The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1059: The demon who confessed the wrong benefactor (53) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1059 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Mistakes of the Benefactor (53) 2200+ words

  Because Murong Lingtian is at odds with Su Xi'er now, he doesn't trust each other enough, even if it is calculating Su Qinghuan to dig traps for the little fox, the man has not passed her anger.

  Murong Lingtian was originally an extremely arrogant temperament, always arrogant to the point of defiance.

Ever since men’s love for Su Xi’er has become weaker and weaker, they have felt that Su Xi’er, this girl, is okay to be a play-things, but it’s too difficult to have a heart-to-heart relationship with her. Su Xier's stupidity is not worthy of his deep care.

   Nowadays, Murong Lingtian doesn't know why he is so obsessed with carrying Su Xier.

It is said that there is a knife on the head, but Murong Lingtian is not the kind of person who is eager to be indescribable with women. In his opinion, cultivation is far more charming than women, and Su Xier today is completely unworthy to be him. Of the Taoist couple.

   But if he gave up Su Xier like this, Murong Lingtian would inevitably be a little confused.

  When he was the saddest and most helpless, and even turned into a young python thinking that he was about to leave this gorgeous world, it was Su Xier, the little girl who "saved" him.

For Murong Lingtian, perhaps with Su Xi'er, there is only such a little obsession. It seems that through her, one can think of the time when she was the weakest and helpless, and she can also usher in a life. A ray of warm sun.

  If Murong Lingtian didn't even care about this at any time, and began to completely hate Su Xier's personality with no brains, maybe he could just leave Su Xier behind.

Seeing that she had saved her life in the past, Murong Lingtian could consider throwing her some spirit stones and spirit fruits, throwing her into the right path, and running by herself as a casual cultivator. .

  Murong Lingtian has always been deceived, and feels that he can take Su Xier on the road of spiritual practice, and let her escape from the flesh and bones, which is already a great gift to this woman.

However, Murong Lingtian selectively ignored it. If one day his demonic cultivation was revealed, the relationship between him and Su Xier once coexisted in the name of an unmarried couple, even if Su Xier was thrown into the righteous way by him, it was not necessary Was it pointed at by Qianfu?

  Of course, men will not take care of these.

  For him, he is the leader of this relationship with Su Xier. If you get together, you get together, and if you don’t get together, you divide. Of course, it's all up to you.


  Su Qinghuan didn't know that Murong Lingtian's feelings for Su Xier had changed so much now, but if the little fox understood it, he would only sigh that the scumbag is worthy of being a scumbag.

   Even abandoning these two words can speak so happy and "fresh and refined", this kind of selfishness is really the same as Su Xier.


Even if Su Xier can see that Murong Lingtian is not as patient with her as before, how can she be willing to give the little fox a so-called "win-win" opportunity, if the little fox enters the Moon Sect, it is a proper suspension Jianfeng Peak Master personally teaches his disciples!

At that time, she also entered the Wen Yuezong. With regard to her aptitude for the dead spirit root, she was afraid that it would be unworthy to give Su Qinghuan shoes. Compared with an sister like Su Qinghuan, the entanglement between her and Murong Lingtian and Su Qinghuan was only I'm afraid it will be revealed too!

  If things go on like this, I'm asking her in Yuezong, where is she going to save her face!


  So, Su Xier refused almost without hesitation!

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​never give the spirit ring to Sister Qinghuan! Could it be that the two of us can't beat her alone?"

  Hearing that Su Xier was so shamelessly about to fight one against two, Su Qinghuan did laugh directly.

  The little fox didn't even look at Su Xier, but teased Murong Lingtian with a smile.

  "Mr Murong, you are a delicate and frail fiancee who can't carry on your shoulders, can you still fight alongside you? I'm afraid that when the time comes, if you fail to help you subdue me, you will become a hostage for me to threaten you, right?"

   "Su Qinghuan! Don't deceive people too much!"

  Su Xier was so teased by Su Qinghuan that her face turned red and white with anger on the spot, and a burst of blue veins burst out of her forehead. At this moment, her beautiful and weak cheeks turned out to be a bit ferocious.

  But Su Xier knew very well in her heart that she was really the burden of Murong Lingtian. What she couldn't accept most was that Su Qinghuan often poked her spine!



   Seeing the fire-medicine smell burning in the air, Murong Ling Tian suddenly reprimanded.

   "Xie'er! There is no need to argue with Su Qinghuan. It's just a spirit ring, and this one for two transaction can be done."

   "Brother Ling Tian!"

  Su Xier was anxious on the spot. She changed her face very quickly. She had a splitting eye before. At this moment, she looked very weakly at Murong Lingtian, her eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

   Now Murong Lingtian, who has been with Su Xier for a while, shields Su Xier from tears soaring.

  He is cold and indifferent.

   "Xieer, don't be willful..."

  This is the case. Su Xier also knew that she could not be the master of Murong Lingtian. She stomped her feet bitterly, and finally reluctantly opened the Universe Bag that Murong Lingtian had given her, and very unwillingly handed it to Su Qinghuan.

"Give you."


Murong Lingtian's cultivation base and luck are far better than him. He still has so many demonic ancestors' inheritance. Even if Murong Lingtian would not easily use some obviously demonic artifacts in this authentic sect, Su Qinghuan did not even the slightest. Dare not careless.


  Both parties exchanged chips.

  Su Qinghuan can clearly see that although Su Xier was very unwilling, she was obviously relieved when she got the southeast, northwest, northeast and northwest spirit rings that she and Murong Lingtian had successfully passed the test.

   Among the cultivators who went to participate in this introductory test, she was the only one who was truly led by Murong Lingtian to practice. No one was more afraid of being left behind than Su Xier.

  It seems that I can turn back to be a mortal lady, but now that I have seen the colorful world, how can I not be fascinated?


   "Mr Murong, since we all have the spirit ring for clearance, how about we walk together behind?"

  Su Qinghuan of course knows that there is more than one way to the exit of the climbing ladder, but Su Qinghuan just wants to see what the **** Murong Lingtian is doing.

  Murong Lingtian glanced at Su Qinghuan coldly.


  When Su Qinghuan was not paying attention, he sprinkled a certain colorless and odorless powder on the little fox's robe, which would disappear automatically after an hour.

  And in this maze of coldness, there is a kind of killer bee, which loves this kind of taste the most.

  And Su Xier was stunned at the scene, she bitterly grabbed the man's arm and sipped at Su Qinghuan.

   "Bah, vixen, don't want to catch Ling Tian brother."

   "Sorry, I am not sensitive to scum."


   Hearing Su Qinghuan's straightforward definition of him as a scum, Murong Ling Tianjun tightened his eyebrows, wishing to get rid of it quickly, but thought that this woman would die today, and finally quietly dropped his hand.

  On the way to the pass, there will be many monks in ambush to **** the spirit ring.

  But I don’t know why, but the road is quiet.

  Not to mention those monks who tried to lie in wait and pick peaches directly, even the killer bee that Murong Lingtian specially arranged for Su Qinghuan did not appear.

How is this going?

   Just as Murong Lingtian was secretly wondering, suddenly, a horrified cry for help suddenly sounded.

   "Run away! There are large monsters in the pass!"

   "Oh my God, why is it that a beginner disciple is only trying, there will be a frenzied Ironback Demon Bear! Ask Yuezong, is this going to let us die?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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