The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 660: Wanted order updated

In the days after the talks with Balthazar, several other forces also came to visit one after another, the purpose of which was to get more information about another time plane from Guding.

Gooding is also not stingy about this. Apart from concealing and fabricating things about Huck, more than 90% of the truth is true.

Of course, in addition to Guding, many other members of the team were also clichéd. However, everyone has discussed the rhetoric before, and the information disclosed is almost exactly the same as that of Guding.

What surprised the Guding team most was that after three days, a new wanted order for the Guding Pirates was issued by the federal government.

[Wanted: Guding]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 28 billion source stones]


[Wanted Criminal: Bigger]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 18 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Scarlet]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 18 billion source stones]


[Wanted offender: Huck]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 15 billion source stones]


[Wanted criminal: Liliat]

【Gender: Female】

[Reward amount: 20 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Elsa]

【Gender: Female】

[Reward amount: 18 billion source stones]


[Wanted offender: Docot]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 18 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Fatt]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 5 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Mi Ke]

【Sex: Male】

[Reward amount: 5 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Robert]

[Reward amount: 15 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Tagore]

[Reward amount: 15 billion source stones]


[Wanted: Bruce]

[Reward amount: 15 billion source stones]

Seeing the new wanted order, Guding felt very baffled. The federal government guys talked about cooperation with their forefoot. Now it turned around and issued a wanted order, which was a bit puzzling.

"Except for Fatt and Mike, why are your rewards so high?" Guding looked at everyone with some puzzles. Usually, the rewards amounted to more than 10 billion yuan, which is equivalent to being publicly recognized by the federal government as having the power of the true **** level. .

"Actually, you have been in the gates of Purgatory for several years. We have been monitored by the federal government. Without the presence of the sea emperor, a lot of monitoring can't get rid of, so our combat power, they probably have an understanding." Liliat said Explained, "The reward amount of Elsa and I are so high, mainly because our personal website has many supporters. And there are many strong or special skills, and those guys are willing to help."

"My high reward amount is because I have been challenging all kinds of powerful people in the universe, and incidentally Robert also occasionally shot." Docott was quite satisfied with his reward amount.

"Brue and I have been wandering in various secret areas and ruins in recent years, and some people have been killed because of the competition for resources. The news should also be revealed by some people who entered the secret area together." Crimson didn't care. Emoji.

"Huck and Tagore actually haven't caused much trouble in recent years, but Hake has gone on several occasions, causing Tagore and I to work together to suppress it. They were photographed and put on Skynet." Bige guessed it should be this the reason.

"Mike and I have a low reward amount because we are almost always in the family territory." Fate saw that he and Mike had the lowest reward amount. In fact, he was a little bit unhappy. He can only blame himself for being too low-key in recent years.

"I don't understand why Balthazar did this? Is he not planning to cooperate?" Guding frowned. He didn't know what the federal government meant.

"An email came in, and the sender's address showed that it was the federal government." It was then. The emperor suddenly said.

"Open it!" Guding guessed it might be Balthazar's email.

Haihuang directly opened the email, and there was only one video attachment in the email, which popped up automatically.

In the video projection, it was Balthazar, who showed his upper body in a military uniform.

"Guding. Hello to the other friends of the Guding Pirates. I believe you should have seen the latest wanted order now. Your net worth has been raised again. But this will not affect the cooperative relationship between us. The reason At this time, the release of the wanted order is actually largely just to divert public attention. Let everyone forget about the second timeline. "

"Of course, in addition to these, these wanted orders have some other effects. For example, letting Guding, who has already served your sentence, become a wanted criminal again, we have reason to pursue you again and arrest you in prison. Of course, the gate of purgatory is not accepted, and there are other prisons that can accept it. Although it is said that we do not have any other prisons that can hold the true gods with strong power, it does n’t take too much time to build another one.

"Also, after this cooperation is completed, remember to ask me to say hello to us ... Yes, we know that you have concealed the things of the Days family, and we already know that Days is occupying another time plane. Descendants of the family. "

When he heard this, Guding groaned, but he didn't expect them to know about it.

"Do n’t forget, within the scope of the human universe, as long as we are willing to take the time to dig deep, basically nothing can hide our federal government. Although you have something to hide about Huck, we The cooperation will not be terminated as a result. The part of you that provided the information has been completed, and this information is very valuable to us. "

"That's all I want to say. If you think of any other news, you can contact me directly. My contact information was left to you last time."

As soon as Balthazar finished his speech, the video automatically shut down and then quickly destroyed itself. Obviously, this video of the cooperation between the federal government and interplanetary pirates cannot be leaked out, otherwise it will definitely make people doubt the ability of the federal government and seriously affect the reputation of the federal government.

"They still know the truth of the matter ..." Liliat was a bit grudged about this ~ ~ It doesn't matter, our main purpose is to rescue Huck, nothing else. Balsaze sent us this video, in fact, the main purpose is to deter us, and declare that they are the leader of the incident. Our cooperation with them will not be affected. "

"They know that the truth of the matter is not a bad thing. The work we originally needed to guide secretly is no longer necessary, and the gang of the federal government will do it for us. Moreover, they will not hack Huck and the Days family. The news spread out, because there are other forces involved in this matter, and the federal government wants to keep this information asymmetry so that they can always dominate the entire event. "

Mi Ke conducted a further analysis of the entire incident and came to a fairly good conclusion.

"What we need to do now is much simpler, is to follow them into the time plane where the Days family is, and rescue Huck. Nothing else needs to be considered." (To be continued)


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