The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1446: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (16) 2200+ words

   Chapter 1446 I am in the rich and powerful (16) 2200+ words

   In the afternoon, when school was about to end, Li Zihao appeared downstairs in the girls' dormitory of the Literature Department of University A as scheduled.

  Being bound by the school rules of University A, apart from allowing boys to enter the girls' dormitory to help move things on the first day of school, they are not allowed to enter at other times, and Li Zihao is no exception.

   The handsome man with a long body standing in front of the dormitory building, as expected, attracted the attention of many people.

  Li Zihao even heard someone whispering.

   "Isn't this the second young master Li of the art department? How could he be here?! Shouldn't he show up in the art department to block their flower Su Xier?"

   "Could it be that this slutty young master has changed his pursuit?"

   "Is there anything in the literature department that can compare to Su Xier's beauty?"

   "You said, could it be the school girl Su Qinghuan?!"

   "No way, didn't someone say before that the school girl has always liked Li Moyao, Ershao Li's brother? Someone once saw the school girl being so prudent, but she even took the initiative to go to the graduation ceremony of the Great God Li to offer flowers."

   "Has God Li accepted it?"

   "The flower is received, but it is said that it will be thrown away soon. What does Su Qinghuan have other than a face? How can he be worthy of the Great God Li!"


   In A University, Li Moyao has always been a legend, because when his peers did not graduate from undergraduate, he left A University at a young age and passed the school inspection.

  Many young schoolmates were embarrassed for not being able to see Li Moyao.

   Everyone only knows that the twins of the Li family were born from the extremely wealthy Li family, and they are well-deserved children of heaven. They also know that Su Xier, the flower of the art department, is the jewel of the Su family, a wealthy family in City A.

   But no one knows, in fact, Su Qinghuan and Su Xier are half-sisters, and they were even Li Moyao's fiancee since childhood.

   In addition, Li Moyao's attitude towards Su Qinghuan is very cold, let alone his fiancee, that attitude is not even enough for ordinary friends, so the students of University A always thought that Su Qinghuan was unrequited love.

   In particular, the original owner dressed in a relatively low-key fashion at school. Although there were several luxury bags, the brand was very small. They also lived in the same way as ordinary people, and traveled by subway and bus.

   Almost no one thinks that she is also the daughter of a wealthy family, just a girl from a well-off family.

The original owner and Su Xier were even more shy at school. The two were uncomfortable looking at each other. Su Xier was also happy that the alumni of A University misunderstood that her sister was wanting to "go up to" Li Moyao, let alone explain the origin of the original owner. .


   So the original owner didn't have any friends in school. On the one hand, beautiful women were always jealous, and on the other hand, it was because of the original owner's character.

  Whether it is the vast majority of the top students who can be admitted to University A by relying on their own strengths, or the wealthy children from the family who come in through a special art track and donation model, who doesn’t think that they are one in a thousand?

   The original owner, such a pearly and introverted girl, when she was misunderstood and wanted to lean on Li Moyao's face, she refused to come forward and explain, and it was normal to be unpopular.


  Li Zihao was standing at the door of the girls' dormitory bored. Hearing those people's comments in his heart, he felt a little interested at first.

   Later, seeing that everyone's discussion was deviating from his elder brother Li Moyao, the young man pursed his lips.

  No one knows how jealous he is of his big brother.

Although the two were twin brothers, from the womb, Li Moyao seemed to be pressing Li Zihao's head. The elder brother sucked a lot of nutrients. Li Zihao was born weak, and his birth weight was almost half that of Li Moyao. Incubator.

   Later, in the process of growing up, Li Moyao showed amazing intelligence, far from his peers, and his father Li never had the idea of ​​handing over the family business to Li Zihao since he was a child.

   Even though the two have similar facial features, Li Moyao is taller than Li Zihao even in height.

   Aware of the gap between the two, Li Zihao simply "gives up on himself" and becomes a second-generation rich man who conforms to public perception.

   It was very interesting to see those women hypocritically refusing to return the favor at first, and finally bowing down to his suit pants superficially because of his face or his money.

What he likes most is that after the other party is attracted to him, after brushing all kinds of elegant and sensible personalities, and wanting to be with him regardless of everything, men will not hesitate to find several reasons to attack each other and make them feel sad Exit.

The funny thing is that even if those women hit a wall with him, because they once had such an excellent "ambiguous" object, from then on, whether they were looking for a boyfriend or getting married, their eyes were higher than the top, and finally they became Growing cynical and self-pity.


   These women are just a game to Li Zihao.

  The same is true for Su Xi'er. Li Zihao could easily see through this woman's white lotus true color, but what does that matter? He already plays the world, so it's not bad to have one more person to accompany him into the game.

   Just when Li Zihao was in a trance, suddenly, a slender hand patted his shoulder.

   "Hey! What are you thinking?"

  Li Zihao frowned, subconsciously thinking that there was a daredevil who wanted to talk to him.

   Unexpectedly, when he looked up, he saw Su Qinghuan's face.

   She was still dressed as she was in the morning, but the trace of sadness on her face disappeared. She was still holding two large silver suitcases in her hands, and she looked much more capable and light.


  Li Zihao felt that Su Qinghuan was pitiful in the morning, but seeing the girl's smiling face now, he couldn't help but start to doubt Su Qinghuan's purpose for asking him for help.

   But if so, things are a little more interesting.

   He coughed lightly and took the two boxes in Su Qinghuan's hands in a gentlemanly manner.

   "Let me help you."

   "Thank you, should I treat you to dinner tonight as a thank you?"

  The little fox smiled at Li Zihao, as if he was very familiar with the young man, and walked side by side beside the man.

   Such a familiar approach made Li Zihao a little surprised.

  Because the Li family and the Su family are family friends, but the original owner in his mind has been timid since he was a child, and he is quite enthusiastic about his eldest brother.

   When he grew up, Li Zihao had a reputation for being flirtatious, and it was even more difficult for a good girl like the original owner to avoid it.

   Why is it like suddenly thinking about it now?


  Li Zihao was still a little puzzled. He was about to politely say no, but unexpectedly, a surprised female voice suddenly broke through the air.

   "Qing Huan, why did you and Li Er Shao go together?"

   The little fox looked up and found that several roommates of the original owner had returned. The original owner had no friends in University A. The roommates silently did not play with the original owner because they were afraid that she would be too beautiful and would take away her boyfriend.

   But these girls can't be called bad people. Compared with Su Xier and others, they are already the most normal.

   The handsome-looking head of the bedroom also gave the little fox a strange look.

   "Qing Huan, don't you know that he is very close to Su Xier, the flower of the art department?"

   Li Zihao said, glanced at Su Qinghuan with a half-smile, and deliberately put on the little fox's shoulder, wanting to see how the girl would deal with such a scene.

  The man thought that Su Qinghuan would quickly throw his hand off uncomfortably, but the little fox burst out frankly astonishing words.

   "Oh, Director, Su Xi'er was originally my younger sister. Our family and the Li family are close friends. I don't plan to live in the school anymore, so I asked a friend I've known since childhood to move something for me. Isn't it weird?"

   (end of this chapter)

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