The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1169: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (17)

  Chapter 1169 The miserable original match of Phoenix man (17)

  Looking at the time displayed on the phone, Shen Zhiyuan's face was instantly covered with frost.


  This woman really considers herself to be a princess. Does the whole world have to bear her? !

  Thinking that if I ran away from home, I would look for her?


  Shen Zhiyuan smashed the water glass in his hand directly on the ground, the broken glass splashed in front of the man's feet, and a piece of it bounced up and hit the back of Shen Zhiyuan's hand.

  Shen Zhiyuan tried his best to restrain himself, and did not smash all the things around him. It has been a long time since no one has given him face like this. I didn’t expect Su Qinghuan to dare to start this!

  The man’s eyes showed a trace of sullenness. He lowered his head and swept across the back of his bleeding hand, his anger increased tenfold.

  In the end, Shen Zhiyuan also had to stand up, first cleaned up the wound with iodophor and band-aid, and then endured his anger and cleaned up the remains of the house.

  After finishing this, Shen Zhiyuan thought and thought, and finally took a picture of his injured hand and sent it to Su Qinghuan on WeChat.

  ——Wife, don’t get angry with me, okay, I know I made you a little uncomfortable lately, but you should take medicine if you are sick. The doctor even prescribed it, it’s not because I deliberately wanted to be indifferent to you.

  ——Because I missed you so much, I accidentally broke the cup at home. You can see that my hand was injured. Would you come back soon?


   Seeing that the photos and news were delivered, Shen Zhiyuan’s eyes flashed with a certain contempt, and then he waited for the rabbit and went to the bedroom to scan Weibo.

  As usual, no matter how angry this Tufeiyuan was, and seeing him hurt, she would jump up and down like she had any problems.

  It’s a pity that this time Shen Zhiyuan encountered a little fox, but he didn’t have time to play this kind of awkward trick between lovers.


The little fox was returning to the taxi at the home of the original owner's parents. She heard the ding of the mobile phone WeChat, and when she opened it, she saw the news from Shen Zhiyuan, especially after the injured photo, there was a pitiful picture attached to it. Xi's crying emoticon pack.

  In the past, the original owner had most eaten Shen Zhiyuan's miserable set, and only felt that this man would not be able to do without him.

  The little fox saw it, but there was no wave of sympathy in his heart, but there was an urge to laugh.

   "Tong'er, why don't you say that the broken glass is not strong enough, just let Shen Zhiyuan be hospitalized, and I am embarrassed to send it to me with such a small hole. It is estimated that the wound will heal in a few minutes."


  Hearing the little fox sneered unceremoniously, System 233 was also concerned. It was most unaccustomed to a scumbag like Shen Zhiyuan, who seeks wealth and deceives his emotions. It is really the best of the best.

   "That's right, good people don't live long, and they're left behind for thousands of years, otherwise you need to clean up wherever the original owner is."


  Little Fox thought so too. She put the phone away at will, as if she hadn’t seen it at all, and when she arrived at the original owner’s parents’ house, she paid for the car.

  The original owner's parents love the original owner very much, so even if the original owner is married, the little fox still has the keys to the original owner's parents' house. The security guard here also knows her, but I didn't expect to see the face of the little fox at so late.

  Moreover, most people in the community know the news that Su Qinghuan married a handsome teacher.

  Without him, whoever let the original parent’s parents were in office were intellectuals with little rights. Although they are now retired, they often do something to give feedback.

  Because of a certain flood fight, I was on a local TV station once, so the parents of the original owner are a bit famous in the community even with the original owner.

  And the original owner married Shen Zhiyuan, who likes high-profile shows and affection. He happens to have a good appearance, so many people in the community know that Su Qinghuan has found a teacher from Nuo'an Noble Middle School.

  The elderly security guard looked at Su Qinghuan with a little surprise.

   "Hey, Miss Su, why are you back so late? Where is your husband?"

   "...cough, forget about the quarrel, I came back alone."

  The little fox pretended to be depressed and smiled sadly at the security guard.

   "Sorry, I disturbed you so late."

   "...Ms. Shen quarreled with you?"

  The security guard glanced at the little fox curiously. Shen Zhiyuan was a wife and slave, and everyone in their community knew about it.

  At first, some people thought that Su Qinghuan’s figure was probably not good enough to marry, but later saw that she was married to Shen Zhiyuan. Although the financial conditions were not good, but fortunately the person looked good and the job was decent.

   And Shen Zhiyuan was so considerate to his wife and Yue Zhang's family, so everyone changed their tone and agreed that Su Qinghuan had made a profit.

  Shen Zhiyuan did not go back to his hometown, and he respected Su Qinghuan's family all the year round. This is no different from the half-door son-in-law. It is nothing more than people's refusal to let his child be named Su's family name.

   But men, they are always good for face, and they can understand.


   "Yeah, let's not say, I will go see my parents first."

  The little fox nodded lonely to the security guard, and then strode towards the unit where the original owner’s parents were located.

  Just as the little fox walked to the elevator entrance of the original owner’s parents’ house, the phone rang suddenly.

  It was almost ten in the evening at this time, but Su Qinghuan knew that the parents of the original owner usually went to bed at eleven o’clock, so she didn’t choose to rent a hotel outside.

  Seeing the call from Shen Zhiyuan above, the little fox made a secret cut. This boy is really persevering.

  But the play is still going on. The other party has called her more than a dozen calls from the afternoon to now. If Shen Zhiyuan went to report 110, it would be funny.

  Su Qinghuan thought for a while, and then pressed the answer button.


   "Su Qinghuan, you don't plan to go home anymore, do you?! Are you still outside so late, are you planning to divorce me?"

Shen Zhiyuan was angrily in his heart. He usually wouldn't put the word divorce on his lips easily, but this trick was very useful to scare Su Qinghuan, the earthy round, so he naturally used it to intimidate the little fox, wanting the little fox to know Difficult to retreat.


  Unexpectedly, the little fox is light and authentic.

  "Okay, I will leave. We have been married for almost half a year. You still refuse to live a married life with me. I think it is you who want to divorce."

  The little fox played the cards so unreasonably, Shen Zhiyuan panicked a bit, he smirked and looked down the steps himself.

  "Qinghuan, don’t do this, I’m just worried about you. You see my husband hurt his hand today. Don’t you scare me? And if the father-in-law and mother-in-law know about it, they will definitely not agree."

  Su Qing happily held the phone.

   "I'm at the door of my parents' house now. If they know that you have wronged me, this baby girl, do you think they will agree?"

  (End of this chapter)

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