The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1131: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (125)

  Chapter 1131 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (125)

   Zhao Bufan was angry with Su Qinghuan in his heart, but more of the contentment that he was about to capture another beauty.

  Don't look at the little fox at the moment, but he was shocked last time, but he can deeply remember the amazing looks of the little fox.

  On the five senses alone, Su Qinghuan may be slightly inferior to Shen Qishuang, a beauty with extremely peculiar facial features, but she is also a bit more agile and alive, and Shen Qishuang is incomparable.

  One is as brilliant as a spring flower, and the other is as bright as an autumn moon. It is really difficult to distinguish between.

  Can bring such two veritable beauties into the room, and both of them are direct disciples of the peak master of Qin Yuezong. They have both beauty and status. Thinking about it, they can arouse Zhao Bufan's desire to conquer!

  Some catching up like Su Xier seems a bit cheap, not to mention that Su Xier is not as good as Su Qinghuan and Shen Qishuang in terms of looks!


  Even because of Su Xier’s previous proposal, Zhao Bufan was vaguely excited, and even an indescribable idea was instantly formed.

  Don't think that only Su Xi'er has the photo beads. In fact, he has this bite behind his back. There are dozens of photo beads in his storage bag.

Zhao Bufan does not believe Su Qinghuan and Shen Qishuang, who are unwilling to give in to him. If he records an indescribable scene where the three women with him are "happy and harmonious", they can still say they don't want to serve him stubbornly. !

He has so many photo beads, not to mention putting one each in the south, east, north and west. Zhao Bufan wants to put dozens of them in all directions. Later, he will continue to reminisce about it, or use them to amuse the beauty, and make the beauty ashamed. Fun!


The world of cultivating immortals doesn’t pay attention to men’s and women’s defenses and women’s reputation like the ordinary world, but which female cultivator can make her flawless texture so generous for others to appreciate, not to mention not only the body, but there will be others who will appear together at that time. Zhao Bufan and two other women.

  This kind of scene is extremely rare even in the demonic cultivation.

  Before, there was a female demon cultivator who liked to supplement others. This scene was recorded by others with photo beads, and it was spread to various places in the world of cultivating immortals.

The female demon is usually very casual and comfortable, and she is very open to matters between men and women, but it does not mean that she likes to be watched by the whole world. realm.

  Not to mention, those female cultivators who are self-sufficient in the right way, I am afraid that with this kind of handle, they are either self-defeating from the world, or as Zhao Bufan thought, they can only be driven by Zhao Bufan in aggrieved manner.


   Seeing Zhao Bufan want to use cleansing techniques on herself, how could Su Qinghuan make him do what she wanted, she was originally to chill Zhao Bufan’s eyes.

  The little fox pretended to rush over eagerly, even as if he was too admired and grateful, and hit the opponent's hand at once, blocking Zhao Bufan's spells, and then even tightly grabbing Zhao Bufan's sleeves.

   "Master Zhao Feng is such a great person! Qing Huan is so touched! But now it doesn't matter whether Qing Huan's appearance is clean, please ask Master Zhao Feng to save Young Master Murong. He is afraid that he will be dying now."

  Su Qinghuan said, as if too excited, rubbing the blood and mud on his hands and his robe against Zhao Bufan's body.


  Zhao Bufan was suddenly interrupted by the little fox, and saw Su Qinghuan's ghost-possessed big painted face close at hand, Zhao Bufan felt a little uncomfortable on the spot.

  It's just that Su Qinghuan stubbornly grasped his hand. Zhao Bufan was not a physical training practitioner, and his realm was unable to cast spells instantly, and he could not push the little fox away for a while.

Especially when he saw the blood and mud that he was rubbed against by Su Qinghuan, Zhao Bufan was a little frustrated on the spot, and he couldn't even listen to what Su Qinghuan was saying, but at this time, Shen Qishuang, who was originally embarrassed, suddenly had eyes bright. rise.

   "What?! Junior Sister Su, Junior Brother Murong is here too?"

  Shen Qishuang first wanted Murong Lingtian to save her, but when he thought that Murong Lingtian could only build a foundation in the later stage of cultivation, and Su Qinghuan also described that he was seriously injured.

  Shen Qishuang’s bright eyes were filled with fear and worry in an instant.

   "Sister Su, what happened to Junior Brother Ling Tian? He has nothing to do, right?"


And Su Qing happily admired Shen Qishuang's restless look at the moment. From the worry in Shen Qishuang's eyes, she could tell whether the first beauty of the Wen Yuezong was really to Murong Lingtian and other peerless scum. There is truth in it.

  Otherwise, he would not even notice that after coming over, he instantly began to worry about Murong Lingtian's situation.

On the other hand, Murong Lingtian, the extremely selfish scumbag, when he heard that his fiancée was about to be bullied by a disgusting old man like Zhao Bufan, he didn’t think of stepping up to rescue him, but immediately shrinking. Get up and draw a hidden spirit formation.

Not to mention that it was because Murong Lingtian was in the late stage of building the foundation, and the strength gap with Zhao Bufan is too large, even if Murong Lingtian is just a mortal, this kind of man who is bloodless and unwilling to protect his partner, no matter how handsome and rich, he can’t ask for it. .

  I usually look like the person next to the pillow, but in fact, this kind of person is a viper alive, the kind that will choose you at any time!


Su Qinghuan immediately let go of Zhao Bufan's hand, and turned to Shen Qishuang.

  "Mr Murong is in a very bad situation at the moment. It is estimated that he needs a lot of pills to remedy it. He seems to have some chance, but he shed a lot of blood, he can't speak clearly, and people are confused. I don't know what to do."

   "But it's all right now. The Lord Zhao Feng is here, and such a benevolent Venerable Zhao Feng will definitely save Young Master Murong, right?"

  Su Qinghuan seemed to have never had any discord with Zhao Bufan. She looked at Zhao Bufan with a look of admiration for the stars. Even though her face was dirty at the moment, no one could see the expectation and eagerness in her eyes.

   When Zhao Bufan heard Su Qinghuan’s flattery, he felt very comfortable in his heart.

  Seeing that Murong Lingtian was also there, Zhao Bufan suddenly stopped thinking of making fun of the beauty, and he looked around seriously.

   "That's natural! This seat will certainly not ask us if the disciples of Yuezong are not saved, where is Murong Lingtian?"

  "Hey, right here, alas, Master Murong's face looks so pale..."


  There is a desolate image of a little fox next to him. Murong Lingtian who is injured is like a bamboo that has been beaten by wind and rain.

  The handsome face, pale look, and even the blood stains slightly overflowing from the corners of the mouth, all show the peerless beauty everywhere.

  Even Zhao Bufan, who has never tried male sex, instantly shines!


  Murong Lingtian hadn’t understood Su Qinghuan’s so-called aggrieved dedication before, but at this moment, seeing Zhao Bufan’s straight eyes, he was very hard to say!

  Should...not what he meant...

  (End of this chapter)

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