The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1063: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (57)

  Chapter 1063 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (57)

  I saw several brilliant sword lights bursting through the sky in the vast blue sky.

  And above those dignified long swords, there are some young men and women in blue and white robes.

  Just looking at it from a distance, it feels like a person from a fairy walking on the moon.

  Waiting for them to get close, Su Xier, who stood in the forefront and hadn't seen much of the world, couldn't help holding her breath.

   is really good-looking, especially the person in the lead, the white sword repairman who is obviously overwhelmed by the stars, who is not Ye Feihan but who?


Seeing these men and women, Su Xier felt a little bit more inferior in her heart. When she saw Ye Feihan jumping off the sword, she was the first to run towards Su Qinghuan, who was wearing a bright red dress. Envy is hard to hide.

   And Ye Feihan naturally noticed Su Xier's secretly staring eyes that made people extremely uncomfortable.

The man didn’t like it, but he didn’t have time to pay attention to these villains. He almost subconsciously shook Su Qinghuan’s shoulder, trying to look at her from top to bottom to see if the woman had any strands of hair. damage.

   "Junior Sister Su, are you okay? I didn't pay attention to the cold movement of this maze forest from time to time. When I heard my junior brother said that there was a frenzied iron-backed black bear, I rushed over immediately. Are you injured?"

  Su Qinghuan was embarrassed by Ye Feihan's eyes that seemed to look at fragile porcelain, especially Ye Feihan did not come alone, behind him there were many young men and women wearing blue and white robes of Yuezong.

  Because Ye Feihan had a special attitude towards Su Qinghuan, everyone was attracted to look sideways at Su Qinghuan.


  Especially, among those who followed Ye Feihan this time, there are several beautiful female cultivators who seem to be interested in Ye Feihan, because Ye Feihan’s performance is even meaningful when looking at Su Qinghuan.

  The look in those eyes is not bad, but the welcome is definitely gone.

—Although Ye Feihan is repairing the Dao of Hongchen, he cannot marry a wife and have children for the time being, but ask Yuezong who does not know that this young talented sword repairer is now the cultivation base of the late Jindan, although there is still a gap between Yuanying, but with Ye Feihan's ability, breakthrough is only a matter of time.

  At that time, as long as Ye Feihan doesn't find the female cultivator of Xuanjianfeng's fellow practitioners of Hongchendao, wouldn't it be a chance to become his Taoist companion? Everyone can look forward to it?


   "Brother, I'm really fine, do you look like I am being bullied by that iron-backed black bear?"

  Thinking that he had to make enemies around before officially entering the Xuanjian Peak inner gate, Su Qinghuan was embarrassed and speechless, so she could only give Ye Feihan a white look, indicating that the man could take off the paw that was holding her shoulder.

  If Ye Feihanxiu’s swordsmanship had not been able to contaminate the relationship between men and women, or Su Qinghuan would have to wonder if this guy is really interesting to him, otherwise, why is he so nervous?

   seems to mean little fox's belly, system 233 spit out coolly.

   "Host, of course people are worried, and you don't want to think about it. Before you officially became a direct disciple of Xuanjian Peak, you took other people's five thousand high-grade spirit stones, and an immeasurable value of Naxu ring."

  "Why do you have the face to be so charming and say that others admire you? Can't he feel sorry for his investment?"

   "...Well, Tong'er, I will admit that what you said makes sense."

  Su Qinghuan was defeated, but when he looked at Ye Feihan's eyes, he still showed a bit of helplessness and connivance of watching a primary school chicken.


   And Ye Feihan is obviously a peerless straight man, he glanced at Su Qinghuan seemingly, obviously did not understand why Su Qinghuan’s blank eyes came from, instead he continued to pull Su Qinghuan up and down with great joy.

   "Ah, really? I know Junior Sister Tianzong Wizards. I can't sense the iron-backed black bear anymore. Could it be that Junior Sister was beaten to death?"


   Seeing that Ye Feihan was still holding her hands and not letting go, and even praising herself as a spiritual wizard like this, Su Qinghuan used to be a bit thick-skinned in System 233 to flatter herself.

  But at this time, it is still inevitable that the roots of the ears will turn red.

  She smirked, but didn't she take up this genius stunt.

   "Senior brother is absurdly praised, in fact, that crazy iron-backed black bear, although I have the ability to guide and lure the enemy into deep, but the most important thing is the hand of Murong, the black bear that Murong killed."

  Murong Lingtian will become famous sooner or later, and he can't stop him.

  After all, Asking Yuezong claims to be a famous sect, but the powerhouses accumulated over the past thousands of years are no match for Murong Lingtian, who is like a son of the gods.

  So, Su Qinghuan never felt it necessary to take advantage of Murong Lingtian's reputation.


  Hearing that he was named, Murong Lingtian raised his eyelids slightly, and looked at the woman in a bright red not far away.

The man thought of Su Qinghuan’s previous threat to the appearance of the Wen Yuezong sect. In fact, it was only half a cup of tea before and after. If he really didn’t have the intention to kill the black bear with Su Qinghuan before, I’m afraid it is the one who suffers now. Own.

  A kind of coldness from the bottom of my heart spread to Murong Lingtian's limbs.

  It's just that this coldness is not because of Ye Feihan's appearance, but seeing Ye Feihan and the little fox so close to each other, the man feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

  He laughed from the bottom of his heart.

  —Su Qinghuan has only met this Ye Feihan for just a few days. As a result, depending on the situation, she seems to have abandoned all the common education, and regards this brother Ye as a close friend or even relatives who have known him for more than ten years.

  Even if the world of cultivating immortals does not pay attention to the protection of men and women, but Su Qinghuan has only been in contact with cultivating immortals for only a month, and he can let a foreigner pull and pull at her like this, it is really indecent!


  Thinking of this, Murong Lingtian's poker face became more and more as if others owed him 800 pieces of spirit stone.

  Ye Feihan finally let go of Su Qinghuan's shoulders. He turned around and raised his eyebrows towards Murong Lingtian.

   "It turned out that this young man subdued the evil animal. Your Excellency successfully built the foundation at a young age. It is true that a genius has been born since ancient times."

Of course, Murong Lingtian knew that Ye Feihan was polite. After all, Ye Feihan was also a genius with the roots of mutant wind spirits. As the first person in the younger generation of Wen Yuezong, he was afraid that this road of cultivation was far better than his kind. Many people go smoothly.

  Murong Lingtian nodded coldly towards Yefeihan.

   "Friends Ye Daoist are polite."


   Soon, Su Qinghuan, Murong Lingtian, Su Xier and others were taken back to Wenyuezong sect.

  They all have a clearing ring, and in terms of talent endowment, Murong Lingtian is the most important, and a battle against people is about to begin.

  Unexpectedly, a female voice that was as sweet as a natural sound, but a little impulsive, appeared abruptly.

  "Where is the woman named Su Qinghuan?"

   "It's just a double spirit root, but it is about to be accepted as a direct disciple by Elder Qinghe? Why?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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