The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1170: The miserable original match of Phoenix man (18)

  Chapter 1170 Phoenix man’s miserable original match (18)

  Shen Zhiyuan was stunned when he heard this. At first he thought that the little fox was just joking to scare him, but seeing Su Qinghuan’s tone so cold and determined, the man’s left eyelid jumped frantically.

It is said that the left eye jumps for money and the right eye jumps for disaster. Although Shen Zhiyuan does not believe in such superstitions, he can't let Su Qinghuan spread the information about his inability to divorce, especially in front of Su Qinghuan's parents. Said the face like this.

Su Qinghuan’s complaint in his company has angered Shen Zhiyuan, but the company’s colleagues are still different from Su Qinghuan’s parents. Su Qinghuan’s colleagues can be heard as a joke at most. No matter how much discussion behind them, they will not really be able to influence them. Su Qinghuan's marriage.

   And Su Qinghuan’s parents were originally dissatisfied with him, a rural son-in-law from other places. They had no house or car. Now they still let their daughter be a widow. If Su Qinghuan’s parents know, I’m afraid they really want to nod their heads and agree to let their daughter divorce!


  Shen Zhiyuan didn't care about his anger at this time, and quickly lowered his posture to please Su Qinghuan in various ways.

"Qinghuan, my wife, it’s me who was wrong, and it’s not okay if I’m wrong? I promise, when your illness is cured, I will make up with you. This is a private matter between our husband and wife. It's half past ten, don't you let your father-in-law know about it?"

   "The old man is already in some bad health. If you bother you like this, what if the two of them can't sleep?"

  Shen Zhiyuan knows how filial Su Qinghuan is. Apart from marrying herself, which rebelled against her parents' accidents, Su Qinghuan almost had to let her parents decide everything else.

  If Su Qinghuan is easily let go back this time, he is really afraid that Su Qinghuan will make a moth.

  But even at this point, Shen Zhiyuan still felt that Su Qinghuan would not get divorced easily. After all, the world was not very friendly to divorced women, not to mention that Su Qinghuan’s appearance was really not good.

  In order to hold Su Qinghuan’s wedding, their Su family had paid three hundred and tens of thousands of money. What's more, this did not include the car and house of Su Qinghuan’s dowry, so millions of dollars could not run.

Ordinary people who don’t have enough wealth to give their daughter-in-law a gift of 200,000 will be painful. They dare not easily divorce their son and daughter-in-law, let alone a woman like Su Qinghuan. Shen Zhiyuan doesn’t believe in Su’s father. The mother club allowed Su Qinghuan to mess around like this.


  It's a pity that Shen Zhiyuan completely underestimated Su Qinghuan's determination, and she sneered.

   "If I have a bad life, my parents will be so worried that they can't fall asleep, Shen Zhiyuan, if you have a conscience, come to my parents' house to pick me up in person, and I respect you as a man."

"...Qinghuan, isn't it okay? I'm driving at least an hour and a half from my father-in-law's house. It was early in the morning and the weather forecast showed heavy rain. I have to go to morning class tomorrow. Will the car come back?"

   "Since you don't want to, then I hang up."

   "Hey... my wife, don't be like this--"

  Hearing the beep from the other end of the phone, Shen Zhiyuan was very angry on the spot. He didn't expect that Su Qinghuan's wings were getting harder and harder.

  If it weren’t for this woman to have some usefulness, how could he coax her in a low voice?

  But Su Qinghuan is good, and even give three points of color like this to open a dyeing workshop.


   "Host, you really have to wait for Shen Zhiyuan to pick you up before going back?"

  System 233 asked carefully.

"Of course not. Looking at him like this, he will definitely be furious tonight. Wherever he can come to pick me up, I'll see it tomorrow. Even if he doesn't come to me, I have to go back and get back the things of the original owner and tidy up the sink. Zhiyuan cheated marriage and tried to persecute the original owner’s data."

  Of course, Shen Zhiyuan has not yet officially started, if he chooses to divorce at this time, Shen Zhiyuan is at most despised by everyone to deceive a man, and he is far from going to jail.

  Unless Shen Zhiyuan is waiting for Shen Zhiyuan to start, then he can personally send this scum to the prison.

  Su Qinghuan couldn't help but feel excited when thinking of this scene.

  On the contrary, the system 233 read out the unusual meaning.

  "Host, then you have to wait for him to find money and kill him. Wouldn't it be that you will not be able to get married for a long time, don't you still have to look for the person you like?"

   "Ah, let's postpone this matter now, no matter what Shen Zhiyuan treats me, after all, the scum of Shen Zhiyuan and I are both husband and wife in the legal sense. I must wait until I get divorced."

  This is why Su Qinghuan is determined to deal with Shen Zhiyuan.

  Little Fox is determined not to let the people she like unexplainably serve as the background board for extramarital affairs, and even be accused of immorality.


  System 233 also roughly understood the little fox’s plan, so it was relieved.

Then the little fox took out the key and opened the door of the original owner's parents. As she expected, Su's father and Su's mother usually didn't go to bed until 11 o'clock. At this moment, the two of them were watching TV in the living room and suddenly heard the entrance door open. The sound was shocked.

  The two turned their heads and looked at them, and they immediately met Su Qinghuan's somewhat embarrassed figure.

  She didn’t take an umbrella to go out today. When she came back, she got a little bit of rain. The hairstyle she had just made became like a chicken, and the messy shopping bags in her hand looked very heavy.

   "Qinghuan, why did you come back suddenly?"

  Su's mother looked at the little fox in surprise, but Su's father realized that it was wrong.

  "Did you quarrel with Zhiyuan?"

   Mother Su, who was going to the bathroom to get the towel, happened to hear Father Su's words, and the towel in her hand fell directly to the ground.

  Mother Su rushed to Su Qinghuan's side three times, five and two. Seeing Su Qinghuan's red-blooded eyes, she couldn't tell that her daughter must have cried loudly today.

   "That **** really bullied you? He kicked you out of the house in the middle of the night? He was really a killer. Why didn't he usually see that Shen Zhiyuan was so unconscionable?!"


Although it was the first time that the little fox saw Su's father and Su's mother, but seeing the aggrieved and distressed look of the two old people when they looked at herself, her heart suddenly warmed, and she gently buried her head on Su's mother's arm, feeling wronged. Downright.

   "It was not Shen Zhiyuan who drove me out of the house. It was the house under my name. How dare he drove me out, I want to come back."

"then you?"

  Su's father and Su's mother looked at each other, obviously not knowing what the little fox was going to say.

  Before, their daughter never said that the wedding room was her own house. Instead, she almost wanted to add the name of Shen Zhiyuan. Why has she suddenly changed her tone now?

   And Su Qinghuan's eyes immediately reddened again, and directly exploded with shocking words.

   "Dad, Mom, if I divorce Shen Zhiyuan, you will not blame me?"

  (End of this chapter)

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