The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1035: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (29)

  Chapter 1035 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (29)

  In the white mist, there was a shadow of ice muscle and bones, and autumn water as a god.

  The disguise that Su Qinghuan had worked so hard before has disappeared, and the clear spring water can clearly see the woman's face at this moment.

  Although the original five senses of the original owner were extremely beautiful, in fact, due to the deliberate suppression of Su's father, Xiaoqin's and others over the years, he became a little too thin, and there were many deep or shallow scars and calluses on his body.

   But at this moment, after being washed by the water of this spiritual spring, Su Qinghuan's originally pale skin color has now turned into an extremely radiant white, and his skin has also taken on a new look, which is softer and smoother than a newly peeled egg.

In addition, Su Qinghuan has refined the red jade hand kushiage into a red tear mole under her eyes, and the original owner's face that should have looked very pure and innocent, but at this moment, besides innocent ignorance, there is a trace of nothingness. Charm.

  Like a fairy, like a demon, like a seduction.

Su Qinghuan couldn't help sighing from the reflection in the water.

   "It's just an extra tear mole and a few impurities from a mortal fetus. I didn't expect that this skin sac now looks a bit like Bendiji's real body."

   "Come on, host, even if you throw your broken body into this spiritual spring pool for three days and three nights, I'm afraid it will still be a broken white fox."


  System 233 has to poke the little fox's sad thing like this, and the little fox can't help but give System 233 a white look.

   "Tong'er, when you are not talking, no one will treat you as dumb!"


  Su Qinghuan thought about it for a while, but didn’t plan to soak it for too long.

  Now this spiritual spring cleans up all the dark diseases in the limbs of the original owner, not to mention the effect of washing the roots of the original owner directly into the roots of the heavens, but it is proper to prolong life and prolong the life, nourish the skin and clean the skin.

  Su Qinghuan dries her hair quickly with the dusting technique, and then put on clothes and got up.

  She looked around at the ungrown gravel around Lingquan. The space represented by this red jade hand-punch was not big at all, but there was still so much sand, which was really a waste.

   Compared with Murong Lingtian’s Qiankun Ring, the space where spirit trees can be planted all over, it’s really far behind.

  Thinking of this, Su Qinghuan couldn't help but feel envy and jealousy and hate Murong Lingtian's good luck, and the little fox's eyes narrowed slightly.

   "I don't know if this spirit spring space will change the soil conditions as my cultivation base grows in the future, so that I can plant some spirit fruit spirit flowers in the future."

"Host, according to my test, I'm afraid it's very difficult, because this spiritual spring was born by absorbing all the auras in this small world, and it doesn't know what to provide the aura circulation based on, I'm afraid it won't be a hundred years old. , Will be exhausted."

   " miserable?"

  Su Qinghuan chuckled.

  She glanced at the Lingquan behind her, not feeling any pain in her heart.

  If this is a mortal world, a hundred years will be a long time, but this is a world of cultivating immortals, she can't guarantee that she can be otherworldly and soar within a hundred years.

  In all, although this Lancang Continent has not been cut off to ascend to the ladder, there have been cultivators who have been ascending to the sky in the past, but those people are afraid that they have practiced for thousands of years for more than tens of thousands of years.


  Here, the true son of Heaven would be regarded as Murong Lingtian, but even so, Murong Lingtian seemed to have practiced for thousands of years before surpassing the test of transition and ascension.

   But Murong Lingtian was also dragged down by Su Xier to a certain extent, because who made Murong Lingtian want to carry the oil bottle Su Xier with all his heart?


  Su Qinghuan felt a little uneasy when thinking of this pair of scumbags.

   and System 233 is to comfort Su Qinghuan.

"Well, host, it’s been a long time for a hundred years. If you have any great opportunities in the future, you can also see if you can find a spiritual vein and transplant it into your spiritual spring space, so that your spirit The spring has an endless source of life."

   "...Are you supposed to be Chinese cabbage as your spiritual vein?"

  Su Qinghuan said, and suddenly he thought of Murong Lingtian again.

  Calculating, in the original plot of the world line, Murong Lingtian actually dug out two peerless spiritual veins and included them in the Qiankun Ring for private possession.

  And that spirit vein is a dragon vein from the mortal empire Tianyue Kingdom. Although the ordinary mortal world has a thin spirit, the so-called dragon vein is naturally the pillar of the mortal world and the gate of the prosperity of the dynasties.

  Murong Ling Tianming knew that once this dragon vein was dug up, it would be impossible for Tianyue Kingdom to maintain such a state of peace and security and a clear monarch, but he did it for his own selfish desire.

   At any rate, Liaoyuan City belongs to the Kingdom of Tianyue, which is also his homeland, but people can really be selfish to a terrible level.

  Since then, the kingdom of Tianyue will be destroyed, the people will be destroyed, the people will not live, the monarchs will be tyrannical, and they will also make great efforts to build civil engineering and raise troops everywhere, which leads to the destruction of Tianyue.


The second spiritual vein is the spiritual vein of Kunlun Mountain. Kunlun Mountain was able to give birth to Wenyuezong, the largest sect in the world of immortality, and there are various other righteous immortal gates. Of course, this spiritual vein of Kunlun Mountain is It is rare in the world, far more than the dragon veins of Tianyue Kingdom.

And for Murong Lingtian to ascend with him in the daytime for Su Xier, and for him to go through the catastrophe smoothly, just a thousand years later, relying on himself to become a master in this world, so abruptly cut off the Kunlun Mountain. Lingmai.

  Murong Lingtian and Su Xi'er have successfully ascended to the upper realm. They only pity the righteous monks in the immortal world. No one has ascended for ten thousand years. Everyone is stuck in the original cultivation level and even regressed.

  After this, because the right way was difficult to absorb the spiritual energy, he was trampled by the demons all the way, and it was not until ten thousand years later that there was a slight change.

   Therefore, Murong Lingtian and Su Xier are really selfish to the extreme.

  Su Qinghuan thought about it like this and felt afflicted. In fact, even if she really had the ability to dig out a spiritual vein, she would not be able to do it.

  After all, there are too many creatures that Lingmai can nurture, and the behavior of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge is too much. It would be nice if she could dig some goblin cores along the way.


   Half a month later, Su Qinghuan has successfully entered the late stage of Qi refining. This kind of cultivation speed is undoubtedly very amazing.

  But Su Qinghuan was not too excited. She appeared in the border town on the border of Tianyue Kingdom and Kunlun Xianshan, planning to go to Wenyuezong tomorrow.

  She thought for a while, and went to an underground bank in advance, preparing to exchange her silver bills worth a hundred taels of gold into lower-grade spirit stones.

  This is the junction of the mortal world and the immortal world, so it is quite convenient to change things.

  As a result, Su Qinghuan had just exchanged it and put the low-grade spirit stone into the Xumi bag. As a result, a tall man directly hit her.

   "Quickly let go!"

  Su Qinghuan felt that the other party was impolite at first, but when the meeting came, she found that her Xumi bag was missing!

  (End of this chapter)

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