The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1419: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (49)

  Chapter 1419 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (49)

  If you can’t hit Su Qinghuan head-on, then it’s good to ruin Su Qinghuan’s reputation!

  Bai Xiaoxiao flashed this extremely vicious thought in her heart. The immortal world does not value the reputation of women as much as the ordinary world, but in any case, the accumulation of bones is terrible. This is an eternal truth.

  Bai Xiaoxiao thought this way, and quickly used her spiritual mind to write a few thought-provoking words on the jade slip of the communication.

  ——Zirui, I never expected that your sister would actually abandon herself to flatter Jun Xiao and Shi Shu in order to stay in Wugou Peak.

——Sorry, I shouldn’t have arranged Fairy Su in this way. In any case, she is your sister... She only swore a vow to sever cause and effect with your sister and brother before she was angry, but blood is thicker than water, I hope If you have a chance, you can persuade Fairy Su.


  After all, what kind of person is Jun Jiuchen? !

  Thinking that Su Qinghuan could climb up to such a glamorous figure in a short period of time, Bai Xiaoxiao almost doubted whether Su Qinghuan would fall.

However, Jun Jiuchen's eyes were very different when he looked at him and Su Qinghuan. The former hates him as ice, while the latter seems to melt the cold frost between the man’s eyebrows, warm as spring. .

How did that happen? !

  Bai Xiaoxiao, with a beautiful face, has an advantage in the experience of dealing with the same sex.

  Even if those men hated her at first, they could not help being flushed and even speechless because they looked at one of her.

  How can anyone treat their beauty as a blind person?

  Faced with the answer to such doubts about life, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help holding up the mirror in her house. Seeing a face that was not inferior to the little fox reflected in the mirror, her inner unrestrainedness was slightly suppressed.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was born in Huanxizong, and her parents have always taught her that if a woman wants to capture the favor of a man, she has to rely on her face that can't find flaws at all.

  As for practicing hard, what does it have to do with her? !

  Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to rise up, but she never thought of going up one step at a time.

  Her spiritual root aptitude was too bad, so she changed the little fox.

  As for the later endeavors, it is to rely on spiritual cultivation to supplement others.

  If one man is not enough, thousands of men will be replaced.


  Bai Xiaoxiao thought this way, couldn't help but pull down his collar, seeing the jade-like flawless body, the eyebrows and eyes showed a coquettish and lazy charm.

  One muscle and one volume, full of grace, even the toes are pale pink.

  This shell of her was born very pitiful, and this kind of pure and lusty temperament is undoubtedly the most attractive to men.

  Jun Jiuchen would actually intimidate himself for the kind of man like Su Qinghuan, and he didn't know how to appreciate her beauty!

Su Qinghuan has been with Chu Yufeng for decades, but he still failed to join the spiritual practice. Looking back at himself, in just two months, he and Chu brother have become married. It can be seen that Su Qinghuan, even if the skin is born well, it is after all Can't please men please? !

  In the matter of men and women, how can a stupid woman like a wood compare with a woman from the Joyous Sect like her?

With a sigh of relief in her heart, Bai Xiaoxiao tore the Linghua in front of the dressing table to pieces, and finally sent a lot of resentment in her heart.


  On the other side, Su Zirui also rushed over from the inner gate of Zixiao Peak because he was worried that her sweetheart might be bullied at Wugou Peak because of the Yujian sent by Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Since Su Qinghuan cut off his sister and brother with his own hands, Su Zirui didn't care about Su Qinghuan's life at all. All he minded was that Su Qinghuan actually did this kind of salty thing, even losing the face of his younger brother.

And more importantly, Su Zirui was afraid that Bai Xiaoxiao would be harmed. A kind-hearted girl like Xiao Xiao went to Wugou Peak to apologize to her sister. Who would have expected that she would see such a ridiculous thing. !

  Thinking that Xiaoxiao might have been hurt there, his heart was like a needle stabbed, and he couldn't calm down at all.


   "Xiao Xiao, are you okay?!"

  Su Zirui became more and more anxious as he thought about it, but he didn't expect that he would see such a scene as soon as he opened the door eagerly.

  The buttons of the sweetheart were half unbuttoned, the embroidered shoes were also kicked aside, and the thin red of balsams in his hands, the pure and clear face of the past, showing a touch of coquettishness.

   "Xiao, Xiao Xiao?"

  Su Zirui looked at Bai Xiaoxiao in amazement, and fell on her knees at Bai Xiaoxiao’s feet.

  He didn't even realize that he had been hit by Bai Xiaoxiao's charm.

  But it’s useless to realize it. From the first time he saw Bai Xiaoxiao, he thought of Bai Xiaoxiao countless times.


  Bai Xiaoxiao saw the man crawling like a dog at his feet and glanced at Su Zirui with a smoky look. She felt a little impatient, but Su Zirui at the moment had use value.

  Bai Xiaoxiao gathered up her clothes as if she was frightened, and weptly pressed her toes against Su Zirui's sleeves.

   "Brother Su, why are you here?"

   "I'm afraid that something will happen to you."

  Su Zirui stared at Bai Xiaoxiaoyubai’s toes obsessively, couldn't help holding it up and tracing it carefully.

   "Xiao Xiao, are you with me? Brother Chu cares too little about you, not to mention that he still thinks of a shameless woman like my sister, being with Brother Chu, he really wronged you."


  Bai Xiaoxiao stared at Su Zirui's eyelashes, judging Su Zirui's value in his heart.

  Su Zirui's realm hasn't broken through from the late foundation stage to the golden pill stage, but for so many years, it can be regarded as step by step with the encouragement of the pill and sister, and steadily cultivated.

  Rather than spiritual practice, she does not suffer.

After cultivating with Chu Yufeng last time, Bai Xiaoxiao discovered that Chu Yufeng was too shrewd. If she absorbs more of Chu Yufeng’s cultivation skills, she is afraid that she secretly uses the Huanxi Zong technique to supplement the other party’s affairs. , Will be discovered by Chu Yufeng.


Bai Xiaoxiao thought this way, with a flash of light in her mind, she suddenly thought of a jade slip that she had seen in the secret law of the Huanxi sect. He said that it was cursed with the blood of a loved one, and it could cause the cursed person. Great influence.

  Su Zirui and Su Qinghuan are indeed sisters and brothers.

  But Su Qinghuan made the oath of heaven, will Su Zirui’s blood be useful?

  Bai Xiaoxiao was hesitating, but Su Zirui could not wait to kiss him.

Seeing this handsome face that was six or seven points similar to Su Qinghuan, but was more cowardly, Bai Xiaoxiao felt a touch of disgust in her heart. She suppressed her unhappiness, and spent her mind to weave the magical net of Joy Sect, facing Su Zirui. Bewitching and authentic.

   "Brother Su, do you like me so much? Xiao Xiao is so touched..."

   "It's just that when I was in Wugou Peak, I was injured internally by the sword qi of Junior Master Jun Xiao, so you will heal me the Su Xin Dan that your sister once gave you, OK?"

  (End of this chapter)

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