The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1159: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (7)

  Chapter 1159 The miserable original match of Phoenix man (7)

  Because it was indoors this time, no one was watching.

  But Shen Zhiyuan was drenched into a drenched chicken. His carefully managed hair and the white shirt that was ironed meticulously in the morning were all ruined by this ice coke!

  The man's head was buzzing, his eyes were stubborn, and he almost couldn't help but want to go crazy!

  Judging from the fact that Su Qinghuan slapped him directly before, he began to wonder if this woman was not good for him!

  But before Shen Zhiyuan started, Su Qinghuan screamed as if he was frightened by the sky, and tears fell again.

  She also stretched out one hand very neatly and pressed it on the man's shoulder, while the other hand was not idle, she quickly took out a tissue and wiped Shen Zhiyuan's Qingjun face frantically.

  "Zhiyuan, are you okay? Oh, I shouldn’t have opened the lid just because I was thirsty, I really didn’t mean it, you believe me, oh oh..."

   "I didn't expect it to be like this, don't move, I will wipe it for you first, you will have to go to class later, how can you see people like this, oooooo..."


Shen Zhiyuan was shocked by Su Qinghuan's swift reaction. He didn't know where the fat woman got so much strength, but in just two seconds, he almost suspected that his arm would be numb by this woman. .

   And Su Qinghuan seemed to have no idea, rubbing the tissue on his face frantically.

  In normal times, a narcissistic peacock-like man like Shen Zhiyuan would never allow Su Qinghuan to touch his face, but Su Qinghuan’s movements were so fast that he couldn’t even stop him.

   Feeling the woman's solid body like a mountain close at hand, and Su Qinghuan's tears are still falling onto his white shirt, Shen Zhiyuan simply feels that this is even more disgusting than he was splashed with Coke by Su Qing happily.


  At this time, Shen Zhiyuan couldn't care if Su Qinghuan was deliberate. He really didn't want such a soil-fat-yuan to take advantage of him frantically by wiping his face.

  The man's face was blue and white, and finally he forced Su Qinghuan's hand away from the anxiety in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

  Of course, the little fox understood what the boy was feeling upset, but she deliberately tried to look at Shen Zhiyuan in a panic, and two drops of crocodile tears squeezed out of her face.

"Zhiyuan, why didn't you let me wipe it for you? Oh, did you really start to hate me? But I really didn't mean it, I'm too clumsy, you must start to hate me, right? Woo..."

   Seeing that the little fox was about to complain about himself like a repeater, Shen Zhiyuan was very tired. He obviously hated contact with this soil, but he still had to endure the dirt, and comforted Su Qinghuan in a good voice.

   "Nothing, okay, okay, baby, don't cry, I won't let you continue rubbing, because I think it's almost time for me to check in. If I delay any longer, I'm afraid I will be late."


  The little fox seemed to wake up from a dream, anxiously let go of her hand holding Shen Zhiyuan's shoulder, she wiped her tears, and you will blame me again, and I will cry out in the next second.

   "But now that you go to school in this dress, you won't be laughed at by the teachers and students of the same school, blame me, if it weren't for me..."

Seeing that the little fox was about to continue to pollute his eyes and ears, Shen Zhiyuan's forehead bounced with blue veins, and he regretted why he had to draw his mind to this woman today.

  "Qinghuan, don't say anything, I know you are unintentional, okay, my husband is going to class, these meals are a bit cold, you have to remember to eat it."

  As soon as the man finished speaking, he hurriedly picked up the phone and ran to the door without waiting for Su Qinghuan to speak.

  In that posture, it was as though afraid that the little fox would attack him.


  Su Qinghuan looked at Shen Zhiyuan's embarrassed back, and the face that had just been whimpering with tears, instantly changed to a casual smile.

  Then the little fox cleaned up the overturned coke wreck, wiped the table and the floor clean, and then began to enjoy his lunch.

  To be honest, this Shen Zhiyuan is disgusting, and this hypocritical and considerate little fox is quite welcome.

  After all, most of the sanitation in the home is done by Shen Zhiyuan, and the original owner is indeed a Jiaojiao lady who does not touch the sun.

  Although the sweet and sour pork ribs and braised fish were not made by Shen Zhiyuan himself, they were also bought from a chain restaurant. At the moment, it is colder and the taste is still good.


  The little fox was enjoying the food, and no one disturbed her anyway, her pupils couldn't help but squinted happily.

  After eating the two dishes and one soup, the little fox slowly remembered the business. She packed the tableware, her eyes cold.

   "Tong'er, take advantage of this, send the host's memory to me."

   "Ok, host."


  Sure enough, the original owner still has the same name as Little Fox, and is the only daughter of a well-off family in Jiangcheng.

  The original owner has also been favored since she was a child, but the family members think she likes eating meat, so they feed the original owner in various ways.

  The original owner had delicate facial features when he was a child. Even if he was overweight, he would be fat and cute, but he would become a chubby boy when he grew up.

  Because of the bloated figure, even if the family background and education are good, the original owner is still very inferior and has never been in a relationship.

It just so happened that the parents had some connections. Once the original owner came out of society, he was assigned to a unit with a lot of money and little work. The days were flat. The parents bought a car for the original owner with full money and a set of 80 square meters with two bedrooms. Hall, just to facilitate her commuting to work, she can also walk.

  It sounds like a small area, but you have to know that Jiangcheng, a second-tier coastal city, has surprisingly high housing prices. Let alone a girl, few ordinary men of her age can afford a full-fledged house.

  It is reasonable to say that the original owner, who has no worries about food, food, and work, should not have any troubles, but the parents of the original owner are anxious about their daughter's marriage.

  After all, the original owner is not pretty. Even in the first-tier cities, the competitiveness of a 30-year-old girl in marriage and love is hard to compare to a girl in her 20s.

  So the original owner’s parents kept urging the marriage, letting the original owner crazy blind date while young.

There is a house man in the whole model who is about the same age and family background as the original owner. Even if he is ugly and fatter, some people have posted upside down in Jiangcheng. Those men promised to meet when they had not seen the original owner and saw the horizontal development of the original owner. , And they were all scared away.

  They would rather lower the standards of their sister’s family background and education than marry the original owner.

  In this case, the marriage of the original owner has become a major problem.

  After all, she and her parents don’t like the kind of man who can’t deal with all the conditions.

  At this moment of dilemma, Shen Zhiyuan appeared.

  (End of this chapter)

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