The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1006: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (132)

  Chapter 1006 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (132)

  Where can a man be said no to by his wife on the wedding night?

  Even though Su Rui had a good temper, he couldn't help but a black line appeared on his forehead at this moment.

  The man held Su Qinghuan’s hand.

   "Qinghuan, don't question me."

  Does he really look that weak?

   Soon, the little fox knew the consequences of offending the man with his words just now——


Su Qinghuan was picked up by her waist and thrown on the embroidery quilt of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes. The craftsmanship of Suzhou Embroidery Lady was extremely exquisite, not to mention that she still has to pay tribute to the palace. When lying on it, there is something more unspeakable. The texture of flowing water.

   seems to be a bit cool, but because of the inseparable distance between the two, it adds a touch of enthusiasm.

   And Su Qinghuan regretted it a long time ago, why did she have to mention a beauty evil?

  Never mind normally, when this kind of posthumous ceremony just ended, I really thought about it too much.

  Su Rui quickly proved how powerful his abilities really are.


  Afterwards, Su Qinghuan could only beg Su Rui to wake up a little bit crying. After all, he would have to go to court early tomorrow morning. After Su Rui became the throne, he has never been late for the upper court.

  If this precedent is set because of her, I am afraid that the old foxes in the past will be dissatisfied with accusing Su Qinghuan as the evil concubine of the country.

   After all, Su Qinghuan was Helian Moxuan's noble concubine before, and the downfall of Helian Moxuan is not unrelated to Su Qinghuan.


  Su Rui and Su Qinghuan were once nominal siblings anyway. The dissatisfaction among the many pedantic courtiers, and Su Rui didn't mean to accept the harem at all, caused some officials to criticize Su Qinghuan.

  After all, as everyone knows, Su Rui's physique is not very good. Even though he is much healthier now, everyone is still longing for a prince in the harem.

   Helian Moxuan's fall so fast is also somewhat related to the lack of children under his knees. If Helian Moxuan ever had a son, I am afraid that those stupid old courtiers would also fight with Su Rui.


  Unexpectedly, after hearing Su Qinghuan’s words, Su Rui’s handsome and innocent face showed faint smiles.

  "What if I don’t come early? Isn’t Qinghuan always fearless? How can I still be afraid of others?"


  Su Qinghuan was held in Su Rui's arms, and the man's hand was still brushing through Su Qinghuan's hair, as if trying to straighten out her messy hair on the side.

  However, Su Qinghuan was very vigilant in her heart, for fear that this servant would have to stage a hungry wolf rushing for food in the middle of the night, and quickly reached out and pressed Su Rui's slender knuckles.

  The little fox said sternly.

"I'm serious, even if I don't care about being awesome, but I am also very annoyed in my heart when someone gives me a small report or secretly discussing in front of me every day. You can't take the name of a tyrant for me, who You kill anyone if you criticize me?"

  The man thought for half a second, and shook Su Qinghuan's hand very seriously.

   "Um... It's a bit too much to kill the courtiers casually, but it's okay to demote them to the invisible place.


   Hearing Su Rui’s unreliable suggestion, Su Qinghuan almost laughed.

   "Come on, it's better to demote a courtier casually than to kill the courtier casually. I don't want you to lose the hearts of the people because of such a trivial matter."

   "Your business is never a trivial matter."

  Su Rui looked at Su Qinghuan with scorching eyes, and the full of affection in those eyes made the little fox choke.

  A little stuffy, a little sour, and a little warm.

   But no matter what the complex emotions are, they are not as clear as the face of the person in front of them.

  Su Qinghuan subconsciously hugged Su Rui with his backhand.

   "Be warned, I sometimes feel that God treats me kindly. I can't imagine what should I do if there is no you in this world?"

  She will naturally complete the tasks released by the original owner.

  But if there is no one in this world who has her own heart-to-heart, how lonely she would be.

  Like the previous plane, she had searched for him for so long, but still did not meet the young man in her heart.

  Even if she later guessed that it might be because of the force majeure that traveled through time and space, she would inevitably be a little sad.

  No one has come to this world for whom, but there is always someone who will be the only soul you are looking for throughout your life.


   "How good is it, you are saying such childish things again?"

  Su Rui gave Su Qinghuan a helpless smile. At first, the man thought the little fox was talking nonsense, but when he saw the pain in the woman’s eyes, Su Rui panicked.

  He hurriedly held the face of the little fox.

   "Hey, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I'm always with you."

Su Rui has never been able to coax people. He has been weak since he was a child, and because of the evil of beauty, Su Rui also admits that his love is extremely shallow. Even if he has a heart and affection, I am afraid that he does not know which one will be delayed. girl.

   Therefore, Su Rui was all concerned about the future, but he did not expect that one day, the balance in his heart would gradually tilt towards a girl he had never cared about.


  "I would like to say, I really like you so much. If you have the next life, in the next life, please also find me?"

   Before Su Rui could answer, the woman desperately kissed Su Rui's eyebrows.

  She has a pious look, her lips are slightly downward, and when she is about to kiss the tip of Su Rui's nose, she suddenly sees Su Rui with one hand close together, directly supporting the back of her head.

  The handsome and unparalleled face of the man continued to magnify in front of her eyes. Su Qinghuan was already a little tired from the toss of this day, but at this moment, seeing the handsome face of the man, she suddenly greeted him regardless.

  Four eyes face each other.

   Breath and smell.

  The nose of the nose is full of good smells of men. After a while, Su Qinghuan felt that all the air in his mouth had been robbed.

   The moon outside the window had already risen to the mid-sky, and Su Rui saw the woman's reddish face, and finally reached out her hand and hugged Su Qinghuan out again.

  Behind the Jiaofangdian is Tangchi.

  The warm spring emerged slowly, and the crimson petals were carefully sprinkled by the palace staff in advance. The place is not really open in the open, but it is not completely partitioned.

  Although I knew that without summoning the palace resident in advance, no one would come over.

  But Su Qinghuan was still a little at a loss.

  She buried her head under Su Rui's shoulder in embarrassment, and her voice was dull.

   "Tomorrow, do you not want to go to morning morning?"

   "Let the old foxes wait."

  Su Rui rarely saw Su Qinghuan’s behavior. He smiled and admired Su Qinghuan’s embarrassment. Suddenly, he seriously put the tip of his nose close to the face of the little fox.

   "Hey, don't think about anything else tonight, Qinghuan, how about calling your husband?"

  The man leaned down, his thin lips licking the heat, brushing Su Qinghuan’s ear like a thread.

   Turns out to be extremely...confusing.

  (End of this chapter)

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