The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1420: The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (50)

  Chapter 1420 The nun whose spiritual root was taken away (50)

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Su Zirui affectionately with her eyes, and under the beautiful face, countless benefits were already in her heart.

  Su Zirui, a stubborn species, does not have a high or low cultivation base. The most important thing is that his Yuanyang is still there. If he is picked up, it will be of great benefit to him.

  Furthermore, she has made up her mind to let Su Zirui willingly give herself the Suxin Pill, which helps her to build her pill.


  Only Su Zirui, the love brain, is still immersed in the kindness of his sweetheart.

  He admired Bai Xiaoxiao's face, and at this moment, coupled with Bai Xiaoxiao deliberately using charm to confuse him, Su Zirui only hesitated for a moment, and then he took the most valuable Su Xindan in front of Bai Xiaoxiao.

  "Xiao Xiao, you believe me, I really love you, why not give you this Su Xin Dan for healing? As long as you are mine..."

  Speaking, Su Zirui, like that hairy young man, hurriedly started to unbutton Bai Xiaoxiao's clothes.


  At this moment when the sky thunder hook and the ground fire, Bai Xiaoxiao focused all of her attention on the Suxin Pill that countless people coveted, and she properly put it in her storage ring.

  Then I got up with Su Zirui.

  Outside the window, I don’t know when the pouring rain started, and the terrifying lightning and thunder instantly replaced the calm of the sky.

  The rain pounced down.

  Chu Yufeng, who was sitting in the quiet room of Zixiao Peak for treatment of internal injuries, didn't even know at this moment, the hat on his head was already shiny green.


  The next day, at the moment when the sky was ignorant, Su Zirui still felt that she had a dream, and it was so beautiful that he was a little unreal.

  With the slender waist of the goddess in her heart, Su Zirui raised her head tremblingly, for fear of being kicked off the couch by Bai Xiaoxiao.

  "Xiaoxiao, are we really..."

   "Yes, Brother Su, are you unhappy?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao leaned weakly in Su Zirui's arms, placed his palm on Su Zirui's heart, unknowingly calculating how much he had absorbed Su Zirui's cultivation skills yesterday.

Su Zirui's realm is naturally far inferior to Chu Yufeng, but Sheng Zai this stunned young man has a deep and righteous affection for her. He won his Suxin Pill yesterday, but today Bai Xiaoxiao discovered that his cultivation in the middle of the foundation has also been loosened. NS.

  If Su Zirui is recruited a few more times, it may not be difficult for her to break through to the late stage of foundation building.


  Bai Xiaoxiao thought in her heart, and her attitude towards Su Zirui couldn't help being more eager. She wanted to refuse and looked at Su Zirui, tears already falling down her cheeks.

  "Brother Su, if you think that Xiao Xiao shouldn't have done a good thing with you yesterday, you have never been to Miao Yinfeng."

   "Xiao Xiao will never see you again in the future."

   "...Xiao Xiao, I didn't mean that! I am very happy, really!"

  Su Zirui didn't realize that he had been used by Bai Xiaoxiao all the time. He heard Bai Xiaoxiao's words and wanted to kneel in front of Bai Xiaoxiao to prove how sincere he was.


  Bai Xiaoxiao bit her lower lip.

  "Then I want you to take half of your hard work, so that I can believe it."


  The blood of the heart is different from the blood of the ordinary monk. It is the blood of the condensed energy, which is extremely important to the monk. Once the blood of the heart is lost, it is easy to damage the root.

  If you take your heart's blood, the most common scene is in the Dao Couples Association Ceremony, and you are allied with your partner.

   But even in the current world of cultivating immortals, few cultivators would do this in the Daofu Union Book Ceremony.


  Seeing Su Zirui's hesitation, Bai Xiaoxiao became more and more angry, she quickly got up in her clothes, and wept to Su Zirui.

  "I know, Brother Su, your sincere heart for me is nothing more than that. Xiao Xiaoxiao did such a thing with you yesterday, regardless of the secular etiquette."

   "Woo woo woo... and your thoughts on Xiao Xiao are all false."

  "How could it be fake!"

   Su Zirui was impatient, and immediately remembered what he had done while fainting.

   "I have given you Su Xin Dan, how could I be false to you!"

  Speaking of this matter, Su Zirui himself felt a little painful.

   is just the joy of embracing the beautiful lady back, and briefly dilutes the pain of giving the treasure to Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Now that Bai Xiaoxiao is his own, what is there to say?


  Bai Xiaoxiao understands this truth, but she just bit her lip and wept sadly. She still pushed her hand on Su Zirui's arm, as if she was heartbroken.

   "You go, you go, I don't want to listen..."

  "...Isn't it possible for me to depend on you?!"

  Faced with Bai Xiaoxiao, Su Zirui had no self-principles at all. He could even abandon his sisters and his sisters, so he was so painstaking, what was it?

  Bai Xiaoxiao is not killing him.

  Bai Xiaoxiao surely wouldn’t abuse her own painstaking efforts, right?


  This thought flashed through the man's mind, but he did not believe that Bai Xiaoxiao would harm him, he asked Bai Xiaoxiao tentatively.

  "Xiaoxiao, what do you want my hard work for?"

  For the monk, let alone the painstaking effort, even if a strand of hair is acquired by the enemy, it will be given a handle.

   "Brother Su, are you suspicious of me?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's tears fell more and more violently, and she looked at Su Zirui with red eyes, as if she had been wronged by the sky.

   "Since you doubt me, then I don't need anything, and the Su Xin Dan will be returned to you... we will have nothing to do in the future!"

  This is naturally a lie. She obtained something that she worked so hard and even dedicated to Su Zirui. How could she be willing to abandon it so easily?

  But Su Zirui didn't doubt that he had him, and soon stopped Bai Xiaoxiao.

   "Don't! I'll never say that again, dear, how dare I be suspicious of you."

  The words fell, Su Zirui took half of his blood to Bai Xiaoxiao.


   Taking the blood of Su Zirui's heart, Bai Xiaoxiao's heart was relieved immediately, no matter how great the influence of the heavenly oath, she will try it, through the blood of this loved one, to coerce Su Qinghuan.

  The last time she was humiliated like that at Wugou Peak, Bai Xiaoxiao was panicked in her heart, and felt her life was like an ant. She always had to find a way to protect herself.

  It’s just that Jun Jiuchen is too powerful, and Bai Xiaoxiao can't shake it at all. As for Su Qinghuan, she hasn't been able to get close for the time being, so she can only apply the method to Su Zirui.

  "Xiaoxiao, what exactly do you want this thing for? Do you want to be married to me?"

  Su Zirui looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with surprise and joy in her eyes.

  A full set of acting is about to be performed, Bai Xiaoxiao caressed her heart in a sad, melancholic way towards Su Zirui.

   "Brother Su, I'm about to become a Taoist couple with Brother Chu, give up your heart, I... I have done something like this with you, it has already gone beyond."

   "Leaving your painstaking effort is to give yourself a thought. Don't trouble Brother Chu, okay?"

As    said, tears like pearls slipped from Bai Xiaoxiao's face.

  Su Zirui heard this, as if struck by lightning.

  (End of this chapter)

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