The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 752: Digging the wall

After conquering the eight-winged red blood dragon, the man slowly fell on the top of the red blood dragon's head, his eyes were cast on the spacecraft where Guding and his party were.

Fortunately, he didn't have a fierce battle with the red blood dragon, otherwise Guding and their dream ship might have been torn to pieces by the aftermath of the battle.

"We were found!" The tone of the sea emperor sounded extremely serious.

"Do n’t accelerate the spaceship. In front of the strong man of this level, let ’s not move space in this retrograde space. Even if we can, we ca n’t escape. Driving at the original speed shows that we are just passing by. He We shouldn't care about us. "Gu Ding still behaved calmly.

According to common sense, Guding's idea is actually right, because after all, the other party is at least the strong of the main **** level. For him, the pedestrian Guding and himself are not at the same level, there is really no need to pay attention.

But the strange thing is that the eight-winged red blood dragon even shocked its wings, directly blocking the way of the dream.

At such a close distance, everyone realized the size of the eight-winged red blood dragon, which was more than several times larger than the starry sky beasts they had encountered in the counter-current river channel before Guding. I am afraid there are more than ten seas. Blue star size.

The eyeball alone looks like a **** ocean, and tens of thousands of meters long

"What does he want to do ?!" Liliat exclaimed in a low voice.

"Don't worry, he shouldn't be malicious, otherwise he wouldn't have to stop the spaceship and just shoot." Gu Ding said in his mouth. There was still some uneasiness in his heart, because he didn't know the reason why the other party blocked his way.

"A little girl from your group is a Vikings?" A voice penetrated the spacecraft's wall and clearly fell into the ears of Guding's group.

"Senior has something to tell me directly. I am the captain of this spaceship." Gooding frowned, Guding stepped forward, and stopped Elsa behind him.

"Your kid is a little daring, but do you think if I have any malice, can your boat stand my toss?" The voice continued to penetrate the spaceship's walls as if nothing.

"Captain, it's okay." Elsa nodded at Guding as well. Gooding just gave way.

"If I guessed right, seniors should also be our Vikings?" Elsa said. Guding, they were a little surprised.

They had seen the man through the window before, and his shape was not much different from that of ordinary people, and he was even thinner than Docot. But everyone knows that Viking men. An individual is one size bigger than Bigger.

Just when Guding thought that Elsa's question was somewhat inexplicable, something that shocked them came up.

"Your girl's induction ability is quite good, even you can feel the blood of the same family in my body. Yes, the deity is indeed a Viking. The blood awakening level in your body is not high. Which tribe member should be." Although he was a Viking, Gu Ding and his colleagues were finally relieved after being shocked.

"But aren't the Viking men all tall guys?" Liliat questioned Elsa aside. "Surely it's going to be higher. Will it shrink in size?"

"I don't know, I just felt the blood energy of the same family in him." Elsa shook her head, and she couldn't tell how she judged the identity of the other party.

"You little girl is interesting. I will explain this question. What you see now is not my deity, but only one of my avatars. My avatar is the fastest among my many avatars, even better than me. The deity is about to score two points sooner, so I used this avatar to chase the eight-winged red blood dragon. "This explanation finally made everyone feel relieved.

But Guding was shocked. The opponent just subdued the eight-winged red blood dragon of the main **** level with a avatar. To what extent was the deity so strong.

"Girl. I have some words to talk to you alone. Of course, if you have concerns, you can refuse, and I will leave immediately." The other party's voice pierced into the cabin again.

"Elsa ..." Guding frowned slightly, and he was still not at ease.

"Captain, I also have some questions to ask this senior." Elsa chose to believe each other.

"Guding, believe in Elsa's choice." This time, Liliat was also on Elsa's side.

"Well, be careful." Although Gudin knew that the other party was unlikely to hurt Elsa, the other party's strength was far beyond his control, which always made him feel uneasy.

"Reassure, he is my clan, although they belong to different branches." Elsa smiled at Guding, then flicked out of the spaceship.

"Come on." The man stood at the top of the eight-wing red blood faucet and waved at Elsa below.

Elsa seemed hesitant.

But the eight-winged red blood dragon was also obviously dissatisfied, ejecting two clusters of blood-colored air from the nostrils, and looked at Elsa's eyes slightly disdainful.

"Forget it," the man who noticed this scene just jumped from the giant leader. Before appearing in front of Elsa, he glanced at the eight-winged red blood dragon. "Go back and tune you."

The neck of the eight-winged red blood dragon shrank, and he was obviously afraid of him.

The man quickly appeared in front of Elsa.

"The main line of the Viking tribe, Theodoric." While introducing himself, the man gave Elsa a hug. This is the etiquette of the Viking tribe.

"My name is Elsa," Elsa didn't know how to introduce her branch.

"Elsa, I am looking for you this time, mainly to understand the survival status and contact information of your branch. I come from the main vein. Many people in the main vein hope to find each branch that is outside and let the whole The ethnic group is strong ... "Theodoric is also a straightforward character of the Vikings. Once there is no politeness, he goes straight to the subject and asks Elsa.

Elsa didn't hide anything, she said everything she knew.

After listening to what Elsa said, Theodoric frowned slightly, "According to what you said, none of your family members have reached the level of the true god, which means that your bloodline is too awakened Low. And the degree of blood awakening is too low, the main reason is because you have no awakening pool. "

"I think your qualifications are quite good ~ ~ It is better to follow me directly back to the main line to practice. With the training resources of the main line and my guidance, your strength will be horrified in a short time. "

"Even if the awakening pool is washed, at least it can save hundreds of years of hard work, and the quality is excellent, even comparable to hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years of practice, the blood concentration in your body will be greatly Purification. There are plenty of other resources available ... There are even special dragon-draining islands within the clan for young people like you to choose your first dragon as a partner. "

"But my companion ..." Elsa looked at the Dreamer not far away, and what Theodoric said really moved her. She has been pursuing to make herself stronger and find a dragon of her own.

"You are a good material, you should practice while you are still young, instead of wandering around this basic plane with a group of people. If you really like to travel, you can also wait for yourself to practice to the level of the main god, then do n’t Say this is the basic plane, and you can go almost anywhere in the main plane. "Theodoric continued to dissuade." If you sway outside for a day now, it is a waste of one day's potential. What a pity."

"But ..." Elsa still hesitated, and she was still reluctant. (To be continued)

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