The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 155: : for the tribe

In Ren's house.

"Dong dong dong..." Following a knock on the door, Ren Yi, who was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

"Come in."

The three people who entered the room each carried a bulging cyst on their backs.

"Brother, we have collected all the secret treasures from all over the world that you asked us to find..." said a tall slender woman in the middle of the three of them.

"Well, not bad, let's put it here." Ren Yi nodded slightly, and casually pointed at the tea table in front of him.

The three of them poured out the contents of the package in one go.

Countless gold and jewels, interspersed with grotesque antiquities.

"We discovered these golds by accident, and we brought them back along the way." Camilla clasped her waist and explained.

"Hmm..." Ren Yi replied briefly, his eyes focused on the few ancient relics submerged in the sea of ​​gold.

"This should be the battle armor from Diku's episode... This bracelet seems to be from the time the spider ate earwax? And this Holy Grail... Yes! You can live forever!" Ren Yi became more and more excited the more he watched.

Although these things are not very useful now, they will be of great use in the next world, such as the Holy Grail... Immortality, that is the dream of many people~ Ren Yi caressed the golden light in front of him with golden eyes holy grail.

At the same time, a green gemstone on the side also caught Ren Yi's attention.

"I remember this..." Ren Yi muttered, wanting to pick up this emerald.

However, the moment Dang Renyi touched the emerald, the power of the horse charm in his body began to be released automatically.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Seeing himself covered in white light, Ren Yi shouted in surprise.

"System prompt: Since the gem contains the curse of bad luck, the fifth-level horse charm can be immune to any curse, so the defense is automatically implemented..."

Ren Yi's startled face gradually returned to its original state.

Speaking of which, it is said that horseshoes seem to be able to be transported and bring good luck to the bearer. Maybe it is because of this... Ren Yi thought to himself.

Casually throwing the emerald to Meng who had just stepped into the living room, Ren Yi looked at the golden holy grail again.

"I remember this thing seems to be in a mysterious ancient tribe. Without the Holy Grail, the whole tribe will die soon..." Ren Yi frowned.

seconds later...

"But what does it matter to me whether they die or not?" Renyi threw the Holy Grail away and leaned comfortably on the sofa.

"Brother, this gem is so beautiful~ Is it for me?" Meng asked beside Renyi holding the emerald innocently.

"Take it if you like it~" Ren Yiwei closed his eyes, waved his hands and said.

"That's great, thank you, big brother... Hmm~ what decoration do you want to use this gemstone for? Or inlaid on my sword?" Looking at Meng who left with a satisfied look, the corners of Renyi's mouth slightly raised.

"Well~ As the saying goes, stupid people have stupid blessings, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"Brother, then, the rest of us will leave first, and we are going to do daily training." Camilla, who stood aside silently for a long time, said respectfully.

"Well, let's go..." Ren Yi still maintained a casual leaning posture, and waved his hand.

Obviously there is a growth function that comes with the system, why do you need to train? Wouldn't it be nice to have fun in time? Looking at the three people leaving the room, Ren Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Young master... I have picked him up, and he is resting in the room now, do you want to see him right away?" As soon as the three of Camilla left, Lao Li walked into the door and asked.

"No need, it's not too late to introduce after two days of rest, Uncle Li, go and rest first." Renyi looked up at the ceiling and waved his hand at Old Li.

At this time, the location of the backyard.

"For the glory of our alliance, this assassination is only allowed to succeed, not to fail!" A man in black clothed tightly said quietly to the crowd behind him.

"Especially you, Qian Daoliu. A few days ago, I broke away from the organization and went to the street in the rain. I haven't settled with you for acting without authorization. You have to behave well this time, otherwise..." the man said With a fierce look on his face.

However, Qian Daoliu didn't think so.

How long can this alliance of assassins that has come to an end last?

Qian Daoliu looked towards Renyi's bedroom window expressionlessly.

"Oh yeah? What a group of rare guests~" At this moment, an old and powerful voice came from behind everyone.

Old Qiao smiled and observed the small team with only a dozen people in front of him.

"Have you been exposed? But the opponent is just a weak old man, you, go and kill him!" The leader was a little frightened at first, but after seeing the person clearly, he said with a look of disdain.

The named assassin then walked towards Old Joe with his bow drooping.

Although Old Qiao is just a thin old man on the surface, he feels very bad. It seems that he is walking into the tiger's mouth step by There are a few beads of sweat on the man's forehead, and he subconsciously thinks Draws the dagger from the waist, however...

In an instant, the scenery in front of the man's eyes began to rotate violently, and finally he fell to the ground powerlessly. Looking at a body without a head in his vision, the man's eyes were choked and he said, "This is..."

Immediately afterwards, as the headless body fell heavily, the man's brain also stopped thinking.

At this time, the remnants of the Assassin's League had already been frightened out of their wits. Almost everyone trembled and looked at the harmless old butler in front of them in horror.

"It's disrespectful to carry a weapon when you come to visit." Old Qiao clapped his hands with a smile and looked at everyone.

"This... Qian Daoliu, it's your turn to play!" The leader trembled, and gently pushed Qian Daoliu who was motionless beside him.

"Come on, Qian Daoliu, all the glory of our alliance rests on you. You are the hope of all our alliance members. Shout out our slogan, let's fight..." The leader gasped for courage. Said in a big tone.

"For the alliance!"

But Qian Daoliu seemed unmoved. At the same time, from the roof beside him, several thick bolts of lightning struck towards the Assassin's League.

"Professor Yang's kiss!" Ren Yi floated in mid-air, while manipulating the lightning demon Zhongsu's magic energy, he shouted Zhong Er.

With the bursts of thunder and several electric sparks raging, the courtyard has been completely destroyed. Except for Qian Daoliu and the leader, almost all the other assassins were chopped into coke...

"This...impossible, you...why..." The leader was so frightened that he fell to the ground and said incoherently.

Ren Yi smiled faintly, and said slowly...

"For the Horde~"

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