The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1036: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (30)

  Chapter 1036 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (30)

  In this border town of the Tianyue Kingdom, most of them are mortals living, but there are also some monks who ask about the longevity to come and go, but the cultivation level is mostly ordinary.

Some ordinary civilians, because their relatives may have good seedlings that can go to cultivate immortals, so some ordinary low-grade spirit stones will be circulated in some underground banks, which is convenient for Su Qinghuan to exchange silver tickets and spirit stones.


  If one hundred taels of gold are placed in ordinary people's homes, I am afraid that they can use them for a few lifetimes, but when used to exchange them for spirit stones, only fifty low-grade spirit stones will be exchanged.

  Su Qinghuan had no objection to this, she walked out the door of the underground bank with joy, thinking in her heart whether she would use these low-grade spirit stones to exchange for a self-defense low-grade flying sword.

  It's just that she hasn't reached the cultivating world where the cultivator is, and she has no way of knowing what these spirit stones can be exchanged for. Even if there is, she doesn't like the quality of the flying sword.

   Just as Su Qinghuan was trying to think about the use of Lingshi, suddenly, a tall man suddenly ran into her!


Although Su Qinghuan’s body has been cleansed a lot by the Lingquan space that comes with the red jade hand kushiro, her figure is still extremely thin. At this moment, she is dressed as an ordinary boy in black and black, dressed in a coarse linen, and looks even better than the street. The little beggar is better.

Su Qinghuan only felt that half of her arm started to hurt when she was hit by someone like this.

   "This person is too bad manners! Don't apologize if you hit someone!"

  Su Qinghuan raised his eyes and glared at the other person, but the burly man looked at him at all, just walking forward quickly as if he was in a hurry.

   Seeing that the other party was going to disappear after crossing the alley, Su Qinghuan looked suddenly.

  The little fox peeked his hand to his waist, and his Xumi bag was gone!

  You must know that because Su Qinghuan dressed very ordinary during this time, the image of a yellow-faced and thin teenager was malnourished at first glance, and even the bandits didn't bother to pay attention to her.

  Su Qinghuan also relaxed a little vigilance all the way because of this. Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the border town of the immortal world, he would suffer a big loss for unknown reasons!


   Bad luck!

  If it’s just the money bag of the mortal world, it’s just a small space, at most a small silver ticket can be stolen.

  But all Su Qinghuan’s necessities for food, clothing, housing and transportation in Nasumi’s bag, the most important thing is that the fifty spiritual stones that have just been exchanged are all packed in it!


  Su Qinghuan almost had the urge to go violently for a moment, but she quickly calmed down. Such a "young boy" who was obviously a foreign visitor came to the underground bank, I was afraid that it would have attracted the attention of many people long ago.

  Only she still feels naively that she will not be targeted.

  Su Qinghuan only filtered the man's approximate height information once, and quickly chased it not far away, yelling while running.

   "Catch the thief!"

  Unfortunately, although there are a lot of people on this street, no one has the intention to stand up and help her. Instead, he stretched his head to watch the excitement.

  The little fox was anxious, but it was too late to sigh for the coldness of people. She quickly chased the middle-aged man who stole her Xumi bag.

  As a result, after chasing after him, he ran into a small alley.

   Dark all around, Su Qinghuan also estimated that she did not know whether the other party had a helper, she was alert, no matter what, she was also a cultivator in the late stage of Qi refining, at best, it was nothing more than a strong offensive spell.

   "Boy, I urge you to get acquainted. Since I took this bag, Grandpa, there is absolutely no reason to send it back."

  Before, Su Qinghuan only saw one back, and now he saw that he was walking on the road to decapitation. The middle-aged man turned his face, showing a cold scar from his forehead to his right cheek. At first sight, he was not a person to provoke.

  Su Qinghuan looked at the middle-aged man with the scar on his face coldly, with a gaze.

   "I advise you to be more acquainted, otherwise, you won’t know who is kneeling down and begging for mercy!"


Seeing Su Qinghuan so ignorant of good and evil, the middle-aged man Jiejie smiled.

   "You, a little brother from a foreign country, are you embarrassed to fight with the people of our Blue Dragon Association?"

  Speaking, the other party clapped his hands, and the door of the alley next to him was pushed open in an instant, and seven or eight, five-and-three-thick, scary men ran out.

"I persuade you to be obedient and hand over all valuable things. Listen to my advice. You are so weak that we can choke to death with one hand. You also have to learn from others to cultivate immortality. You are not afraid. Others laugh to death!"


  Su Qinghuan listened, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

   "Do you know I am going to cultivate immortals?"

   "Of course, otherwise, what are you going to do to replace the Grade Lingshi? You are so thin and small, I'm afraid you won't even be able to climb the gate of Yuezong!"

The middle-aged man headed by    laughed arrogantly, while the other members of the Blue Dragon Association also burst into laughter.

   "Hahaha, that's right, a white chicken, also wants to cultivate immortality?"

"Looking at this, I am not as strong as the prince and I! I think that grandpa back then I was tested to have five spirit roots, and I also wanted to become a disciple of Wenyuezong, but before I reached the mountain gate, I was scared half to death in front of the cliff. In the end, he lost his life halfway through."

   Obviously in the eyes of these people, Su Qinghuan is already dead.


  And the little fox can understand now, it turns out that she was not discovered after she left the bank, but was spotted when she went to the underground bank to exchange the spirit stone.

  And these people also provided her with an important piece of information, asking Yuezong not to have spiritual roots to successfully become a disciple, and to pass the entrance test. Presumably, this Baishan Gate is the most important part.


  But this is not too strange, if a large sect does not select disciples, it would appear too unstyled.

  Su Qinghuan thought to herself that she had just released her divine consciousness, and she could see that these so-called blue dragons meet the ground ruffles, none of them entrained the air into the body and shed the mortal fetus, they just looked a little scary.

  As long as her aura supports enough, it shouldn’t be a problem to knock them down.

  Thinking of this, Su Qinghuan said proudly.

   "Let's go together."

   "?? Brother, I haven't heard of it? Let's go with this white chicken? It's so funny!"

  While speaking, a little brother eagerly carried a wooden stick and slashed towards Su Qinghuan!

  Just before the wooden stick hit Su Qinghuan, the wooden stick was suddenly frozen in the air.

  At the same time, a cold jade-like voice suddenly broke the tense atmosphere here.

   "You guys, it made me take a nap."


  Su Qinghuan was taken aback when he heard the words, there are still people here?

  Why didn’t she find out when she just released her mind?

  (End of this chapter)

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