The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1122: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (116)

  Chapter 1122 The Devil Who Admits Wrong Benefactor (116)

  Thinking that Murong Lingtian had stolen the dragon veins of Tianyue Kingdom in this purple-golden secret realm, the little fox's eyes suddenly deepened.

"Ye Feihan's cultivation base is deeper than mine. In this place, it is difficult for ordinary people to hurt him. Even if the old immortal Zhao Bufan is here, it is difficult for Ye Feihan to come, so there is no need to choose to join the brother first, I I believe he will come to me first."

  Seeing that the little fox is so righteous to find the dragon veins of the Tianyue Kingdom, System 233 is a bit staggering, he thought that the host would be the first choice to find Ye Feihan.

   "Host, but the news that the Dragon Vein of the Heavenly Yue Kingdom is connected somewhere in our secret realm was only accidentally spied from the memory of the original owner."

   "But I don't know how big this secret realm is. If you look for it in such a daze, I'm afraid you will be at a loss."


  The little fox smiled slightly.

"It's okay, I haven't used any points in the last few planes, and I still have the power of merit. You will spend a certain point to help me find the place where the dragon veins are, and then I will see if I can use merit first. Get close to that dragon vein."

"If the dragon vein recognizes me as the master, I can grab the spiritual energy in it. Of course, I won't be as exhausted as Murong Lingtian did. I don't need this kind of thing to help me in my practice. I will take it when I get it. It will be better for the golden light to be transformed into merit and spread in the Kingdom of Heaven."

  The little fox thought very well.

  "This world of cultivating immortals is spiritual, and Tianyue is a small mortal country. Although it is not a mortal country, the monarchs of the past dynasties have also continued to levy taxes and taxes."

   "If the golden light of merit spreads, it will find suitable people to accumulate on its own, and it will be possible to have a master within a few generations, and the people's life will be better."


  System 233 heard this, and now I am even more impressed by the atmosphere of the little fox.

   "Scared me to death, host, I thought you were going to learn from Murong Lingtian, take the dragon veins for your own use, and then soar all the way."

  "After all, I think the original owner’s wish does not include saving the world. I even think that the original owner hates the unruly people in the Tianyue Kingdom and Liaoyuan City."

   "Do I look like such a selfish person? And the original owner's mind is not exactly what you think."

  Little Fox gave System 233 a white look, and she sighed.

  "I don’t think I’m a saint. It’s just that a few planes have experienced chaotic times. Although it was the Republic of China and the last days, not ancient times, the suffering of the people was by analogy."

"I never thought that I would use my whole life to bless others, but it doesn’t take me too much time to turn the dragon veins into merits and the golden light to spread to the world. Just treat it as accumulating virtue for the original owner."

  Most people even if they are lucky enough to know the location of the dragon veins and how to grab them, they tend to hide them and slowly absorb them, because once greed absorbs the aura of the dragon veins, they will explode and die because of too much spiritual power.

  But Su Qinghuan is different from Murong Lingtian. Murong Lingtian's servant is the son of luck, so he can enjoy the aura bestowed by heaven.

  And the little fox is because she has experienced so many worlds, and the accumulated merits and contributions allow her to bear these things.


The original owner was born in the Liaoyuan City of Tianyue Kingdom. This is her hometown. Although the original owner's father, stepmother, stepsister fiancé, and village folks were not good to her, the original owner's mother and grandfather and grandmother gave the original owner a strong love. .

  It's just a pity that the good times don't last long.

  But this piece of land has nurtured relatives who loved the original owner. Presumably, the original owner would not want it to be so easily overwhelmed.


  System 233 understood what the little fox meant, and it nodded resolutely, and then suddenly probed for the points needed to obtain the location of the dragon vein.

  System 233 instantly Spartan.

   "Foggrass...Host, just to find out where the dragon veins are, it costs 500 points... Don't you usually want to spend two hundred points? And if you want to know how to use the dragon veins, you need 1,000 points."

   "This is really slaughter."

  The little fox is also speechless.

  But she didn't want to retreat, instead she nodded quickly.

   "It's okay, the points I have accumulated for the area have already exceeded 10,000 points. It's only 1,500 points. You can deduct it when you deduct it."

   "...I can't tell the host that someone so stingy like you has such a proud time."

  System 233 rarely praised the little fox. As a result, after the exchange was successful, the little fox had a painful expression on his face.

   "Forget it, I'll take back the compliments to you. But there is nothing wrong with being a Grandet, just plan your life carefully."

   "I heard that there is a host who spends a lot of money to buy various system space items on the system next door. As a result, the points are spent, the task is not completed, and it is obliterated in that task space."

   "So miserable?"

  The little fox raised his eyebrows.

  "Does that person leave some points for himself as the possibility of rebirth before doing the task?"

"Ah, the host, in fact, some mission spaces are quite special, and they will be obliterated if they don’t complete the mission, so the mission person may want to fight with a small game and simply replace all his points with props. Who knows? It will roll over."

   "...It sounds so cruel."

  The little fox shook his head and sighed.

  And System 233 gave her another glance.

"In fact, it's okay. The tasker of each system is originally a dead body. If it weren't for the obsession to complete the task, there would be no chance to rebirth to everyone. So the opponent can only be regarded as dead twice. That's it."

   "...It makes sense that I am speechless."

  The little fox feels deep upon hearing this. Perhaps it is because he has spent so many system tasks with System 233, and each time he completes it smoothly, the little fox sometimes has forgotten that the tasks issued by System 233 are dangerous.

  The so-called arrogant soldier must be defeated, it is not a bad thing to let yourself be a little alert at this time.


  Seeing that the system 233 passed the specific location of the dragon veins and all the utilization and transformation data, the little fox's eyes lit up, and he rushed to the dense forest to the west without stopping.

   After about seven or eight hours, the little fox jumped into a cave covered by bushes according to the method described by System 233. As soon as she entered, she saw a series of footprints.

   "...Is someone sent here before me?"

  The little fox jumped in his heart, holding on to his mind that he could not recognize and use the dragon veins when he encountered the dragon, and moved on.


  This cave is dark and long and narrow. If it weren’t for the little fox’s night vision ability, I’m afraid I would be scared.

  But as the little fox deepened, a light source was sent from nowhere, and the fragrance of flowers could still be faintly smelled.

  You should be close to your destination, right?

  The little fox was delighted for a while.

  Who knows, at this moment, a painful grunt suddenly spread into her ears...

  (End of this chapter)

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