The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Talk about cooperation with the federal government

For a while, Skynet was almost all about the return of the Guding Pirates.

I didn't know who wrote the message of "The Low-profile Return of the Guding Pirates", but the analysis was thorough and not far from the facts.

Some big forces noticed the item Guding they wanted to purchase.

At the Federal Government Work Conference, a ruler-like projection was projected.

"Do you know, what is this?" The meeting was held by the Supreme Commander of the Ministry of Military Affairs, Balzaze, who sneered at everyone in the conference room. His face was obviously not good-looking.

Most of the people he saw lowered their heads so they didn't dare to look at him, and no one seemed to recognize the thing on the scene.

"Okay, let me tell you, this thing is a time measuring instrument." Balthazar saw no one answered this question, so he had to say the answer. But when he thinks that such a time gauge is not something that this plane should have, he is a little relieved.

After saying the name of this item, after seeing that most of the faces on the scene still have a stunned expression on his face, Balsaza explained somewhat helplessly, "The time gauge is a prop used to travel to another timeline. The Guding team is sourcing this kind of thing, and the only explanation is that they have found another timeline hidden in our world. "

"But isn't there only one time axis for the basic plane?" Someone asked his own question in a low voice.

"There can be only one main timeline in the basic plane, but in some special spaces it is possible to have an auxiliary timeline." Balthazar said and looked at everyone, "Then you know, these auxiliary times What does axis mean? "

"A lot of resources!" Another person in the crowd said, "The same space, under different timelines. Development may present two completely different worlds. If you can expand these subsidiary time planes, it is equivalent to Expand the universe of our human universe. "

"Yes, the space that can produce the attached timeline is definitely not small. If it can be expanded, the number of resources will definitely not be small. And once there is a large-scale war with other ethnic groups. We can also have a hidden habitat." Barr Sazer nodded his approval.

"But why did the Guding team enter another timeline? They are pirates, not resource exploration teams." Someone asked this question.

"What they are doing is not my concern. I only care about what they know about another timeline. Check it out for me. If it is not clear, I will send someone to catch them and ask." Balzaze cared about it. It's not what the Guding team wants to do, he cares about what Guding knows about the timeline.

There are several other major forces with similar ideas to the federal government. They all recognized what Guding wanted to purchase. Through this purchase information, we also judge the existence of another timeline.

Many people are also inquiring about what the Guding Pirates know about the timeline.

Of course, the movements of the major forces cannot escape the eyes of the sea emperor.

A few days have passed, the purchase of time measuring tools still has no clue, but the entire universe is already snarling.

The Guding pirate group also held a meeting because of this matter, and everyone gathered in a group.

"Gooding, our purchasing behavior. It has attracted the attention of many other major forces, including the federal government. Many forces have identified that thing as a time measuring tool, and many forces are now exploring other timelines. "The sea emperor felt that those great forces were really too refined. Even the first time, I thought of competing for resources in that other time plane.

"This is not a good thing. I am staring at so many eyes. Even if someone has this thing in hand, I am afraid that we will be snatched away by other forces at a high price without waiting for our shot." Liliat frowned.

"It's too late to cancel the purchase information, and it will only be considered that we have already obtained the purchase. It will be more troublesome at that time." Dorcot also shook his head.

"Actually, it's not necessarily a bad thing to pay attention to them." Mi Ke suddenly said differently.

"Mike, what did you think of?" Guding quickly asked.

"Gudingo, haven't we always worried about the Days family being too strong? We just need to release a little news to tell those forces, including the federal government. We did get news about another timeline, and know that world Have huge resources. But we also suspect that the world may be occupied by powerful forces, and then secretly guide them to know that the Days family occupy the time plane. "

"They want resources, let them fight the Days family. And we can fish in muddy water and take the opportunity to rescue Hucker."

Michael's plan is not bad.

Guding both gave him a thumbs up after listening.

"It is indeed a strategy of two birds with one stone, you are getting more and more powerful, Michael." Fatt couldn't help complimenting.

"Actually, Fatge, you taught. If you put it in the commercial war, Fatge may come up with better attention." Although Mike said that, but his progress in the past three years, Fatt completely looked at it. In the eyes.

"Fat, you and Mike drafted a statement together. You are an old fritter in the business community and you know how to word it. Mike, you can grasp the scale of the news revealed this time. Don't let people know it at a glance. We do n’t have a purpose. ”Gooding gave the matter to Fatt and Michael.“ After it ’s done, I ’ll send it to everyone to see if it works. ”

"Well, I and Mike will discuss how to write it later." The French character agreed.

After assigning this task, Fatt and Michael quickly became busy, and it took them more than two hours to complete the statement. The whole statement is actually only a few sentences, which add up to less than a hundred words. Time is mainly spent on revision.

After the revision was completed, Fatt sent this statement to Guding and each of them.

"how about it?"

"I think it's okay. This statement clearly acknowledges that we know that there is another timeline, and that we have learned from some sources that it has a lot of resources. But because the plane has existed for a long time, I suspect that time plane. Has been occupied by powerful forces, hoping to cooperate with other forces, only need to share a piece of soup. "Guding nodded after reading.

"I think it's okay, because everyone actually knows that our pirate group is not the kind of pirate group that values ​​money very much, and it is logical to seek cooperation for safety." Liliat also nodded.

"Surely someone will remain skeptical. If there are other forces sending someone to personally contact us, we just need to tell most of the facts. Let's find some time to compile this story, a half-truth story. It ’s the easiest to believe. If no one comes in contact, we do n’t need to actively explain anything and wait and see how it changes. ”Mi Ke gave a follow-up strategy.

The sea emperor soon released the statement on Skynet in accordance with Mi Ke's plan.

Seeing this new term of the second timeline, many forces and individuals on Skynet who had not previously known about this matter have obviously gained knowledge. Because before this, many people didn't even understand the concept of timeline. The Guding team made a statement where countless people started to understand what the "second time axis" of popular science is.

Seeing the statement of the Guding team, the major forces basically maintained a somewhat skeptical attitude, and many people instinctively realized that there must be something wrong.

The Federal Government also held another meeting for this purpose.

"What the **** is the Guding team doing? It's so easy to share information, and I always feel that there is a conspiracy." At the meeting, more than one person put forward this view.

"Actually, what the Guding team wants is not important, what is important is what we can get. No matter how famous their team is, there are only a dozen or so members who ca n’t become a great climate. And in terms of strength, we only need one titled king to sit in town It ’s enough to suppress their entire pirate regiment. ”Balthazar put forward a different view.“ However, it ’s good to contact them and see if you can get more detailed information. I will do this personally. Well, after all, lying in front of me is not an easy task. "

Three days later, Balthazar appeared at the door of Guding's spacecraft and rang the doorbell.

It was Guding who opened the door, and seeing Balsaze did not show any uncomfortableness, "Master Marshal, rare guest, come in and sit."

Not only did Balsaza see surprise on Gudin's face, he didn't even see any uncomfortableness, which surprised him a little. "Do you know I'm coming?"

"We know that someone will definitely come, but we don't know who it will be. After all, these big forces have been staring at our team for this matter for some time. It is impossible to retreat after we have sent a message ~ ~ Gu Ding's answer still seemed to be neither humble nor overbearing, and he poured a cup of tea without any haste.

"You don't fear me at all?" Balthazar shifted the subject. He didn't want the subject to be guided by Gooding all the time.

"There are two reasons for not fearing you. First, I just came out of the door of purgatory, and I have done nothing wrong for more than half a month. Second, I think you should be more than a small pirate group I care about the resources of the second timeline. "Gu Ding answered this question with a smile.

"Don't forget, you came out of jailbreak." Balthazar did not know where Guding came from.

"The Master Prison Master of the Purgatory Gate and the three adults who guard the rank have promised me that as long as I can successfully escape from prison, it is equivalent to the completion of the prison sentence. That is to say, I am now equivalent to the person who was released after the prison sentence. "" Guding looked at Balthazar calmly.

"Okay, let's talk about the business and talk about this cooperation." Balthazar did not intend to continue to turn around. (To be continued ...)


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