The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1160: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (8)

  Chapter 1160 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (8)

  Actually speaking, Shen Zhiyuan, who has no car, no house, or local household registration, could not enter the original owner’s blind date selection.

The current marriage and love market is very realistic. A man who doesn’t have a car or a house is basically not considered a candidate for a future husband by his sister. This kind of man enters into marriage.

  As for a smart person like Shen Zhiyuan, he likes men to be true, and he also knows how to communicate with men and women, so naturally he will not expose his shortcomings and leave his resume at the blind date.

  His advantage is that he has a good appearance, good height and academic qualifications. He also works as a teacher at Nuo'an Noble Middle School. Although this is a private noble middle school, the teacher does not have a staff, but the salary is good.

   Such conditions may be buried in the blind date market because there is no house or car, but free love is different, and there are many places where dimensionality can be reduced.

Picking up a house or a car in the blind date market is the basic entry threshold, but if it is a free relationship, he can rely on two people to get acquainted with each other freely. If the woman dislikes him because of this, he has every reason to imply that the other party is a gold worshiper. .

Even if it’s not just a car house, the average decent family raises a son, even if they can’t afford the full price of the car house temporarily, they still have to pay a down payment. Three gold gifts plus a diamond ring are also required. This kind of money is always 100,000 yuan. , Not including hotels.

  But Shen Zhiyuan thought very well, relying on the stunt of free love to morally kidnap the girl who will marry him in the future.

  He has made up his mind to ask the other party to marry him naked. Isn’t the diamond ring the carbon element? Anyway, it's a lie to girls.

  Gold jewelry?

  It's a new era, how tacky, which girl would like that kind of yellow and bright things, buy a silver jewellery, it looks good and light, isn't it fragrant?

  As for the bride price, it is said that in the 21st century, if the other party wants the bride price, it is equivalent to selling his daughter.

  For such a simple matter, there are always girls who are proud of themselves and can't let go of their own face.


  Shen Zhiyuan knew everything about it. He was anxious to get angry with this object in his heart. In fact, he was only to get married on the surface, so that he could avoid being questioned by relatives and friends around him, so that he could live a good life.

Depending on his own conditions, if he goes to the blind date market, even if his looks and work are acceptable, someone will definitely dislike himself because of his family background and no house or car. As long as the girl or the girl’s parents have a clear head, he can get married. The probability is very small.

  The kind of people who work in the assembly line, graduated from middle and high school, have no house, no car, or ordinary girl, even if they post him upside down, Shen Zhiyuan would not want it.

  Even if he likes men, he doesn't want to make his nominal object so uncomfortable.

  So the next question is where to go to meet such a girl, it is best that the other party has a certain family background, and can flatter himself to please him.

  It was just two or three sketches, and Shen Zhiyuan understood his real needs.

  If he finds a beauty from a well-off family in Jiangcheng, it is actually unrealistic. A beauty may like his appearance, but he also needs emotional value, and his needs for couples’ lives will definitely be higher.

  And this type of girl certainly does not lack people to chase, and the Yue family will also be very picky about his family conditions.

  Of course, he doesn't like women at all. It doesn't matter to him whether girls are beautiful or ugly, at best, ugly women have a bit more spicy eyes.

And if it is a girl from a well-off family in Jiangcheng or above, who looks ordinary, or is a little older, she would be inferior and pleasantly surprised if she can marry him. Even if his financial situation is poorer, there are still opportunities to learn from each other. .


  As for the private life of husband and wife, Shen Zhiyuan really does not want to have any extra contact with a woman whom he can't even look at, so it is impossible to have children through normal means.

Shen Zhiyuan planned to use the name of the other party’s poor health and the most reliable test tube to trick the girl into spending money and trouble to go to the hospital to get a child out, so that he does not need to perform any husband and wife obligations, and he can have a blood relationship with him. Connected children.

  After having a child, just find a reason to kick the other person.

  This kind of cold war method, Shen Zhiyuan knows best in his heart that girls are all hypocritical, and they certainly can't stand the vacant house alone and can't get any emotional comfort.


  Shen Zhiyuan himself will not leave information on blind date websites and local matchmakers, but it does not prevent Shen Zhiyuan from using these information platforms to find prey that meets his requirements for being a tool person’s wife.

  It can be said that the poor original owner was selected because he fits Shen Zhiyuan's requirements for the wife of a future tool man in all aspects.

  In just one week, Shen Zhiyuan locked the original owner’s personal information, and found the original owner’s Penguin account and Weibo account.

   even forged a WeChat account and added the original owner’s personal account.

However, after reading some news from the original owner’s circle of friends and personal posts, Shen Zhiyuan preliminarily concluded that the original owner’s family background is okay, and it is obvious that his appearance and weight have been a little stubborn from small to large, and he must be extremely inferior and lacking. Girl in love.

  According to the position posted by the original owner’s circle of friends, Shen Zhiyuan also knew the location of the original owner’s company. By coincidence, the Nuoan Noble Middle School where Shen Zhiyuan worked was only two to three kilometers away.

Shen Zhiyuan also learned that the original owner actually liked small animals, such as cats, dogs, and dogs. Sometimes she would go to the library to feed cat food to wild cats, but she was afraid that she could not take care of these small animals, so she did not choose to take them home. , But visit them from time to time.

  So taking the opportunity of the original owner to go to the Jiangcheng Library, Shen Zhiyuan artificially created an encounter.

  At that time, the original chief went to feed the cats in the place he often went to, but it happened that he “ran into” Shen Zhiyuan, who was going to borrow books, and the books in the man’s hands were scattered all over the place.

  At that time, the original owner was very nervous when he saw that he had run into such a young, handsome and bookish man.

Who made her accept the kindness of the opposite **** in this life is really rare. Since elementary school, she has often been given various nicknames, such as fat women and fat pigs. She almost thought that she would be scolded, so she apologized again and again. Shen Zhiyuan picks up the book.

  Unexpectedly, the handsome-looking man actually helped his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled softly at her with a pair of peachy eyes.

   "It's okay, I didn't see the road clearly."

  Speaking, taking the book from the original owner, the two people’s fingertips still touched each other, and the original owner blushed on the spot...

  (End of this chapter)

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