The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1405: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (35)

  Chapter 1405 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (35)

  Zi Xiao Peak Peak Master Zi Xiao glanced at Su Qinghuan in disgust.

  In his opinion, Su Qinghuan dared to come to the door to make provocations now, but it was only a villain who became mad.

  Even though the little fox is baffled because of Jun Jiuchen’s momentary interest, he will wait until Wugou Peak has reached the Wugou Peak before Su Qinghuan will know what it means to be self-defeating, standing next to a sword with a natural Taoist body!

  I haven’t heard Wugou Xianzun have said that if Su Qinghuan is to re-cultivate the golden core within a year, do he have to cultivate Wugou's sword intent to the third level? !

  Su Qinghuan is now just a disqualification of a useless person. It is not worthy to stay in their Zixiao Peak to be an outer disciple. With this qualification of the five spirit roots, he is at most a handyman.

  She still wants to climb up? !

How can it be!

  Wait until Jun Jiuchen lost interest, and Su Qinghuan switched from sound attack to swordsmanship, and was unable to form a golden core. It was only a matter of time before he was disgusted by Wugou Peak.

  After all, no one knows better than the real person Zi Xiao, how amazing and brilliant Jun Jiuchen and Wu Gu Patriarch are.

  For this kind of person, if you want to be favored by the other person, you have to be good enough.

  What can Su Qinghuan have? !

   is just like a bitter woman!

  There are many monks who can talk about Kendo in words, but what about actual actions?

  How many people can dare to say that they are really a genius of sword repair? !

  Su Qinghuan is too conceited!


  The real person Zixiao was very resentful, but the little fox smiled when he saw his angry look.

  She was so happy to see Master Zi Xiao and Chu Yufeng, the pair of scum scum masters and apprentices ashamed.

  Thinking about this, the little fox even smiled with a hand in his hand, idly sweeping past Bai Xiaoxiao and Chu Yufeng.

"Friend Bai Daoist, it seems that your dream of marrying Ruyi Langjun is going to come to nothing. I don’t know if one day Chu Yufeng’s cultivation base falls, and you are not even Daoist Bai, will you two still have deep affection? I am just like before."

   "...what are you talking about! Brother Chu will definitely be fine!"

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s eyes were soaked with tears, and he should have looked pitiful, but because of those red-haired and ruthless eyes, that beautiful face was slightly distorted.

  For immortal cultivators, skill is important, but Dao Xin is the thing that needs stability the most. Once the heart demon is born, the weaker will fall in cultivation base, and if there is no inch to advance, the heavy one may go down to heaven and become a demon forever.

  Bai Xiaoxiao currently does not have a serious heart demon like Chu Yufeng. Although she envy and jealousy that Su Qinghuan has entered the Wugou Peak, she does not practice kendo, and has never been rejected by Wugou Peak.

  But when she heard what the little fox said at the moment, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling panic.

  She looked at the fiance who was still in her arms, and suddenly felt that this handsome and long body was heavy, like a hot potato.

  Before, Chu Yufeng was naturally the existence she needed to look up to.

   But now, Bai Xiaoxiao has acquired the water system of the original owner's heavenly roots, and knows that she is the inexhaustible Xuanyin body, and her current choices are really as many as the crucian carp that crosses the river.

  Who doesn’t want to find a Taoist companion who can assist oneself in cultivation?

  What's more, Bai Xiaoxiao was born so beautiful.

  Having just entered the Miaoyin Peak, Bai Xiaoxiao felt the jealousy of those beautiful women, even in front of their suitors, deliberately pulling each other to avoid Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Only because Bai Xiaoxiao was born too garishly.

  Also, Bai Xiaoxiao can **** Su Qinghuan’s childhood sweetheart from the future Taoist couple. Who knows, will people who are pleased with them at the moment also suddenly shake their minds for Bai Xiaoxiao, a foreign woman? !

  If you change to those thin-skinned women, you may feel embarrassed or sad to be so faintly rejected by other female monks, but Bai Xiaoxiao doesn't think so.

  Beauty is her greatest weapon.

  And now he still has such a rare aptitude in the world.

  People squeeze her out, just because they are jealous of herself!

  Bai Xiaoxiao then also wept, or showed melancholy at the male monks who had long been fond of them, even if she didn't need to do more, this face alone would be all right.


  Bai Xiaoxiao thought that Chu Yufeng might really breed a demon because of Su Qinghuan. The woman could not help but bit her teeth tightly, and she became silently worried.

  If Brother Chu is really trapped by the demons...

  Will she choose Su Zirui to be better? !

  Bai Xiaoxiao's bones, like Chu Yufeng, are extremely selfish people, and she subconsciously glanced at Su Zirui.

  The beauty had tears in her eyes, and she looked for help, which immediately made Su Zirui's bones a little crisp.

  But when Su Zirui saw Su Qinghuan standing in front of Bai Xiaoxiao, he was timid at the pace he was about to take, and he couldn't walk over. He just glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao far away with a soothing look in his eyes.


   Seeing Su Zirui's utmost performance, Bai Xiaoxiao's nails were immediately pinched into her palms, and she immediately felt that Su Zirui could only be a spare tire in this life.

  She shouldn't choose a weak and boneless man like Su Zirui to be a Taoist companion. Even if Su Qinghuan is a tigress, Su Zirui's performance is a bit too bad!

  If by any chance...she said that if Chu Yufeng really becomes a waste material, maybe she has to find a better next home.

  Of course, this is just a no-brainer.

  Bai Xiaoxiao did not believe that Chu Yufeng would not be able to pass this level.

  Thinking about this, Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes gradually became firm, as if resolutely and resolutely said to Su Qinghuan.

  "Fairy Su, I respected you for helping Brother Chu a lot, but now you have broken with him, and now you slander him like this, I can't help feeling sad for Brother Chu."

   "I believe that Brother Chu will never be such a coward, he can't even stand up to such a small demon!"

  Speaking, Bai Xiaoxiao and the real person Zi Xiao left with Chu Yufeng.

  Before leaving, Bai Xiaoxiao did not forget to give Su Zirui a look that looked hurt and wronged. The spare tire belongs to the spare tire, and it is still necessary to hang it and make good use of it.

With the look in his eyes, Su Zirui's lips moved several times, and his heart also became irritable.


  Su Qinghuan naturally also noticed that her brother and Bai Xiaoxiao secretly "sent autumn waves" to each other.

  She sniffed in her heart.

   So he strode towards Su Zirui.

   "Why, you didn't comment on one or two after seeing such a good show today?"


  Su Zirui glanced at Su Qinghuan timidly. He always felt that his sister had fallen in cultivation now, but the aura of the whole person was scary.

  Su Zirui took a deep breath, trembling and authentic.

   "Sister, congratulations on getting into the Wugou Peak, but as a younger brother, Zi Rui still reminds you how many eyes are waiting to see you joke."

  "Do you really think you can rebuild the golden core within a year and gain a firm foothold on Wugou Peak? The right way is to be cautious in your words and deeds!"

  (End of this chapter)

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