The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1121: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (115)

  Chapter 1121 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (115)

Since retiring from Su Xi'er's marriage, Murong Lingtian has disliked Su Xi'er's style more and more, especially seeing the woman's jewel-like dress, he almost has a spiritual stone background and a fat sheep. The slogan hung on his forehead.

  Up to now, Murong Lingtian has some doubts, how did he admire such a vulgar woman in the first place.

  Cultivation from appearance, from personality to style, no one can get into the stream.

  And Su Xier's words at this moment undoubtedly angered Murong Lingtian again.

  The man’s eyes were dark, and his slender fingers were silently pinched into his palm.

The man can no longer care about the kindness that Su Xier once "saved" his life on the barren mountain outside Liaoyuan City. Since Su Xier himself wants to annoy him again and again, don't blame yourself for letting her Died in this purple and gold secret realm.

  Su Xi'er is just a fun thing for the peak master of Refining Medicine Peak. She doesn't even have a life lamp. If she died in the Zijin Secret Realm, no one would ever ask any more questions.


Su Xier naturally saw the killing intent in Murong Lingtian's eyes. The woman shook her hand, but her posture was still leisurely on the surface. Her beautiful eyes swept across the group of proud children in front of her with malice and jealousy.

  Whether it is Murong Lingtian, Su Qinghuan, Shen Qishuang, or even Ye Feihan, to her, it can only mean a deep shame.

  Why can they walk up the broad road of cultivating immortals so easily, but they have to dedicate themselves to an old thing with a rickety figure and crooked hair?

  "Why, what did Brother Ling Tian look at me doing like this? Isn't it because Brother Ye can not be convinced that Brother Ye can get the love and pursuit of Fairy Shen for many years, and is together with the sister who was once your fiancee?"


  On the ability to provoke fire, the little fox felt that it was hard to be more powerful than Su Xier. She said that she directly angered the three parties.

  Although Su Xier was not a idiot before, she was not so good at her tongue. Otherwise, when she was in Liaoyuan City, she wouldn’t let the little fox be speechless.

  All this can only show that since serving the terrible Zhao Bufan Zhao Fengzhu, Su Xier has been completely blackened.

   "Hey, Tong'er, but speaking of it, why didn't I see Zhao Bufan, shouldn't he be with Su Xier?"

  System 233 quickly solved the doubts for the little fox.

"What's so strange about this, Zhao Bufan is too ambitious, and the others are fortunate. He even wants to be admitted to the house by Shen Qishuang, and he is afraid that others will doubt him, so he has not yet dared to appear. He is ready to pretend that he is going to retreat."

   "As for entering the Zijin Secret Realm, I must wait at least after the disciples of the Yuezong are scattered, and then use the technique of disguise to change the appearance into this secret realm."

"Hey, I can't think of him as a terrible old man with half of his body in the soil. He thinks about things very well. It's just that this person is too obsessive. I imagined the scene of Su Xier standing with him, and I wanted to poke myself. Item."

   "So, you can't stand it even as a bystander. It's no wonder that Su Xier has turned black so quickly."


  Seeing the little fox looking around, Ye Feihan, who was standing next to the little fox, immediately looked down at her.

   "What's wrong with Qinghuan? Are you looking for something?"

  The little fox shook his head quickly.

  "Brother, let's wait for the entrance of the secret realm to open, let's quickly reunite. Listening to these pickled words here, I really hurt my head."


   Ye Feihan thought about it and said to Su Qinghuan.

"But I have heard from the elders that there is a certain probability that this Zijin Secret Realm will send people who enter together to different places, and the transmission range of the Messenger Talisman in the Secret Realm will be much smaller, so the two of us may be different at first. The bearing."

  "Junior sister, if you come across something difficult, you must take care of yourself in everything. The life-saving spirit tools and talisman I gave you earlier, as long as you don’t miss the secret treasure too deeply, it is enough to get out as soon as possible."

   Seeing Ye Feihan's advice so meticulously, the little fox felt warm.

   "Okay, of course, I still hope that as soon as I teleport in, I will see that the person next to me is a senior."

  Seeing the woman looking at her with a smile, her eyes are as clear as the autumn water, how can a man not like the person he likes to trust him wholeheartedly, but Ye Feihan still hopes that the little fox can grow up.

  In this way, in case she is not by her side, the woman also has a perfect way to protect herself.

  "You, you should also learn to grow up, and think of me in everything."

   Ye Feihan smiled slightly, and reached out to touch the hair of the little fox.


   Seeing such a harmonious and sweet scene of Little Fox and Su Qinghuan, the others present did not feel a burst of jealousy.

Murong Lingtian just squeezed in silence, and Shen Qishuang saw this scene, and his heart was even more wronged. It's just that Murong Lingtian didn't talk to the little fox today, and Ye Feihan targeted her again. The woman is embarrassed. Jump out and say something again.

  Only Su Xier sneered.

   "Unexpectedly, the relationship between sister and brother Ye is really increasing day by day. Seeing the appearance of your concubines, Xi'er can't help but feel a little envious."

  Heh, no matter how much love is better than Jin Jian?

   There was a trace of malice in Su Xier's eyes.

  She didn't believe it. After Su Qinghuan was trampled by the bad old man Zhao Bufan, her relationship with Ye Feihan could still be so determined.


   "Sister Xi'er's envy has turned me off. Isn't sister Xi'er in love with Zhao Fengzhu? Being able to spend time with a Yuan Ying's deity, presumably sister Xi'er is also loved by countless people."

  The little fox fur smiled and replied.


  Su Xier's eyes suddenly stared angrily.

If she had **** with other Yuanying peak masters of Yuezong, even if she was filling the house for a widowed middle-aged beautiful uncle like Qingxu Shangzun, she would even have no status. There will be no girlish disciples.

  But that person is Zhao Bufan!

  Wen Yuezong’s female disciples all avoid him like a snake!


  Seeing that Su Xier’s eyes were red with anger, the little fox didn’t care at all. At this moment, the entrance to the Purple Gold Secret Realm suddenly appeared, and the sky was full of inspiration.

  The little fox and Ye Feihan looked at each other, and the two quickly stepped into the entrance of the secret realm hand in hand.

  Behind her, Shen Qishuang and Murong Lingtian also followed closely, and even Su Xier unwillingly catch up with them.


  As soon as she entered the secret realm, the little fox felt like the sky was spinning around. When she saw everything around her, she found that there was no one everywhere.

   "Brother, are you nearby?"

  The little fox used the messenger to search for it, but couldn't respond. She tightened her lips and had to change to a new target.

   "Tong'er, I remember that there is a place in this secret realm leading to the Dragon Vessel of the Heavenly Yue Kingdom, right? Should we go there first?"

  (End of this chapter)

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