The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1060: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (54)

  Chapter 1060 The Demon Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (54)

  Hearing those wailing sounds, Su Qinghuan shuddered.

  ——You must know that the Ironback Demon Bear itself has the foundation-building stage cultivation base, and coupled with its thick skin, it is impossible for ordinary foundation-building monks to provoke it.

  The mad Ironback Demon Bear, although its cultivation base has not risen, its destructive power and defensive power have been greatly enhanced. When the little monks below the golden core saw it, they almost had the fate of hiding in Tibet.

  It is reasonable to say that this season, the Ironback Devil Bear should be out at night, and it is still daytime. Why does it run out to hunt?

  This is simply impossible to accord with common sense!

  What's more, Ask Yuezong shouldn't let such a large monster beast, chase these cultivators who have not yet officially started in the cold of the maze!


  Su Qinghuan asked the system 233 vigilantly at the moment.

"Tong'er, shouldn't this be the trap Murong Lingtian dug for me? But the price is too high. How many people will be affected. Xier, don't you feel too tired to panic?"

   "Host, in fact, you are half right. This Ironback Demon Bear is actually related to Murong Lingtian."

"But he didn't release it on his own initiative. He first sprinkled some colorless and odorless powder on you when you were not paying attention. This powder is most likely to attract the killer bee in the cold to chase you. "

"Unexpectedly, before this batch of killer bees appeared to you, they broke into an iron-backed devil bear's den that was taking a nap halfway, and bit them all over the bag. You said you were an iron-backed devil bear. If you do, can you not go crazy?"


  This is actually the truth.

  Su Qinghuan felt a little bit dumbfounded when she heard it, but when she thought of the killer bee mentioned in System 233, Su Qinghuan immediately took a bite of System 233.

"Well, you are a dead system, you usually pretend to be like brothers to the host, but at a critical time, Murong Lingtian, a creepy villain, used some killer bees to harm me, but you didn't remind me at all. person?"

   "No, is this still a decent and good system?"


  System 233 was very aggrieved upon hearing this.

"Host, usually in order to increase income and reduce expenditure for you, but also to save points for you, I will not give you much thoughts about your itinerary. What's more, the killer bee, after my precise calculations, will not pose a threat to you at all. ."

  Those killer bees are certainly vicious, but Su Qinghuan is not a vegetarian either.

"According to my calculations, if you confront the killer bees, you will be fighting with them for a while at most, and you can think of a solution. Don’t you still have many spirit needles in the Naxu Ring? According to your master’s level , It must be a perfect match."


   Hearing the flattery of System 233, Su Qinghuan spoke on the spot with some negative surveys.

   "So, I have to thank you?"

"...Don't dare! Host, if you are in danger in normal times, how can I dare to stand on the sidelines? You say yes, I am just an artificial intelligence, and I am not free to do things. I really can't predict Murong in every detail What exactly will Ling Tian do."

   "Can't he and Su Xier have any trouble in the future, even what they eat, I have to monitor them all the time? Then your points are really not enough for me."


  System 233 makes sense.

  Su Qinghuan has grief. She actually didn't mean to entangle with System 233. Now that the Ironback Demon Bear appeared, other monks were also affected and suffered innocent disaster.

   "Tong'er, what do you think is the probability that I can beat the Ironback Devil Bear?"

  "The probability of winning the frontal resistance is almost zero. If you take it out of your mind, the host, I can remind you for free that the weakness of the Ironback Devil Bear is in its eyes."

"The general Ironback Demon Bear has poor eyesight and relies on smell and hearing, but this mad Ironback Demon Bear is different. Its vision also has a substantial bonus because of this madness, hitting people. A standard."

   "Host, if this iron-backed demon bear gets blind, you can handle it."

  Shooting a man first shoots a horse, catching a thief first catches a king. Of course Su Qinghuan understands this.

  But this is almost invincible under the golden core of the mad iron-backed demon bear, Su Qinghuan, a small cultivator in the Qi refining period, was afraid that he was torn in the bear's paw by the blind bear before he approached the opponent.


  Su Qinghuan was still very reluctant to bear the good shell of the beautiful appearance of herself, subconsciously associated with that scene in her mind, and the little fox suddenly felt a chill in her back.

  After thinking for a while, the little fox put his hand on his Naxu ring.

Inside   , there is a communication charm given to her by Senior Brother Xuanjianfeng Ye Feihan. Although the number is not large, there are only a few, but this time it can indeed come in handy.

  It’s just that Su Qinghuan hesitated.

  Now I am obsessed with the situation in the forest. I am afraid that Yuezong will send someone out to deal with it as soon as she sees it. She is afraid that the use of this information magic talisman will be wasted.

  Second, she is a sister of Shuimu Shuanglinggen. If she really becomes a direct disciple of Qinghe Shangzun, the master of Xuanjian Peak in the future, I am afraid that there are too many people in the school who gossiping to hurt her.

  I did get the four magic charms in the south, east, west, and north by his ability, but Ye Feihan had fixed her before, and then if he asked Brother Ye for help, I’m afraid it would even arouse criticism of her ability.


   Thinking of this, Su Qinghuan suddenly made a decision calmly.

  She was not as exhausted as other monks, but looked at Murong Lingtian not far away indifferently.

"Mr. Murong, now the maddening Ironback Demon Bear is in front, and there is only a short half of tea left on the road leading to the exit. If we change to a new path, I am afraid that the hidden monks and monsters are both. It's a lot, and the new road may not be more peaceful than here."

   "Why don't we join forces to subdue that crazy beast?"


  Hearing Su Qinghuan’s words, Murong Lingtian was a little surprised at the moment, and the man frowned slightly.


  It's just that the man's words haven't been finished yet, Su Xier next to him has already caught his wrist in fear.

"Brother Lingtian, let's ignore this mad woman, and listen to the monks who flee for their lives. The maddening iron-backed devil bear's skin is as rough as a city wall. It may not even be able to beat the golden core in the early stage, let alone you and me. ?"

  "Let’s run away now, the big deal is to change the way and go to the spirit ring again, it will be much safer and more secure!"


Seeing Murong Lingtian about to be dragged away by Su Xier, Su Qinghuan coldly opened her lips behind the man.

  "Young Master Murong, this mad Ironback Demon Bear should have appeared at night. Why did it appear here? Don’t you think people who asked Yuezong wouldn’t check it out?"

   "You dignified man, you are a genius of monasticism, are you not as courageous as me as a little girl?"

  Murong Lingtian's footsteps suddenly stagnated.

  (End of this chapter)

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