The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Night Charm Played by Mickey

Scarlet has the sword spirit of the extreme god, and has the sword technique to kill the soul and consciousness, so it is not difficult for him to kill the golden skeleton. Dorcot's soul is strong, and the mental impact is enough to destroy the golden skeleton. But the two of them encountered such a large army of skeletons, and they certainly could not bear it. After all, there were too many.

As for Elsa, she is in a state of restraint. She can only kill the bronze skeletons, and she can only avoid the silver skeletons.

And Michael, under the current circumstances, his existence is almost completely ignored, and even a bronze skeleton can kill him in seconds.

Fortunately, the news from the sea emperor, their six-day trip for several people, silver skull only two days. And Guding and they had already set off for a day, and they only had to wait another day to wait for the support of Guding and Liliat. So several people simply hid behind a large rock and waited patiently.

Although the silver and gold skulls were conscious and detected Elsa's existence, their attention was not on them, but was attracted by the energy emanating from the secret realm.

The next day, Liliat and Guding finally arrived, during which Liliat received four silver skulls.

Seeing thirty-six silver skulls suddenly appeared, the original skeletons did not care too much, even if they found two people sitting on top of one of the silver skulls. The new consciousness condensed by the will to fight knows nothing but killing, they do n’t even know that their companion is enslaved.

Elsa They saw Gooden and the two coming, several jumps jumped on top of the tallest silver skull, and the crowd gathered again.

"What's going on here?" Guding and Elsa looked around the secret area with some surprise.

"The energy that escaped from the secret realm caused the gathering of these skeletons," the sea emperor explained. "Just clean it up."

"I'll do it." Liliat volunteered that she was the first to encounter gold skulls, but she knew that the strength of the skeletons of these gold skulls was comparable to that of a half-step god. If such a powerful guy can be a thug. It is a very happy thing.

As soon as the voice fell, Liliat directed thirty-six skeletons to rush towards the group of skeletons. The crowded bronze skeletons could not be defeated by the impact of a group of silver skeletons, but only two or three seconds were cleared hundred.

Liliat stood on top of the silver skull, her eyes turned golden. A fiery red long hair without wind automatically, the blue long skirt also automatically swelled up.

The pair of golden pupils suddenly waved a golden ripple when a golden skull waved and patted it. The ripple passed towards the surroundings, and all the originally boiling skeletons were quieted down.

Only three or two seconds passed, and thousands of skeletons stood still.

Seeing this happen, Guding was a little shocked. They didn't expect Liliat's pupil surgery to be so terrifying, and instantly lost the entire skeleton group.

After a moment, Liliat ’s golden eyes regained their true colors, the expression on his face was slightly tired, and Guding on the side immediately supported her.

"I'm okay, except that the power of the soul is a little depleted, and the number of skeletons is a little more." Liliat looked at each other with concern, shaking her head and laughing.

"Then take a break and go in again." Guding passed a handful of soul repair potions. These tubes are the two-star soul replenishing potions he refined himself, in pursuit of refining quantity. All are of the ultimate quality, but the effect is not weaker than Samsung Soul Elixir.

Liliat took the medicament and injected three successive tubes directly into the body.

"There is bad news, the Dark Charm's Night Charm is coming in this direction. He actually started flying directly. It may be sealed by the Night God before he came in. It was not noticed. According to his current flight speed, it is estimated It will be there in a day or so. "The emperor said suddenly.

Hearing this, Gu Ding frowned, and this guy named Ye Mei was exactly what the sea emperor had said before. A direct descendant of the night gods of the night gods. They have also seen the strength of Guding from the video. It is a powerful existence that can kill the golden skeleton with one blow.

"How could he know that there is a secret here?" Liliat felt a little strange.

"Although the detection methods are restricted, if he has an energy-sensing device in his hand, he is not restricted by the rules of the world. The energy-sensing device can only guide the direction, not the position." Mi Ke gave his guess.

"Yes, he has a mechanical energy-sensing device in his hand, which is purely mechanical equipment, and is physically shielded from magnetic field interference. I can't change the direction of the induction device." This device, only Robert had a way to get it, and the sea emperor was helpless.

"Yemei's strength is not something we can cope with. At present, there are only three solutions." Mi Ke said again. "In the first method, we immediately entered the secret realm and swept as much as we could. Before the guy arrives, escape from here. The second method is to find someone as a bait and lead the guy away, so that we have enough time to sweep the secret. The third method is to create more energy gathering points. , Interfere with his energy-sensing device. "

"Choose the first one, the safest." Liliat spoke first.

"One day, the things that can be swept are limited, basically equivalent to letting the secret realm go." The sea emperor was a little unwilling.

"Choose the second one, and I will lead him away." Gooding suggested.

"No, this guy outperforms you by one grade. You have a head-on encounter, and your winning percentage is less than 20%. If he can't fly, then Liliat can control the silver skull to take you away, he will definitely not chase But this guy can fly, and you ca n’t escape. ”The sea emperor made a negative opinion.“ Other people are even worse. Anyone who takes bait will be killed by him. ”

"I can build a polyelement array to interfere with his energy-sensing device, because this device is actually flawed. Generally, where the energy fluctuation is relatively close, it is pointed to. Moreover, the energy that escapes from this mysterious environment is not strong, as long as Additional energy points appear, and the device is very susceptible to interference. "Mi Ke suggested. "Just create some chaotic energy points in a row and guide him in other directions."

"This method is good, but it can't leave any traces, otherwise he will know that he has been fooled. He will definitely be chased up." The sea emperor finally approved a plan.

"I'll go with you." Guding was still a little relieved.

"Guding, you stay, I will go with Mike," Crimson suddenly said, "We still don't know what is in the secret realm, and your strength is the strongest among our group of people, so. You go with everyone The secret is the most secure. I and Mike are together, as long as I do n’t encounter Night Charm, I can solve other troubles, even if I encounter a golden skeleton, I can easily beheaded. "

"Okay, that's it." Guding thought about it. If he really encountered a gold skull, it was really a bit difficult to solve. Instead, he had a sword spirit with extreme gods and soul-like swordsmanship. Take Mi Ke will be stronger.

After setting the strategy, Liliat temporarily transferred the control of a golden skeleton to Crimson, and then they set foot in the secret realm.

And the golden skull, in order not to leave traces, is almost in flight at all times. Its flying speed is also extremely fast. It took less than an hour to fly millions of kilometers and reached the point calculated by the sea emperor.

The sea emperor counted. This location is the only way for Night Charm. And this direction is also consistent with the secret realm. It is completely a straight line, so that it can avoid the suspicion of night charm caused by the abrupt deviation of the pointer of the energy detector.

After arriving, Crimson and Mi Ke jumped down.

Mike quickly arranged the formation, and then pinched the Yin Jue. A two-star gathering array took less than ten minutes to rapidly form, and then Mike spent another ten minutes or so to arrange a maze outside.

After doing all this. Scarlet cleared all traces of the two people's footprints, etc., and then took Mike to climb back to the top of the golden skull.

Immediately afterwards, the golden skeleton took the two to the second landing point, and the two quickly arranged the second gathering.

Then the third, the fourth ... more than three hours passed. Mickey has already arranged ten gatherers, and has completely guided the route to a direction completely different from the secret realm.

At this time, Ye Mei finally arrived near the location of the first Juling Array.

"It's finally here!" Looking at the response of the probe, Ye Mei knew that the energy sensor was nearby.

He looked around, and finally found a small maze, his mouth slightly raised, "Cut, little trick, how can this maze be difficult to get Ben Shao, I want to see what baby is hidden inside."

With a palm shot, the maze was destroyed, revealing the inner spirit array.

Seeing the Gathering Array, Ye Mei frowned, "What's the matter? How is a Gathering Array?"

Ye Mei did not think at this time who set the sleeve to let himself drill. He thought that who was injured needed a lot of energy to heal the wound, so this kind of thing came out. Moreover, the level of the gathering is not high, and it is estimated that the people who use the gathering are not strong enough, and they also get a puzzled outside to be afraid of being disturbed.

When I stepped on the ground, several cracks broke out on the ground, damaging the formation of the Gathering Array, and Night Charm took off again, looking at the detector pointer in his hand.

The pointer of the detector wobbled, swayed left and right, and then pointed in a direction ~ ~ Yemei face was happy, "Good luck, found the second energy point so quickly."

He hurried towards the second energy point, but what he didn't know was that from the second energy point onwards, he had deviated from the direction of Guding's secret realm.

When he rushed to the second Gathering Array, it was already two hours later, and Mike made seven more Gathering Arrays, completely turning Ye Mei towards the unmanned two million kilometers away from the secret realm Guide away.

It was found that the night charm of the second gathering circle was a curse, "Wipe, who the **** is it? It's nothing to worry about, making two gathering circles one after another!"

After destroying the second Juling Array, the pointer of the detector oscillated again, and under the help of Ye Mei, he flew towards the third Juling Array ...


[The third one is sent! It's the last day of this month, all of you, have a look at the ticket warehouse. Don't leave the monthly ticket expired. In other words, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass tomorrow, and continue to make changes tomorrow ~~ I want to try hard in December! ] (Unfinished to be continued ...) ()

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