The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1064: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (58)

  Chapter 1064 The Demon Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (58)

  Su Qinghuan, Murong Lingtian, Su Xier, and a group of young monks who passed the entry test stood in the main peak hall of Wenyuezong.

  There are no fewer than a thousand monks who signed up for the introductory test this time, but only 30 or so of them have passed the customs.

  Except for Su Xier, the five spirit roots who lie down and win, most of them are three spirit roots and double spirit roots, while Tianling roots are extremely rare.

  One is Murong Lingtian, a peerless and rare mutant Lei Ling Root, needless to say, and the other is a earthy root, a round-faced monk who looks rather honest and honest.

  Originally, a single earth spirit root was considered extremely rare, but it happened that he happened to run into a son of a godlike **** like Murong Lingtian, and he was really crushed by this scumbag.

In addition, Murong Ling was born with a face like a crown of jade and exquisitely vulgar. Although the round-faced monk with earth spirit roots is not ugly, but also has a round face and round eyes, plus a bald head, looking like one Festive and ordinary little monk.

  He stood next to a handsome man like Murong Lingtian, really inconspicuous.

  People are always looking at their faces, and the peak masters of Yuezong, including the head, are obviously more interested in Murong Lingtian.

  The official regulations for accepting apprentices have not yet started. The heads of the scene and the peak masters frequently looked at Murong Lingtian, who was dressed in profound clothes, and their eyes showed approving glances from time to time.


  However, this robbing battle should have nothing to do with the little fox.

  Because Su Qinghuan was appointed as a direct disciple of Xuanjian Peak, Elder Qinghe had even closed the door in advance and informed the other peak masters of the matter early. If Su Qinghuan passed the test, he would not be selected as the only disciple of his life.

  In addition, Su Qinghuan is just a water-wood double spirit root, and the other heads are also lacking in interest. Because Su Qinghuan's demeanor is so beautiful, they only look at it twice, but they have no interest in robbing disciples.

  After all, although the genius of Shan Linggen is rare, there are bound to be so many every 100 years.

  The peak masters of each peak are the gods of Yuan Ying, who can live for nearly a thousand years. Even if there are only two good seedlings from the heavenly roots this time, there is no need to condescend to receive a disciple with two spiritual roots.

  To be counted, being able to become a direct disciple of each peak and peak master, and not a monk with a single spiritual root, is basically because of his strong tenacity and extremely superior performance in his later practice.

   Although Su Qinghuan looks good, after all, he has broken through to the late stage of Qi refining alone, but it is not to the extent that these people have to grab their heads and earn income.

  It was Murong Lingtian. Although the people present did not say clearly, the smell of gunpowder had already begun to diffuse. Obviously, everyone did not want to miss such a peerless genius.


   Just as Su Qinghuan yawned and was a little bored about to stretch his waist, he saw Ye Feihan not far away staring at him helplessly.

  Obviously, I think Little Fox takes this apprenticeship process too seriously.

  Because the people present are all big bosses, Su Qinghuan is not good at communicating with Ye Feihan via voice transmission, otherwise it will directly cause social death.

   So she winked her eyes at a young man in a white robe not far away, and spoke silently.

  ——Senior Brother Ye, anyway, Master is also in retreat. Let’s wait for the headmaster and the peak masters to collect the disciples, shall we go?

  Su Qinghuan’s thinking is very simple. According to the current situation, it must be these big men who collectively grab Murong Lingtian.

  As long as Murong Lingtian's belonging is determined, the few people behind will also accept that single earthling root monk as a direct disciple with little interest.

  As for the other people, they are obviously cannon fodder to accompany the runners. According to their spiritual root level, they are either inner disciples or outer disciples.

  Affirming that this process only needs to wait for the two Tianlinggens to determine their ownership, and she and Ye Feihan can run to Xuanjian Peak.


  Su Qinghuan thought well, which made Ye Feihan a little bit ridiculous.

  He indulged and reluctantly raised his eyebrows at Su Qinghuan, but did not use lip communication like Su Qinghuan, obviously indicating that Su Qinghuan would settle down.

  The man has long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, his face is like a crown jade, and the iconic cinnabar between his eyebrows adds a bit more compelling appearance in the coldness.

   At this time, the faint smile on Ye Feihan's handsome face, but Su Qinghuan, who has always seen the beauty of the world, couldn't help but stare for a moment.

  However, just as Su Qinghuan admired Ye Feihan's handsome face, he suddenly felt a cold look directly on his head.

  It's like a light on the back, it can't be ignored at all.

  Su Qinghuan frowned, she turned her head slightly, and saw Murong Lingtian, who was stared at by many Yuan Ying elders, staring at herself coldly, with ridicule and ridicule in her eyes.

   His eyes seemed to say that Su Qinghuan had never seen a man.


  Su Qinghuan was speechless in her heart, she almost had an illusion, Murong Lingtian's eyes were as unpleasant as a husband watching her wife steal a man.

  But why does Murong Lingtian look at himself with such a look?

  How ridiculous.

  Could it be based on the marriage contract that he had voluntarily returned when the original owner was nine years old?


  If it is modern, Su Qinghuan would like to quote, there are always some men who are so ordinary but so confident.

   Just as Su Qing was unhappy, a pleasant but unrestrained female voice suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere in the room.

   "Where is Su Qinghuan?!"

  Suddenly, he was named, but he was named in a tone as if he had done something terribly wrong, and the little fox subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

  She followed the voice and looked towards the entrance of the hall.

  In an instant, even if the little fox felt a little upset at this moment, his eyes widened slightly at this moment.


  I saw a woman with a stunning face walking quickly outside the hall.

  The other party's skin is like white snow, and the body is like a weak willow, and a blue silk is simply tied with a white jade hairpin, but it can't conceal the aura and beauty of the woman wearing a blue and white robe.

  There is no doubt that this is a beauty.

   is still a stunning beauty.


  Not to mention Su Qinghuan, even the many male disciples present were all watching.

   And Su Xi'er, standing beside Murong Lingtian, has been inferior in her heart since she came to this world of cultivating immortals.

  ——She originally thought that the men and women in the Xiuxian Bazaar were good-looking enough. Later, in the cold of the maze, she saw the group of imperial swords and asked the monks Yuezong. She felt that they were all favored by the Creator.

  Who would have thought that you can still see such a beautiful woman today?


  Su Xi'er was originally afraid that Murong Lingtian would be blinded by the other party. She subconsciously grabbed Murong Lingtian's arm and wanted to see if Murong Lingtian also lost his mind like the disciples present.

  In the end, it seemed that Murong Lingtian hadn’t noticed the beauty of the fairy at all. He didn’t even glance at the fairy in a hurry. Instead, he stared at a short distance with his eyes all the time, Su Qinghuan, who was teasing Ye Feihan with his eyes...

  (End of this chapter)

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