The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1020: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (14)

  Chapter 1020 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (14)

  Su Xi'er still pretended to be in front of Murong Lingtian, but when the little fox mentioned that he wanted to return the red jade hand ring, the panic and anxiety on the woman's face could hardly be concealed.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a ghost in Su Xier's heart.

  It’s just that Su Xi’er is still not sure whether the little fox wants this bracelet because he is not annoyed that Su Xi’er is engaged with his ex-fiance, or because the little fox already knows that Murong Lingtian has admitted wrong to his lifesaver.

   Obviously the latter is much more terrifying.


  However, the little fox did not find out how much she knew, she just smiled and looked at Su Xier, not afraid that Su Xier would not follow.

"Su Xi'er, we don't tell anyone secretly. Although we see each other on weekdays, and your sister comes and visits your sister, in fact, like Xiao Qin, you don't treat me as the eldest lady of Su Mansion at all. "

   "Sister Qinghuan... how can you say that my mother and I, since the old lady passed away, it has always been my mother who took care of the entire Su Mansion. There is no credit and hard work!"

"As for me, Sister Qinghuan, I don't know what you think of me. Maybe you never thought of me as your own sister, but in my heart, you have always been a sister who is connected to me by blood. This is No one can change it."

  Su Xier quickly began to defend herself and Xiao Qin as if she could not be blamed, and even a little water appeared in her eyes. It looked like a pity and pear flower.


  Little Fox is a bit boring watching Su Xier's acting. After all, she has seen a lot of white lotus and green tea in all major planes, but Su Xier is so disgusting, there are really not many.

  After all, after killing the original owner, he was indescribable in front of the original owner's bones and the original owner's former fiance. It can only be said that this kind of disposition and shamelessness once again refreshed the three views of the little fox.


   "Su Xier, don't you think you need to save a little bit of tears?"


  Seeing the little fox looking at him with a smile, Su Xier was stunned for a moment.

She had never seen Su Qinghuan talk like this before. Although Su Qinghuan was the nominal eldest lady and eldest daughter of Su Mansion for so many years, her status was actually low and pitiful. From Su Xier, it is more than one grade.

Because without the support of his mother, his father was also fascinated by the new heart of the little Qin family. The treatment of the original owner in the Su Mansion was so bad. Even if there was resentment in his heart, he was still a little pitiful, and he couldn't even find it. A self-conscious person says something from his heart.

Under such circumstances, Su Xier’s impression of Su Qinghuan has always been weak and deceptive. She never thought that the little fox would become like this one day. It doesn’t look like a pungent one, but a powerful one. .

  Even when he was in the banquet hall before, Su Qinghuan had a few words, which was even more majestic than Su's father, the head of the family.

  Su Xier's heart trembled, only to think that the little fox is now being forced to start red-eyed rabbits. After all, everyone knows that rabbits will bite people when they are anxious.

  Su Xier's thoughts are relatively simple. After all, people will subconsciously think in the direction that is more beneficial to them. She looked up pitifully and tried to continue playing emotional cards against the little fox.

   "Sister Qinghuan, why are you so aggressive? In my eyes, although you and I are not as close as sisters from the same family, but I always look forward to your kindness."

   "There is no feminine femininity between your words like this. You will only lose the last bit of decentness in the eyes of Master Murong."

  The little fox didn't intend to join Su Xier's sophistry, she snorted sharply.

"Su Xier, you feel your conscience and ask yourself, I’m not a decent eldest sister? So what you and your brother Ling Tian have done is decent enough? Or is it more enjoyable to **** a sister who had a childhood sweetheart marriage contract? ?"

"...Sister Qinghuan, why are you so stubborn? Obviously you have retired from Mr. Murong for many years. Mr. Murong and I really accept each other. Even if you force us to separate us, we will not So give up the other party..."


  The little fox raised her eyebrows, and she looked at Su Xier meaningfully.

   "How do I think your marriage has a lot of variables."

"In case I want to return my bracelet later, I will stop by Mr. Murong and talk about how you and Xiaoqin's mother and daughter once snatched the relics my mother left me. Do you think Mr. Murong treated you? Impression, will it still be a clean white lotus?"

  How to calculate it and it's on the bracelet again!

This is indeed Su Xier’s fate. From the little fox’s deliberately vague words and deeds, she subconsciously thought that the little fox didn’t know about the fact that he had saved Murong Lingtian outside the Liaoyuan city a year and a half ago. She just deliberately Take the red jade hand kushiro to pinch yourself.

  Now, Su Xier's most fearful thing in her heart finally let go of a lot.

  She forced herself to calm down.

"Sister Qinghuan, I really didn't **** the red jade hand shovel. Even my father thought you should give me away. Have you forgotten that if it wasn't for my mother and I to come forward at that time, you almost had to kneel in the temple. Seven days?"

   "There are also my mother and me. You only came out three days ago..."

   "I went to the Buddhist hall to punish me on my knees. Does it have anything to do with whether I voluntarily give you a bracelet? This is my mother's relic. You won't even grab this, right?"

Su Qinghuan looked at Su Xi'er calmly. She actually didn't intend to break with Su's father, Xiao Qin, and others for too long. These family properties were indeed accumulated by Su's mother, but compared to other mortal gold and silver jewelry, now Only the relic of this bracelet left by the mother of the original owner is the most important.

  Even if the little fox could not recognize the ancient magical tool of the lord, he would never let it give it to Su Xier for nothing.

  Of course, even if he wants to return to the red jade hand ring, the little fox has no plans to let Su Xier and the others easily.

  It's okay to let them put some blood.


  Su Xier saw that Su Qinghuan was so obsessed with bracelets, her face became more and more ugly.


  Just when Su Xier got stuck and couldn't speak, the little fox looked calmly.

  "Don’t worry, I’m not here to **** your fiance. I’m not interested in Murong Lingtian’s scumbags. But if you’re engaged to him, how will I deal with myself in Liaoyuan City from now on?"

  When the little fox called Murong Lingtian a scum, Su Xier's eyes widened on the spot, but what shocked her more was what the little fox said next.

   "I plan to leave Liaoyuan City. I don't want much. You return the bracelet to me, and also, give me three hundred taels of gold, otherwise I will disturb the marriage between you and Murong Lingtian!"

  (End of this chapter)

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