The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 753: Elsa's choice

"Sorry, Senior, I can't go with you."

Although the terms proposed by Theodoric were tempting, Elsa quickly gave an answer to the rejection.

"You still can't let go of your friends?" From the perspective that Elsa glanced towards the spaceship from time to time, Theodoric could easily figure out why Elsa made this choice.

"Girl, you know, my Viking family, the source of the blood veins is the star giant in the era of the wilderness. Entering the awakening pool and washing can greatly improve the purity of the blood veins in your body. The awakening pool of my main vein is the capital of countless branches Dreaming of what you want to enter, let alone other cultivation resources. With your talents, if you are properly trained to become the main god, it is almost a matter of last resort, and if you add a little chance, you will not be a strong lord of the Megatron side. Impossible. But everything requires you to lay a good foundation while you are young, otherwise, it would be a pity that the qualifications you gave this day were abandoned ... "

"Senior, these conditions you put forward are indeed very tempting, and I know everything you said. But the journey we experienced was not the waste time you said. On the contrary, it was the encounter on the journey that made me and me 'S partners are growing in their own way every time. Perhaps in your eyes, my growth is far from your expectations, but for me, every step we take is meaningful and also Worth remembering for a lifetime. "

Elsa has also made a decision, and she chose her partner after all.

"Hey, you stupid girl ..." Theodoric also knew. Elsa's idea has been decided. No matter how much she persuades, she will not change her mind. "Now that your idea has been decided. I'm not good about it."

"I have a gift of spiritual practice here as a gift to you, as it is this meeting, maybe it will allow you to take a lot of detours in spiritual practice." Theodoric said, there was a black in my palm Flakes, which are similar in thickness to paper, but look like metal. The thing floated out of his palm and landed firmly in Elsa's hand.

"There is one more thing. I think it is better to tell you, the awakening pool of my family. Only people under the age of 30 can enter. People over this age cannot enter even the strongest of the main **** level. So, if you want To strengthen your bloodline, please be sure to arrive at the main station of my clan before the age of thirty. Enter the awakening pool to complete the training. As for the position of my clan station, I have left a star chart in my cultivation experience Detailed labeling. "Theodoric finished, and then patted the head of the eight-winged red blood dragon." Let's go! "

The wings of the eight-winged red blood dragon twitched slightly, and the huge figure disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared. It's just that Guding they vaguely heard Theodoric's sigh coming from the void, "Hey, it's a pity such a good seedling ..."

Back to the spaceship. Elsa was immediately surrounded by Guding.

"Are you all right?" Liliat asked with concern first.

"It's okay." Elsa shook her head with a smile on her face.

"When the guy left, what a pity to say a good man. What does it mean?" Dorcott asked curiously.

"Don't ask questions about things you shouldn't ask." Liliat stared at Docot.

"It's okay. Sooner or later, I'll tell everyone about this matter." Elsa didn't care too much, but asked what happened just now.

"It turned out to be the case. The guy said that before he left. I thought he had tested what happened to your body." Liliat patted her chest and smiled bitterly.

"Actually. Elsa, you should choose to leave with him." It was the sea emperor who made the unusual opinion at this time. Hearing what the Emperor said, the others looked over in amazement.

"What we are now in is just the base plane, and the large universe sea of ​​the base plane is more than a hundred times more vast than the human universe sea. Above the base plane, there are higher planes. I don't know how many times it is wider than the base plane. And the main plane is above the higher plane. If we want to reach the main plane from where we are now, even if we continue the space shuttle without stopping, it may not be completed for ten consecutive years. Not to mention, we still have There will be a stay, and different things will be encountered, "the sea emperor explained.

"Sister Elsa, I think so too. According to the senior, you can choose to leave with him first, and then wait for us to go to the main plane before looking for you. Even in the main plane, you have the Lord ’s The force can also be called a first-class force. Your ethnic group should be quite powerful in the main plane, which can give you enough resources to practice. Moreover, there are strong leaders at the level of the master **** to guide the practice, in a short time you It is estimated that the increase in combat power will reach an unprecedented speed. "

Not only Neptune, but even Michael gave this view.

"You two guys, you know what optimal decision to calculate. Have you considered it? If Elsa is gone, there will be one less person in our team, and it will be incomplete?" Lilia looked at him in a huff. Two little guys less than one and a half meters tall.

"Actually, I think we may not be able to reach the main plane within the deadline. Because along the way, our strength will increase, our spacecraft will also upgrade, and the speed will also accelerate. There is another point of view that I disagree with, we Practicing while traveling is not necessarily slower than the growth of ethnic groups. "Guding is on the side of Elsa.

There is no rebuttal to what Guding said ~ ~ Neptune and Mi Ke, what he said does make sense, and there is no need to argue on this topic, everyone just needs to show their opinions. .

"Elsa, don't you still get a cultivation experience? Hurry up and practice. I'm still waiting for you to improve your strength, so we can continue to learn from each other." Liliat laughed, she has been using illusion To help everyone train for actual combat, Elsa is also the person who has dealt with her the most. Under the mutual supervision of the two, progress was also obvious.


"This retrograde space turbulence is caused by the eight-winged red blood dragon and the Viking predecessor chasing each other in the adjacent space, and it is not a true retrograde tide. We are lucky, according to the current speed of travel, there are three You can leave this retrograde space in about days. "

"Large universe sea, I really look forward to it. Many people dream of the place they want to reach. We can actually reach it." Liliat sighed.

"Yes, this is a wider world, with more cultivation resources, more powerful opponents, more fierce enemies ... but because of them, our journey will be more exciting!" Guding grinned. (To be continued)

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