The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1127: The demon who confessed the wrong benefactor (121) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1127 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Mistakes of the Benefactor (121) 2200+ words

  Murong Ling Tianxiang came from arrogant and rebellious, but no matter how proud the monk was, when he realized that his whole body had passed away, and even his cultivation level had signs of falling, the man could no longer maintain his surface calmness.

   "Su...Junior Sister Su...Why are you doing this, we can discuss it again, there is no need to do it like this."

  "Are you envious of my success in occupying the dragon veins of the Kingdom of Heaven? I promise you that if you stay with me, I will make a vow of heaven to become a companion with you and live up to you for life."

  And the little fox saw that Murong Lingtian was still in the mood to make a joke about her marriage at the moment, she glanced at Murong Lingtian coldly.

  "Sorry, I am not sensitive to scumbags like you. I just walk for the sky, don’t thank me too much. After reincarnation, cast a good baby, and I wish you a good life in the next life."

  The little fox spit on the opponent unceremoniously, and then even more disgusted Murong Lingtian stepping on his feet, playing with a dagger to the wind.

She has done traditional Chinese medicine in several planes before. In modern times, in order to have a deeper understanding of the acupuncture points and muscle directions of the human body, she has also studied anatomy and studied western medicine. Under the combination of the two, the little fox is accurate in the acupuncture points. Controlling is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

  It is the fifth sword now, and seeing that there is still not much blood, but Murong Lingtian suddenly feels that he has fallen directly from the late stage of the foundation construction to the middle stage of the foundation!

  Which seeks immortality and asks Taoist people, does not yearn for longevity with the sky and immortality!

   But now with the decline of the cultivation base, Murong Lingtian only feels that he is ten times weaker than before. If he was still waiting for this opportunity to attack Su Qinghuan at any time, he was really about to collapse at this moment!

  "Su Qinghuan! You stop me! Since you don't give me a lot of fun, you obviously want something, tell me! Anything I can do, I promise you!"

  Su Qinghuan smiled coldly.

   "Oh? I asked you to refine this dragon vein and give it back to the people of Tianyue Kingdom. Would you like it?"


  He is really unhappy about this.

  He knew that he would not be willing to give up this dragon vein to others.

  The people of the old country died when they died, so what if the people don’t have a living?

  After all, it’s just their fate. What can you do for yourself? !

If he succeeded in turning the Dragon Vein Spiritual Qi of Tianyue Kingdom into his own, breaking through all the way and even gaining the Dao soaring, then he would feel that Tianyue Kingdom should be grateful to himself. After all, there has been no one who can ascend like himself in thousands of years. Genius!

  What's wrong with being selfish? !


Seeing Murong Lingtian's refusal to speak, he clearly meant that he didn't want to let go of the dragon vein aura. Of course, the little fox knew that the twisted melon was not sweet, but it was a pity that she had to let Murong Lingtian taste it and plant it by himself. The consequences.

"I don't want to, right? I don't care anyway. Since you don't want to sell that dragon vein spiritual energy, you should also know that your whole body meridian essence is constantly flowing. At the end, when you don't even have any spiritual power, you can't repair the limbs. Of the spiritual vein."

   "Even if you don't die by chance, the dragon vein aura will disappear on its own, and when you become a mortal, you will be chased by your enemies in the future, you probably won't have the slightest resistance."

  Said the little fox, he lifted a heavy weight and slashed Murong Lingtian's back of the neck.

  The cutting edge is not deep, but Murong Lingtian quickly felt that he really couldn't sustain even the middle stage of foundation building.


   Seeing that the cultivation base is falling step by step, even if Murong Lingtian is morbid and likes that kind of snake-like beauty, it does not mean that he is willing to sacrifice his life to Su Qinghuan!

   Seeing that Murong Lingtian's expression changed drastically, it was obvious that the Dao Heart of this man was about to collapse, but Su Qinghuan just smiled and said nothing.

   And when Na Xiang Murong Lingtian saw that Su Qinghuan was so cruel and cruel, he didn't look like a normal woman at all, he finally spoke unwillingly.

  "Junior sister! I was wrong! I shouldn't miss you, let alone do this to you on the day your mother was buried."

"anything else?"

  She also could not think that she could actually hear Murong Lingtian's apology to the original owner.

  Oh, even though it’s a matter of urgency, the man is completely forced.

   "...and, there is..."

  Murong Lingtian gritted his teeth for a long time before finally remembering what he had done in Liaoyuan City.

  "I shouldn’t have used the Hidden Spirit Butterfly when asking Yuezong to go to the mortal world to accept disciples, and almost made you unable to worship the immortal gate."


  Su Qinghuan raised an eyebrow and looked at Murong Lingtian, but the short knife in his hand was sharpening and placed under the man's belt.

  If it were before, Murong Lingtian would still think that Su Qinghuan wanted to be an **** was a joke to intimidate him, but now the most critical acupuncture points in his body have been cut off mercilessly by Su Qinghuan.

  How dare he think that Su Qinghuan is joking with himself!


  Lun Jue, Murong Lingtian shocked a woman like this for the first time.

  It's just that the man's desire to conquer Su Qinghuan can't help but a little more.

   "I shouldn't have the urge to kill Junior Sister you when I was in Liaoyuan City and Xiuxian Bazaar. But Junior Sister, I promise you that since the trial of accepting disciples, you are the only one in my heart."

  "You are like a mountain and a bright moon in my heart. I like you even too late, no matter where I am willing to hurt you."

  As he said, his eyes were staring at Su Qinghuan for an instant, his eyes were frenzied, Su Qinghuan almost felt nauseous when he was so disgusting.

  The little fox relentlessly stabbed Murong Lingtian's kneecap with a knife.

   "Don't look at me with your dog's eyes, I said, I don't like the look in your eyes, don't say that you adore me, I can't bear the admiration of a scumbag."


  As a proud son of heaven, being so suppressed and insulted, Murong Lingtian felt aggrieved and angry.

  When he was in Xiuxian Market before, Su Qinghuan said this in front of Murong Lingtian and Su Xier.

   But at the time, Murong Lingtian only thought that Su Qinghuan was trying to refuse Qiao, but now it seems that the woman does not see herself in her eyes.

  If there is, there is probably total disgust and contempt left.


  Murong Lingtian didn't know why Su Qinghuan didn't directly kill himself, but at this moment, he finally vaguely showed some incredible thoughts.

   "Sister Su, don't tell me, you have done so many things so much, just to let me give up the dragon veins, and don't hurt the people of Tianyue Kingdom?"

   "Is it weird?"

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Murong Lingtian contemptuously.


   Seeing that Murong Lingtian was really unwilling to sell the dragon vein aura he had captured, the little fox was not in a hurry, but he took two more stabs, Murong Lingtian was anxious, and finally compromised with Su Qinghuan by a compromise.

"I swear by Murong Lingtian in the name of the Dao of Heaven, I will voluntarily go to the Kingdom of Heaven to practice after leaving the secret realm, and will never kill the innocent indiscriminately from now on. To the Nether."

   "If this oath is violated, the sky will slaughter it and you will not enter the cycle of reincarnation."

   Being forced to make this vow, Murong Lingtian was shocked by the magic repair.

  And Su Qinghuan finally took the knife with satisfaction after hearing this.


  Just after Murong Lingtian took the oath, there was a burst of anxious discussion not far away.

   "Lord, is Su Lingdie really useful?"

   "Just so bad, do you really think that Ling Tian is here? Now that Shen Xianzi has been caught by you, why don't you rest earlier and enjoy her?"

  (End of this chapter)

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