The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1406: The nun whose spiritual roots were taken away (36)

  Chapter 1406 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (36)

  While talking, Su Zirui couldn't help but raised his eyes quietly, observing Su Qinghuan's expression.

  Obviously, the corners of the little fox’s lips are still smiling, and his expression does not match the aggressiveness, but there is a sense of unspeakable jealousy.


  Thinking of this, Su Zirui couldn't help feeling worried.

  He didn't think that Su Qinghuan could really fulfill the requirements of the Immortal Venerable Wugou. He was just afraid that Su Qinghuan would not be hit for a while. His temperament would change drastically. Later, he would find that it was more difficult to change from Yin Gong to kendo, and he would directly abandon himself and become a useless person.

  Su Zirui's eyes unknowingly brought out a kind of supreme, instructive sympathy.

"Sister, in the future, you will be on Wugou Peak. Don't do things like today to deceive your master and annihilate your ancestors. Since you are blessed by Wugou Peak, you must be careful in the future. Don't annoy Junior Master Jun. right."

"You see that your qualifications are completely depleted now. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can also come to the inner gate of Zixiao Peak to find me. Although you and Zixiao Peak are completely cut off, Su Zirui, after all, is still connected to you by blood. Why are you? They have given up their brothers who are constantly quitting."


  Su Qing looked at Su Zirui with a smile.

  "Should I deceive my master and destroy my ancestor?"

  Su Qinghuan seemed to have heard a big joke.

   "I'm sorry, although I entered the inner gate of Zixiao Peak before, but I have never done the apprenticeship ceremony before, who made me not a direct disciple?"

   "As for me being a waste material, it is even more ridiculous to rely on you to help me. I am now in such a situation. Isn't it thanks to you and Chu Yufeng?"

  As for Bai Xiaoxiao, Su Qinghuan does not bother to mention her.

  A woman who cares about Israel, sooner or later she fades and loves to relax.

  Of course, there are many good things like Zhuyan Dan in the world of immortality, which makes you look forever.

   But in this world of cultivating immortals, where there are so many beauties and handsome guys like dogs, it’s really hard to keep others' minds forever based on looks alone.

  Chu Yufeng likes Bai Xiaoxiao, but it is not so simple because Bai Xiaoxiao looks good.


Su Qinghuan even dared to guarantee that if it hadn’t been known that Bai Xiaoxiao was the body of Xuanyin, even if Chu Yufeng liked Bai Xiaoxiao’s face and her gentle and trivial style, he would not directly abandon the original owner so decisively. Treat it as an abandoned child.

  It is more likely that Chu Yufeng will have both sides, and the original owner shall be a well-known Taoist companion, and Bai Xiaoxiao will be raised as a mortal concubine.

  Who makes a wife worse than a concubine?

  This is a common problem of most lay people, and the same is true of Chu Yufeng’s inferior nature.


  The little fox felt nauseous at the thought of this.

  Although the banquet has been withdrawn at this moment, because the two parties, Little Fox and Su Zirui, are still facing each other here, many guests are watching from a distance.

  Joining in the fun is also human nature.

  Su Qinghuan swears in front of everyone.

  "Xuantian is on the top, monk Su Qinghuan, today he is cut off from his younger brother Su Zirui, Zhu Ma Chu Yufeng, from then on, the bridge and the road are irrelevant!"

  This turned out to be an oath of heaven!

   Cut off the relationship with Chu Yufeng's scum.

  Even the younger brother is no longer needed!

  Everyone was surprised.

  Unexpectedly, this little girl who had just entered Wugou Peak was so strong!


  Su Zirui also staggered back.

  He originally thought that today’s big show would not burn himself.

  He suddenly felt as if he had lost something. Is it that the sister who loved him and protected him for so many years wanted to sever relationship with him?

   even elicited the oath of heaven.

  This is an irreversible and unmodifiable oath.

  For the monk, it is the greatest restraint and testimony of this life.

  Su Zirui glanced at Su Qinghuan blankly, a severe pain finally spread in his heart.

   "Sister...Sister, don't be like this. Zi Rui knows that it is wrong..."

"It's too late."

  Su Qinghuan shook his head coldly, and suddenly looked at Jun Jiuchen at each other.

  "Brother, let's go."



Seeing Su Qinghuan about to leave, Su Zirui thought of the heavenly vow, and finally stumbled towards Su Qinghuan.

   On the other side, Jun Jiuchen, who had been standing silently behind Su Qinghuan, suddenly set up an invisible wall of air.

  "Su Zirui, you and my junior sister have broken the dust, so I will do it for myself in the future."


  Su Zirui raised her head in amazement, and saw that the young man in white had a strong sense of presence.

  The other party has handsome eyes and trimmed eyebrows. He wore an ordinary robe that was so indifferent that he could not see his status. It looked like the lowest-level disciple of Taiqing Sect. But standing with a sword at this moment, the graceful demeanor made people subconsciously want to worship.

   Jun Jiuchen is undoubtedly a man with excellent appearance, and most importantly, he is the youngest immortal venerable in the realm of cultivation.

   years old, they are almost the same.

   Such a genius sword repairer who should be arrogant and incompatible with everyone, but at this moment because of Su Qinghuan's lack of energy, he also summoned his own magic weapon, the nameless ancient sword, and invited Su Qinghuan to ride with him.

  The peculiar thing is that Su Qinghuan, who was only in the foundation stage, stood behind Jun Jiuchen, and he did not look inferior.


  Su Zirui saw this scene, suddenly a kind of absurd idea in his heart.

   Regardless of the cultivation base, if his sister is in terms of appearance and demeanor, she would be a good match with this sword master.

  Even the appearance of the two people leaving together with Yujian is more compatible than Chu Yufeng.


  Su Zirui was taken aback by this thought, and he shook his head in an instant, putting aside this funny thought.

  In his heart, on the one hand, he was afraid of Su Qinghuan's fierce arrogance, but on the other side, he looked down on Su Qinghuan's current downfall with revenge.

  If you were Su Zirui himself, you would not choose such a long-term Taoist companion, let alone Jun Jiuchen?

  Thinking about this, Su Zirui gritted his teeth and went to his residence.

  ——He still has to do some sect missions to exchange some elixir for Bai Xiaoxiao.

  After all, Bai Xiaoxiao had just transplanted her spiritual root, and there were still injuries at the spiritual root. She had to work harder to make Xiaoxiao feel better.

  As for his own sister, what does it matter to him? !

  Now that Su Qinghuan himself has made a vow of heaven to cut his seat completely, don’t blame yourself for being ruthless.

  There is sadness, but it will not keep Su Zirui indulging in it.

  After all, from the day when she was injured in the secret realm and decided to exchange her sister Linggen for her sweetheart, Su Zirui vaguely thought that she would face this day sooner or later.

   And now that Su Qinghuan really did this, he also felt that his heart fell to the ground, and he would not have to waver at all in the future, and he would directly favor Bai Xiaoxiao.


  Bai Xiaoxiao, who was missed by Su Zirui over there, was holding Chu Yufeng in her arms and weeping silently.

  She fed Chu Yufeng the spirit pill given by real person Zi Xiao, and the man finally woke up.

  Unexpectedly, Chu Yufeng was struck by lightning, and shouted out a name that Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to hear the most!

  "Qinghuan! Don't go!"

  (End of this chapter)

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