictures, with the exercise, reduced one by one, slowly became one hundred, fifty, twenty, ten ... until finally, condensed into one .

The last picture, only one punch and one finger. At the beginning, Gu Ding's artistic conception moves from two stone carvings were one punch and one finger. He knew that this was his own martial art conception.

When the last picture dissipated, Gu Ding pointed out without using Shenyuan, and the void location touched by his fingertips oscillated a strong wave of space. With the passing of that wave of turbulence, the air flow around the body began to show a state of stagnation. The most frightening thing is that, in such a stable space, Guding's fingertips still generated a spider web crack in the size range of broad beans. The crack automatically returned to its original shape after only a moment of maintenance, but it was enough to explain the horror of Guding's blow.

Seeing the power of this blow, Guding was quite satisfied, because the artistic conception of this finger has broken through the spirit realm. He immediately clenched his fingers into fists, and punched them out again, still not using the **** source.

Fist strength swayed in the void, the space touched by the fist produced a sense of distortion, and the position where the fist finally bombarded, there were a few clicks of a crisp sound, the sound was like the ice was hit After that, cracks occurred, and Guding also saw the instant formation of several spatial cracks.

The second attack, Guding is also very satisfied, this punch has also reached the spirit rhinoceros realm. At this point, Gu Ding's martial arts mood finally set foot in the second largest realm.

Jumping from the body of the golden skeleton, Guding took it into the storage space. Then he jumped over the head of the silver skull and drove it in the direction of Liliat.

Two days later, Gooding found Liliat ’s place, and the little girl was still sitting on the spot, obviously still comprehending the martial art conception. Guding didn't bother him, but sat down on his own, and also realized the martial arts conception here. Although it is impossible to break through again, it is also an accumulation.

On the side of Liliat, more than a hundred pictures of entering the micro-environment are constantly forming in her mind. These were recorded before when she learned the martial art conception with Elsa and Docot. Although she has never stepped into the micro realm, these pictures are also a kind of accumulation in her mind, so that she has a lot of reference information.

The most profound thing in her mind was the attack of the martial hunter who saw it not long ago. The white artillery fire from the mouth was actually not much different from the firearm attack.

In Lilyat's mind, the attacking angle of the martial hunter appeared. Where other pictures can be used for reference, they gradually merged into the attack picture of the martial hunting beast, including information such as body style and attack angle, which became more and more clear in Liyate ’s mind.

More than a hundred pictures, and a few days later, have finally become a pair. The only picture was deeply engraved in Liliat's mind.

It was not until now that Liliat had an extra gun armed, transformed into a barrel, and bombarded a mountain in the distance.

With a "boom", a white flash shot out, and the location where she aimed aimed out a huge hole without any slight deviation. After the big mountain, a small bronze skeleton fell directly under the shelling.

"This trick is called Chuanyun Cannon!" Liliat was proud of seeing the effect of this cannon.

When she turned her head, she found that Guding, who was sitting on the ground not far away, was looking at herself with surprise on her face.

"When did you arrive?" Lilyat noticed that Elsa and others had left long ago. Instead, Gooding, who had been left at the last exploration point by everyone, appeared in front of herself.

"About ten hours ago." Gooding counted the time. "Your firearm conception has entered directly into the small one?"

Guding could see at a glance that Liliat's artistic conception of the blow just now did not enter the micro realm at the beginning, but entered the micro-realm.

"Has it become a small one?" Liliat was a little confused himself.

"It may be caused by the accumulation of thin hair ~ ~ After all, you and Elsa have also learned the martial art concept for a long time." Guding did not feel too surprised.

"I've got it here, how long will you have?" Liliat asked.

"It's time to go. I have recorded the martial arts conception here. It is not very helpful to me. There is no need to continue to waste time." Gooding stood up.

The two returned to the top of the silver skull and hurried towards the third exploration point.

Elsa and several of them, because there is no silver skeleton to travel, plus Mi Ke because of the cultivation of reasons, the speed is relatively slow. So it took six days for the group to reach the third exploration point, and by this time, Guding and Liliat had already set off for a day.

The third exploration point is a secret environment formed by a special environment. Because there are a lot of energy fluctuations in the mysterious realm, there are many awakened skeletons in the vicinity all coming towards this coordinate. Nearly a thousand bronze skeletons, dozens of silver skeletons, and even a few gold skeletons are blocked At the entrance of the secret realm.

Such a spectacular scene made Elsa choose to wait and see. (To be continued ...) ()

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