The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1130: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (124)

  Chapter 1130 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (124)

  Su Qinghuan and Murong Lingtian are hiding behind a large black half-human stone. If in normal times, there is a high-level concealing array painted by an atmospheric figure like Murong Lingtian, they will definitely not be discovered.

  But it is a pity that Murong Lingtian has not been able to absorb the aura of the dragon veins at this moment, and the man's spiritual power is very disordered, coupled with the fact that Su Qinghuan has stabbed so many knives, his support time for the Concealing Array has also been greatly shortened.

   Previously, Zhao Bufan's whole heart was attached to Shen Qishuang, a delicate and beautiful white-clothed female nun. At this moment, he suddenly felt the fluctuation of spiritual power, and naturally he quickly became vigilant.

  After all, this is the Zijin Secret Realm. Zhao Bufan’s cultivation base may be the highest in this Zijin Secret Realm, but even if the true Nascent Soul cultivator is here, he dare not say that he can easily get out of it when facing some big difficulties.


   "Who's there?! Come out soon! Otherwise, the magic weapon in Zhao Bufan's hands is not vegetarian!"

  The gray-haired and grey-haired old man screamed, and even the Taoist robe began to have no wind.

  Su Qinghuan and Murong Lingtian looked at each other. Murong Lingtian saw the little fox's eyes, and his heart was tight, but before he had time to say anything, he saw that the little fox had already stood up generously.

   "Oh? Isn't this the peak master Zhao of Medicine Peak? We finally met the monk of the same sect!"

  The little fox just knew that Zhao Bufan and his party had come here. The face covered with mud and blood suddenly burst into a pleasant smile.

If it’s her original appearance, it wouldn’t be said to turn all sentient beings upside down, it would be a smile, but at this moment, because of the dirt and blood on her face, plus the plain long skirt that is all smudged, how can you see how it permeates people? .

  If you have to use a metaphor, it will be like a ghost out of hell!


  Don’t say that Zhao Bufan has only had a relationship with Su Qinghuan, even Shen Qishuang and Su Xi’er didn’t recognize the woman who described the embarrassing and ugly in front of them!

  "Are you the one who asked Yuezong?"

Zhao Bufan looked at Su Qinghuan suspiciously. Although he was a fake Nascent Soul cultivation base, it was okay to sling ordinary Jindan monks. At this moment, it is easy to see that Su Qinghuan is just a young female cultivator in the foundation stage, and there is really no deterrent. At all.

  ——Perhaps I was too immersed in Shen Qishuang’s beauty before, otherwise, how could he not discover this little foundation-building disciple?


   "Yes, Fengzhu Zhao, I am indeed asking the monk of Yuezong."

  Su Qing smiled and nodded, and even swept past Su Xier and Shen Qishuang who had been held by Zhao Bufan.

  Su Xier was a little angry on the spot.

   "Look at what you are looking at. Seeing to dig out your dog's eyes."

  Shen Qishuang vaguely felt that Su Qinghuan was faintly familiar, but although his voice and body were familiar, at this moment, the impression that Little Fox gave to others was too big, so Shen Qishuang was not sure about the vague guess in his heart.

  What's more, Shen Qishuang is now the mud bodhisattva crossing the river, it is difficult to protect himself, and there is no time to pay attention to others.

   Just because of the big eyes of the little fox looking over, even if his face was dirty, he couldn't hide his gangsterism, which made Shen Qishuang feel insulted and uncomfortable inexplicably.

   She lowered her head in shame and angrily, really wishing she couldn't find a hole in the ground.

  ——Although I have not been tarnished by Zhao Bufan, this old immortal thing, but before Zhao Bufan and Su Xier’s pickled words, it may be possible that the foundation-building female cultivator has already heard it.

  Moreover, the other party claimed to be the disciple of Asking Yuezong, then wouldn't it be difficult for him to make every step of Asking Yuezong in the future? !

  How could she fall into this kind of field, if she could, I really wish that Zhao Bufan could not be given a thousand swords!

But now even if Murong Lingtian is here, or even Ye Feihan is here, he may not be able to retreat from Zhao Bufan’s hand with her drag oil bottle. At that time, once she is indescribable by Zhao Bufan’s demon. I also used the shadow beads to leave such an unbearable image.

  So what should I do?

  Even if it is a death to thank the world, I am afraid that it will cause Daddy to be pointed out.

   Thinking of this, Shen Qishuang bit her teeth in shame and angrily, feeling the smell of blood spilling out of her mouth.

Shen Qishuang didn't think that the name of a woman is important. If she is half pushing with a handsome guy like Murong Lingtian, she doesn't think there is anything. However, it is Zhao Bufan's age that she is several rounds older, and she is still ugly. Makes people unable to eat!

   And if the poisonous woman Su Xier really dared to serve Zhao Bufan together, they and the three of Zhao Bufan are afraid that in the future, they will not only ask Yuezong to be famous, but will be cast aside as a scum of demon cultivator in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

After all, there are no righteous monks who practice this kind of technique of collecting, replenishing, and the same imperial female. Even if there is, people secretly steal it. How can they dare to put it on the bright surface and use the photo pearl to record it? This thing will be a thing sooner or later. Scourge!


  Even though Shen Qishuang did not raise her head, Su Qinghuan also noticed her discomfort from the details of Shen Qishuang's pin-felt side face.

  The little fox twitched in his heart, and then smiled again to meet Su Xier’s angry and high eyes.

   "Sister Xier, we haven't seen each other for a few hours, don't Sister Xier remember her sister?"

   "...Sister Xier? Wait, whose sister did you say you are?"

  Shen Qishuang suddenly raised his head in disbelief. Even though the little fox confessed his identity so generously, Shen Qishuang obviously couldn't believe that Su Qinghuan was the female consort who was about to fall into a beggar.

   And Su Xier was also surprised.

   "You are... Qinghuan... sister? How did you become like this?"

  As long as the monk has aura, even if he can't find a water source to take a bath, he can quickly clean himself up with a cleansing technique, but it feels that he is not as comfortable and pleasant as taking a bath with water.


   And Zhao Bufan’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the gray-haired old man suddenly stroked his palms and laughed, raising his chin very satisfied!

   "It's not bad, it was God who helped me. I didn't expect Su Xiaoyou to be here."

   "Last time I asked Yuezong Hall a goodbye, the deity missed, read, felt, and tight for Su Xiaoyou!"

   Zhao Bufan said, glanced at Su Qinghuan contemptuously and coveted, even as he spoke, he was a little bit angry.

  The little fox has caused him to lose such a big face in front of everyone in Qyuezong, how can he not hate it!

  He sneered unkindly.

   "Looking at Su Xiaoyou so dirty, could it be that he doesn't even have extra spiritual power? How about using a cleaning technique for you?"

  Su Qinghuan of course knew what Zhao Bufan was so angry and proud of.

With an eager smile on her face, she suddenly took advantage of Zhao Bufan's pinch technique and suddenly rushed to stop Zhao Bufan from casting the spell, and rubbed the dirty thing on her own hand onto the old immortal sleeves. ——

  (End of this chapter)

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