The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1021: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (15)

  Chapter 1021 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (15)

  Hearing that the little fox wanted to return the bracelet and asked for three hundred taels of gold, Su Xier only felt as if she had been struck by a thunder!

  Even if the lion speaks loudly, this is not the case!

  Su Qinghuan, this cowardly ghost, when did the foolish dream come to this point?


  Su Xier brushed her sleeves on the spot, and she shook her head almost immediately.

  "Impossible! Where did I get the three hundred taels of gold! Now the business at home is not picking up, and the gold and silver jewelry used by my mother and I are getting cheaper. How could I give you three hundred taels of gold!"

  If it is three hundred taels of silver, even if Su Xier's flesh hurts, she will quickly and graciously agree, and will laugh at Su Qinghuan's short-sightedness.

After all, it was Su Qinghuan who said she would move from Liaoyuan City in the future. She is a weak woman, only seventeen years old, and she is quite delicate. The security of Liaoyuan City is okay, but if she changes to another mortal town, she may be. There are mountain bandits and all kinds of county grandfathers who rob people of women.

  Su Xier felt that after that time, without having to deal with Su Qinghuan by himself, Su Qinghuan would not be able to survive.

  In her eyes, she only thinks that the little fox can be stupid. A beautiful woman needs so much gold. She really thinks that life is too long.


   Seeing Su Xier's denial so quickly, the little fox was not surprised at all.

  Gold and silver treasures are not important in the world of cultivating immortals, but for these people at the moment, they are inseparable from the root of life.

  Especially when Su Xier grew up with Xiao Qin in a place like Qinlou Chuguan when she was young, she naturally valued gold and silver treasures.

  If Su Xier started to touch the world of cultivating immortals, she would only agree to the little fox without blinking her eyes.


  The little fox smiled at Su Xier without worry.

"Okay, you can disagree, but I'm going to find your Lingtian brother now. Even if he doesn't care that you and your mother have to **** my mother's belongings, I will add to you as much as I am happy. comfortable!"

   Seeing the little fox turn around and want to leave, Su Xier almost immediately grabbed the little fox's wrist without even thinking about it!

She didn't know how the little fox had such a strong execution ability. It was even more terrifying than the shrews she had seen in those places where she was a child. She clearly had a face of spring flowers and autumn, but she attacked like this with just one word and a deed. Her fate.

"Sister Qinghuan! Let me think about it! Let me think about the assembly, right? We are also sisters anyway. I know that in the years when you were in the Su Mansion, your food and clothing were not as good as me. You feel angry with me. Understandable, but this gold didn't fall from the sky!"

  "How about I give you a hundred taels of gold? This is the dowry my mother has accumulated for me since I was a child. I really don’t have more!"

   Hearing Su Xier’s crying and crying, the little fox was not moved at all.

   "I'm going to move out of Liaoyuan City. Where is the three hundred taels of gold too much? And don't forget to have my bracelet."


  Why did this woman suddenly change from a cowardly coward to a marketer’s character who got into the eyes of money? !


  Su Xi'er looked at the little fox in disbelief. At first, she had a trace of luck in her heart. She felt that the little fox was just taking the opportunity to blackmail, and a hundred taels of gold must have agreed with joy.

But she didn't expect that the little fox would be completely unmoved after hearing what she said, and those phoenix eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling also seemed to hide the wind, frost, rain and snow, wanting Su Xier's whole body Directly penetrate.


Su Xier gritted her teeth. She didn't dare to take any chances at this moment. After all, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. If the little fox ran over to Murong Lingtian about the red jade hand ring, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold it together. Such a good beetle-in-law.

  More likely, Murong Lingtian turned his head and went with Su Qinghuan.

  Although the little fox keeps saying that Murong Lingtian is a scum in the scum, but in Su Xier's view, it is just the sophistry of not being able to eat grapes and saying grapes are sour.

  After all, Murong Lingtian's appearance and family wealth, which one is not first-class?

  Just the gold, silver and jade used for this time, it is far more than three hundred taels of gold.


  It’s just that if these things were to be replaced with gold for Su Qinghuan in a short period of time, Su Xi'er would still be in pain, but no matter how heartache, I don’t want to lose Murong Lingtian, the golden turtle son-in-law.

"Sister Qinghuan, or we all take a step back, I pity you plan to leave Liaoyuan City because of the rumors of the world, but I can't get three hundred taels of gold in a short time. You can give me three days at any rate. !"

  The little fox had already guessed that Su Xier would regress. There is no way. Human nature is greed. It is nothing that Su Xier has more important interests than three hundred taels to bewitch her.

  It’s a pity, it’s not the golden turtle son-in-law, but the Zhongshan wolf.

  Little fox is cool and authentic.

   "I don't want physical gold, it's too difficult to carry, just exchange it for the same amount of silver ticket and give it to me."


  Why this woman is getting more and more marketable!

  At a young age, she opened her mouth for gold and closed her mouth. Although Su Xier couldn't worship gold in private, she was shocked to see the blatant appearance of the little fox.

  And the little fox made her feel more painful at the back.

   "Oh, don't blame me for not reminding you, I also want the bracelet, you don't want to take three hundred taels of gold to perfuse me."


  Three hundred taels of gold is perfunctory?

  This is enough for ordinary people to live for dozens of lives!

  Three hundred yuan is considered perfunctory, right?


  Su Xier hesitated again and again. She looked at the bracelet in her hand and thought of an idea in her heart. The relic of the little fox mother is actually not uncommon in style and jade, and there must be similar ones on the market.

  Three days should be enough for her to find a craftsman to make a copy.


  Su Xier's eyes fixedly said to the little fox.

"Okay, but I won’t be able to give you the bracelet together with gold in three days. Also, you have to promise me that you can’t take this bracelet out of people in the future, especially in front of Brother Ling Tian. If you don’t agree, I I won't give you half a penny."

  This condition should not be too simple for the little fox. She had no intention of displaying this bracelet in front of Murong Lingtian.

  So the little fox nodded very happily.

   "Okay. I promise."

  But System 233 is a bit confused.

   "Host, why don't you go directly to Murong Lingtian to expose the bracelet? This way, this pair of scumbags will definitely turn against each other."

   "Then the play will not look good."

  The little fox pointed at the system 233 meaningfully.

   "Tong'er, you are still too young. If Murong Lingtian knew that I was the one who saved him back then, he would definitely not give up. Being entangled by such a snake essence disease would make me sick."

  In the original plot, Murong Lingtian just admitted the wrong benefactor and reported the wrong favor, but he is so vicious and vicious, saying that he is a poisonous snake would be an insult to a poisonous snake!

  (End of this chapter)

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