The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1128: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (122)

  Chapter 1128 The Demon Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (122)

  The man was still immersed in the shock that he had just made the heavenly oath. In fact, when Su Qinghuan dictated the content of those heavenly oaths, the man had already lost his words for a while!

——He is an extremely self-interested person, how can he understand Su Qinghuan’s so-called family and country feelings and compassionate feelings. He originally thought that Su Qinghuan was unhappy that he had such a good opportunity to cultivate immortality, and wanted to take the dragon vein aura as his own. Woolen cloth.

  Who knows, the little fox wants to force him to be a demon cultivator and have to dedicate the rest of his life to the people of Tianyue Kingdom? !


  Who can guess this? !

  In Murong Lingtian's view, Su Qinghuan really does not look like a Virgin!

   After all, which Virgin has such a sharp tongue, and will still take a knife at every turn!


   Seeing Murong Lingtian sitting aside in disbelief, he was obviously still immersed in his own world, but Su Qinghuan had already noticed those unusual noises.

  There is a good show to watch.

   Listening to the charming and complaining female voice just now, it is clear that it is her half-parent "good sister" Su Xier, and it must be that Shen Qishuang is also in the hands of the old people Su Xier and Zhao Bufan at this time.


  The little fox stroked his fingers thoughtfully, and then took a leisurely look at the entrance of the spiritual vein.

   "Mr Murong, it seems that you are in trouble. Three fiancées gather together with an old guy. Are you surprised or surprised?"

  While speaking, the white-clothed woman's gaze has turned to Murong Lingtian, her eyebrows and eyes revealed a deep playfulness.


  Murong Lingtian didn't understand what the trouble was in the little fox's mouth at first, but when he heard the little fox mention the person he had been engaged to, Murong Lingtian suddenly understood that it was Su Xier and Shen Qishuang that had found this boundary.

   But even if Su Xier wanted to seek revenge and provocation, Murong Lingtian was not afraid.

  His own current cultivation level has indeed fallen to the middle stage of foundation construction, and his whole body's spiritual veins are disordered, but Su Xi'er just relied on the pill to forcibly pile up the foundation until the early stage of foundation construction.

What's more, if Shen Qishuang is there, even if Murong Lingtian doesn't like Shen Qishuang, but at this moment, Shen Qishuang, a female cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, has deep roots in him, and she is a good target to use. It doesn't hurt to protect yourself.

  What kind of trouble can you encounter with this combination?


  Ren is Murong Lingtian who wants to break his head, but I am afraid that he could not expect the three words that he had accidentally revealed to Su Xier, and Su Xier caused Zhao Bufan's confidant trouble.

   "Junior Sister Su, now that I have even made the oath of heaven to you, I can no longer go out to harm others, can't you tell me who the old guy in your mouth is?"

  Murong Lingtian looked earnest, and the delicate face of Guanyu was still stained with blood at this moment, and it looked so pitiful, but Su Qinghuan would not be impressed by this kind of beauty.

  She smiled indifferently.

"you guess?"


  Murong Lingtian saw that the little fox was clearly not going to tell him the answer. The man was not worried at first, but when he felt a strong pressure approaching, Murong Lingtian instantly changed his face.

In the world of cultivating immortals, high-level cultivators have aura and coercion over low-level cultivators, but most venerables never release it, and the aura at this moment, although not as cheap as Murong Lingtian’s teacher Zunqing Elder Xu, but also much more powerful than ordinary Jindan monks.

  Murong Lingtian couldn't analyze the number of ways for a while, and his expression couldn't help but change again.

   "Sister Su... the old fellow in your mouth, isn't it a Yuan Ying monk?!"

   "But isn't this Purple Golden Secret Realm only allow Golden Core and below cultivators to enter? Even if there are those who are lucky enough to break the Alchemy in this secret realm, it shouldn't be so fast!"

  Even in such a small secret realm, Heavenly Tribulation can enter it!

   But they clearly didn’t see any monks crossing the catastrophe here!

  In the eyes of Murong Lingtian, among the young cultivators who participated in the Zijin Secret Realm this time, even with the direct disciples of other sects, only Xuanjian Peak’s Ye Feihan talent and cultivation base were ranked first.

   Judging from the contemptuous expression on Su Qinghuan’s face, it was clear that the person who came could not be Ye Feihan, otherwise Su Qinghuan would never be like this.


Seeing Murong Lingtian still guessing here, Su Qinghuan slowly raised her head.

   "It's not a real Nascent Soul, but Mr. Murong, what are you afraid of? You are a person with great luck and protection. We will rely on you to uphold justice when we are a few weak women."


  Murong Lingtian almost vomited blood after hearing this, how could Su Qinghuan be considered a weak woman?

  What's more, I was able to obtain the inheritance of the ancestor of the Ascending Demon Cave before, and later swallowed the dragon vein of the Heavenly Yue Kingdom. Maybe it can be called the luck against the sky, but isn't it still being abused by Su Qinghuan?


  Murong Lingtian dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. Just when he was uncertain, he saw the little fox approaching suddenly, tearing off several pieces of his robes and rags.

   "What are you doing?——"

If Su Qinghuan pulled his clothes so vigorously before the two people met before, Murong Lingtian might have thought that Su Qinghuan was surrendering to his masculinity and wanted to accomplish something indescribable with him. .

  But he has become the fish of others. If Murong Lingtian still dared to think about men and women at this time, then he would be really stupid.


  Su Qinghuan gave Murong Lingtian a white look.

  "You'd better not talk nonsense later, I will let you do whatever you want. Don't dismantle my station if you are a little winked. Otherwise, what really happened, you will regret it."


  Murong Lingtian saw Su Qinghuan's words like this, and he was immediately startled.

  And the little fox ignored the man who was obviously eager to explain, and directly rubbed the fresh blood on the corner of Murong Lingtian's robe.

  Finally, she deliberately mixed mud and blood stains to make her originally beautiful face very miserable and terrifying, but far from Murong Lingtian's, the chaos and desolation still reveals boundless beauty.

  Although the monk can do this with a single cleansing technique, Su Qinghuan clearly wants this effect.


  Seeing such a big move by the little fox, even if Murong Lingtian couldn't believe it before, at this moment, he faintly guessed something famous.

  The man gaped.

   "The old man Zhao Bufan came here? How could it be possible!"

  Isn’t the opponent a fake Nascent Soul, even if it’s not as good as a real Nascent Soul, how can he come to the Zijin Secret Realm? !

  Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows meaningfully.

   "This is also thanks to Mr. Murong for your generosity to Su Xier."


  As soon as the little fox's voice fell, a sharp female voice suddenly resounded in the air.

   "Old fellow, you let me go! Take away your dirty hands!"

  "Junior Brother Lingtian, daddy, where are you, who will save me, woo woo woo..."

  (End of this chapter)

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