The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 156: : I am not a casual person

"For the tribe~" Ren Yi said quietly.

Hearing Ren Yi's nonsensical words, the leader looked blankly at Qian Daoliu beside him.

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu stood with a calm face, and slowly put the drawn Taidao into the scabbard.

"Roar? I didn't expect to be able to block the lightning rod of the thunder and lightning demon. It's interesting~" Ren Yi's body was covered with light blue flashes, and a few electric sparks were generated from time to time.

"I think you are interesting, why don't you come to my subordinates to do business?"

When the leader heard that Ren Yi was poaching the wall in front of him, he immediately became unhappy, and firmly grabbed Qian Daoliu beside him.

"Hmph, I, Qian Daoliu, wholeheartedly pursue the truth of the way of swordsmanship. The Alliance has favored me, so I will not turn against you..." Qian Daoliu snorted coldly, and said disdainfully.

The scene shifts to the warehouse of the canned fish factory at the pier.

"Boss, don't struggle anymore, go early and come back soon..." Ah Fen looked helplessly at Wa Lung, who was sharp in front of him.

"I don't want to suffer these pains anymore, I want to stay here!" Valon said in resistance, grabbing the pillar with difficulty.

"Walong, you seem to have forgotten your current situation, you must help me right now!" At this time, the Holy Master suddenly appeared and said.

"I don't want it!" Valon staggered into the house step by step.

However, after walking a few steps, his eyes suddenly glowed red, and he made a 180-degree idling behind him.

"Hmph, it seems that something hard must be done, let's go." The Holy Master ordered with a dark face to the Black Hand Gang members who were watching the show in front of them.

Seeing this, Ah Fen shrugged helplessly and followed.

In the thirteenth district.

"Uncle Long~ Let me try your body? I also want to be as light as a swallow and become a martial arts master." Xiaoyu pouted and said coquettishly towards Jackie Chan.

"No! I don't want to be a kid again~" Jackie Chan shook his finger and refused.

Ever since Jackie Chan and everyone used the sheep charm to change their bodies back, Xiaoyu had a bold idea, and kept trying to realize this idea.

"Xiaoyu, it's time for school, let's go." At this moment, Sergeant Black walked into the room and said to Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu pouted, looked at Jackie Chan with dissatisfaction, and whispered in his mouth: "Why didn't the monster destroy our school by the way..."

However, just as Sergeant Black led Xiaoyu out of the room, the alarm sounded suddenly.

"It's not good, we found traces of the's at a nearby bank..." A police officer called to Sergeant Black who was about to leave, and reported.

"Well... You send Xiaoyu to school, and I will direct the operation." Black pushed Xiaoyu to the middle-aged police officer with a big belly in front of him, and ran towards the house.

The man looked at Xiaoyu with a smile, and said kindly: "Let's go, little sister, uncle, I'll take you to school~"

However, seeing this situation, Xiaoyu subconsciously took a step back, feeling chills all over her body...

"As the leader of an international criminal organization, I don't want to go to jail for robbing a small bank..." Valon was still resisting uselessly, desperately holding on to the edge of the car, unwilling to walk towards the bank.

Seeing this, Afen and Rasu shook their heads helplessly, and walked into the bank on their own.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Valon was completely defeated by the Holy Lord.

After blasting the vault, Lasu looked around in confusion, then walked towards a shelf full of gold coins.

"Oh, my God, it's a pity that such an attractive thing can't be taken away." Ah Fen held a lot of banknotes in his hand and said to himself.

At this moment, the door of the vault was suddenly opened, and a row of armed police officers in uniform blocked the door tightly. Then, a bald man walked out from behind the line, followed by a man with a big nose.

"We surrender~" Seeing this, Rasu and Ah Fen looked at each other, raised their hands and said.

After everyone left, the old man ran around the vault with the lizard in his hand.

"Father, what are you doing?" Jackie Chan asked puzzled.

"Oh~ have you seen the devil? No! Then the devil's door is not here." The old man slapped Jackie Chan's forehead and complained.

"The goal of the Mafia must be the Devil's Gate. They must be coming for the Devil's Gate. We must stop them."

in court.

"In view of all the evil deeds you have committed before, you are sentenced to fifty years in the Kongu Reformatory for Criminals!"

"I always feel that the Mafia has another purpose. Maybe...the reformatory school is where the Devil's Gate is located?" Jackie Chan, who was standing in the auditorium, patted his head and guessed.

"It is necessary to investigate, come with me." Sheriff Black also felt that it made sense, and returned to the thirteenth district with Jackie Chan.

"Our technicians will disguise you as a ferocious criminal. You have to go undercover to find out their intentions." Sergeant Black stood beside Jackie Chan, who was undergoing disguise surgery, and explained.

Half an hour later, Sergeant Black looked at the vicious criminal in front of him with satisfaction.

"Welcome to our brutal villain...Jackson~" Sergeant Black teased.

"Oh~um..." Jackie Chan tried to adjust his voice to make it low and hoarse.

"Okay, it's time to act. In order to avoid losing, let's remember a secret's called: South American mouse." Sergeant Black led Jackie Chan towards the outside of the base, and said at the same time.

At the same time, inside the mansion of the Ren family.

Having dealt with the intruder, Ren Yi decided to have an in-depth exchange with Gorzan in a state of boredom, to train her well~

"Qian Daoliu, follow Uncle Qiao to the room to rest first, and work hard~" Ren Yi patted Qian Daoliu on the shoulder and said.

"Okay big brother, no problem big brother." Qian Daoliu nodded with a smile on his face, and left in a hurry.

After a while, Ren Yi, who came to the basement, looked at the lovely and pitiful Gorzan locked inside the fence with complicated emotions.

"Do you know what's wrong with you?" Ren Yi walked to the fence and asked the dejected Gorzan inside.

"Hmm..." Gorzan nodded obediently.

"Do you still dare to play tricks on Big Brother in the future?" Ren Yi continued to ask.

"Don't dare..." Gorzan replied with a sob.

"Oh, forget it, I'll forgive you..." Ren Yi looked at the innocent Gorzan, sighed helplessly, and slowly opened the fence.

The small prison provided by the system is quite useful... Seeing Gorzan walking out slowly, Ren Yi thought to himself.

However, the moment Gorzan walked out, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he rushed towards Renyi.

Ren Yi who was thrown to the ground looked at Gorzan who was sitting on top of him in surprise.

"Hey, big brother... you have to make it up to me~" Gorzan said with a funny smile while moving his face closer to Renyi.

"Hey, hey..." Ren Yi saw that something was wrong, and said...

"I'm not a casual person...but I get up casually, I'm not a person!"

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