The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1005: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (131)

  Chapter 1005 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (131)

  Su Rui has always been magnanimous, but the slight embarrassment on the youth's face at this moment is very obvious.

  Even Su Qinghuan had never seen Su Rui look like this. She was slightly startled, and instantly understood how abrupt she was.

  She glanced over the embroidered quilt. Because of Su Rui's posture, she couldn't see anything special, but the man's refusal without hesitation at this moment undoubtedly showed Su Rui's uncomfortable at the moment.

  The little fox figured out this layer, and his face also showed a faint crimson color.

   "Okay...I can't come, then if you are really uncomfortable, just tell me, actually I..."

   Seeing the girl’s eyes with concern and shallow shame, Su Rui only felt that countless fireworks bloomed in his mind, and he almost subconsciously pulled Su Qinghuan into his arms.

  I want to kiss her, but I can’t bear it.

  If you surpassed the thunder pond for half a step, I'm afraid that I can't control the collapse of the string of reason.

  The man sighed a little helplessly and cowardly.

   "Fine, maybe you were born to torment me."

   "Just to say... you really don't need me... ahem..."

   Feeling Su Rui's slightly curled up figure, Su Qinghuan watched his nose and nose, not daring to get closer to Su Rui's side for half a step.

  Su Rui shook his head almost subconsciously. He looked at the beautiful face of the little fox, and the reason in his brain slowly returned to the cage.

   "Qinghuan, I don't want to wrong you, I hope you and I have a happy wedding night."


  I don’t know how long it took before the little fox really fell asleep.

  She stared at Su Rui fascinatedly, and Su Rui also looked at her tenderly. Seeing the girl slowly closing her beautiful eyes, the man sighed slightly.

   "Do you trust me that way?"

  Su Rui gently tucked the quilt for Su Qinghuan, and then dropped a feather-light kiss on the girl’s forehead.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

The word   good night was still learned by Su Rui from Su Qinghuan, but almost when he heard it for the first time, he understood what it meant.

  Sometimes Su Rui feels that the little fox is a wonderful person. Perhaps the deeper he understands, the more he will love him.

  Regardless of the arrogance or willfulness of the sweetheart, or not big or small, Su Rui will think that the little fox is cute.

  His girl, he does not spoil him, who can wait for him to spoil him?


  The ceremony was very grand, with ten miles of red makeup and noisy gongs and drums. When Su Rui took her hand and walked up to the rooftop, the little fox felt that his hands had leaked a little sweat.

  It’s not worry or stage fright, but it’s really a bit hot today, and the queen’s dress is very heavy, just the tailing, it’s not that ordinary people can walk slowly and elegantly.

  Su Rui saw the little fox's discomfort, so he glanced at the palace man beside him and motioned to him to fan the little fox.

   "Is it better now?"


  Su Qinghuan nodded towards Su Rui, and the two gentlemen fell into the eyes of the palace and the civil and military officials, and everyone could see how long the empress’ affection lasted.

  Because the phoenix crown and court clothes were too heavy, Su Rui couldn't bear to let the little fox suffer like this, and finally let the people from the Qin Tianjian and the Ministry of Rites end the post-apocalyptic ceremony as soon as possible.

  When he was sent to Jiaofangdian, Su Rui saw that the little fox was too tired after such a day's regulations, so the man gently took off the heavy phoenix crown for the little fox.

   "Use some pastries. I asked the palace staff to prepare them earlier. It is your favorite chestnut cake."


  The little fox was eating, and seeing Su Rui starting to untie the jade button of her dress, her face turned red.

  "A word of caution..."

   "Don't worry, if you are too tired today, we will make it up next time."

  Every time he saw the little fox tired, Su Rui felt a little bit unbearable in his heart.

  Even though he likes Su Qinghuan very much in his heart, every time he sees her, he is a little dazzled, but he always cherishes the little fox like a jewel, and he is not willing to hurt her at all.

  Su Rui's cold voice brushed his ears, and the little fox was stunned for a long time before reacting.

  She was eating chestnut cake, only to feel that she was about to choke in her throat.

   "Puff...who told you this?"

She originally thought that Su Rui unwrapped her dress because the wedding night of the two must be to complete the room, but in the end she really underestimated Su Rui's love for her. It turned out that her dress was too heavy and she wanted her Relax, relax?

  The little fox's heart was filled with indescribable warmth, but at the same time, he was a little helpless.

  ——This time has come, Su Rui is too upright to be a gentleman?

  She and him have experienced so many planes, men may have different life experiences, different names, different looks, but even on the wedding night, Su Rui is really the first one to be so calm.

If it weren’t for knowing that Su Rui really liked her, and two days ago, she felt something was wrong with Su Rui, otherwise the little fox really wanted to doubt whether Su Rui had something unspeakable, such as because of the beauty. The function was impaired, or it was just perfunctory.


  The little fox had a warm heart, but on the surface it gave Su Rui a white look.

   "I mean, our tents have not been put down, so we just unbutton our clothes, isn't it good?"

  Beauty's eyes are flowing, even if they are white eyes, they also have a unique pavilion style.


  The little fox said it euphemistically, but Su Rui and her had a clear heart, and they immediately understood what the little fox meant.

  The man's heart was hot, his eyes darkened even more, but when something happened, he still asked Su Qinghuan like an inquiry.

   "Then Qinghuan, come down today...Aren't you tired?"

   "It's actually okay."

  The little fox snuggled in the man’s arms obediently.

   "Getting married, it is inevitable to be a bit tossing, but in the apse of the Jiaofangdian, there are hot springs to relieve fatigue, I am not worried, what are you worried about? You are a man, shouldn't you be more energetic than me?"


  Agitated by the little fox's words, Su Rui's throat moved, he almost hugged Su Qinghuan up without hesitation.

   "This is what you said. If you feel tired later, don't blame me."

"Hey you--"

  The princess hugged by the man with a sudden change in style made Su Qinghuan suddenly widened her eyes.

  Actually, they realized that now, there are really very few holding up, as if Su Rui hugged her last time because she fell from a tree with a kite.

  At the moment, being held in the arms of the man, Su Qinghuan suddenly felt red when she heard Su Rui's steady and powerful heartbeat.

  Wait until Su Rui was thrown into the lotus tent, the little fox was even more enchanted.

  "You...remember to be more cautious and stop if it doesn't work. After all, the poison of your beauty hasn't been completely eliminated... Uhhh!!!"

  Before the little fox finished speaking, Su Rui's face turned dark.

  Su Rui did not hesitate to hold the little fox’s waist, quickly lowered her head, and sealed it with her lips——

  (End of this chapter)

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