The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1158: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (6)

  Chapter 1158 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (6)

   Seeing Su Qinghuan looking at him in astonishment, Shen Zhiyuan always felt that the soil and fat circle in front of him was a little weird today, and he couldn't tell how strange it was, but it was something that made his eyelids jump subconsciously.

  Even when she scanned the condescending eyes of the woman, Shen Zhiyuan felt very intimidating. He even subconsciously picked up the corners of his clothes with a guilty conscience, feeling a sense of self-confidence.

  But it was only the next second, and Shen Zhiyuan quickly denied it.

  He felt that he had been standing in the sun for too long today and his consciousness was confused, otherwise, how could he be so dizzy that he felt that all his shameful thoughts had been seen through by Su Qinghuan?

  He was the last time the provincial leaders came to inspect the school. Because of his outstanding image, he was accompanied by the facade of Jiangcheng Nuo'an Noble Middle School.

  But the big leader is in his fifties, and he has a high authority. Let alone Shen Zhiyuan, the principals of the two schools have to make a smile in front of each other.

  And who is Su Qinghuan, just a stupid woman who can't get on stage? !

  How can the aura be comparable to the big leaders in that province?


  Shen Zhiyuan thought this way, the guilty conscience in his eyes was quickly replaced by the tenderness, even if he felt a bit cold, he still stepped forward and gently touched Su Qinghuan’s hair.

   "Qinghuan, why are you so forgetful today? I have a class every Wednesday afternoon."

  "Fortunately, I am just a Chinese teacher, not a head teacher, and Nuo'an Noble High School is also very close to your company, otherwise I won’t come to deliver you food at noon if I’m too busy."

   Feeling that Shen Zhiyuan is holding back the nausea and touching her hair, Su Qinghuan feels very funny, but when she thinks that such a gentle scum is actually going to be a teacher, she feels chills in her heart.

  Su Qinghuan even wondered whether a scum like Shen Zhiyuan would have other thoughts about boys with good youth by caring about the names of students.

After all, a handsome guy like Shen Zhiyuan might be suspicious of female students being too enthusiastic about it, but male students are pretty carefree, and being pulled by a teacher like this on their shoulders, patted their heads and arms, they would definitely not be considered as having anything. questionable.


  According to Shen Zhiyuan's scumbag character, Su Qinghuan became more and more likely to think about it, and almost vomited it out for breakfast.

In fact, the little fox never hates men who like men or women who like women. She respects everyone's heart. After all, love is a resonance between souls, not because of any inheritance or other reasons. Who is together.


  But no matter what kind of hobby you have, and no matter what the reason is, no one can deceive others to deceive others' feelings, let alone let others become the victims of your weakness or greed.


  Su Qinghuan thought that there might be countless students in Shen Zhiyuan's claws without realizing it, so he beckoned to Shen Zhiyuan right now.

   "Zhiyuan, I was a little confused by the air conditioner. I forgot that you still have class today."

   "By the way, you go to the lounge on the first floor lobby and sit down. When I find something to give you ice, I will come to eat with you right away."

  The little fox's attitude is not much enthusiasm, but it is not cold, although Shen Zhiyuan is a little puzzled why the girl is not as embarrassed and eagerly as before after Su Qinghuan brushed her hair.

But watching the little fox look for ice cubes with such an acquaintance, the man feels a little happier. After all, he doesn’t like women in the first place. Besides, Su Qinghuan was born so bloated and fat that he didn’t want to stick to such soil and fat. Together!


  The little fox quickly went to the refrigerator next to the office on the second floor to find out if there was anything that could give Shen Zhiyuan a cold compress. Those colleagues had been watching the little fox’s excitement upstairs.

But at this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan with a pair of red eyes pulling things in the refrigerator, it was really scary, and for a while, everyone did not dare to come up and ask. Look like.


   "Have you all seen it just now?"

  And the little fox swept his eyes deeply towards the faces of those colleagues who watched the show, his eyes were too straightforward, which made the female colleagues in the office feel inexplicably frustrated.

  "We...we didn't see anything..."

  After all, the little fox is in a strange state today, and her size of one hundred thirty or forty catties looks a bit bluffing.

  Su Qinghuan did not rush to explain, just smiled at them.

   "I quarreled with Zhiyuan. I know you must be watching the joke arrangement in your heart. I will tell you after I finish my meal."

  A female colleague who had previously teased Su Qinghuan chuckled.

   "Ah, how dare we arrange you, Qinghuan, you really want to think too much."


  The little fox smiled more meaningfully, and she had to take this opportunity to take the picture of Shen Zhiyuan's deep love for the original owner in these women's hearts.

  If something really happened in the future, it wouldn’t be enough for no one to stand on Shen Zhiyuan’s side, thinking that he must have no problem.


  In fact, the original owner was relatively inferior due to his looks and body shape. In this office, he was a clumsy tongue. How could it be like today? A look and a few words calmed these eight women.

  Waiting for everyone to see Su Qinghuan take a bottle of iced Coke down, they came back to their senses in a daze. Su Qinghuan was just arguing with Shen Zhiyuan. What are they afraid of outsiders?

   Su Qinghuan, who has always been as meek as a little daughter-in-law in front of Shen Zhiyuan, has acted on Shen Zhiyuan, enough to surprise them.

  Is this crazy woman who can slap them well?

  Their company is notoriously laid-back and the treatment is not bad. Unless Su Qinghuan loses his head and doesn't want to work, how could it be possible to do this kind of thing in public.

   Anyway, Su Qinghuan also left, and the previously weak female colleague broke her mouth again on the spot.

  "Generally, this kind of scandal of conflicts between couples is not covered up by everyone? How do you think of Su Qinghuan's posture, and want to tell us more?"

   "She is justified in beating people? The handsome and caring man Shen is so good-looking and caring. Marrying her is really useless."

  An older female colleague faintly smelled a different smell.

  "How do I feel that after Su Qinghuan married Shen Zhiyuan, she has a good temper? Is it that Shen Zhiyuan is actually bad for her?"

   "No way? Handsome guy Shen doesn't look like that kind of person!"


  Everyone had different opinions, and Su Qinghuan had already gone down there with the iced Coke, and she hurried to Shen Zhiyuan.

   "Zhiyuan, can you see this?"

  As a result, because the coke was opened before, her foot slipped, and the whole bottle of Coke was spilled out. Fortunately, she spilled the coke on the man!

  (End of this chapter)

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