The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1447: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (17)

   Chapter 1447 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (17)

   Hearing the little fox's answer, Li Zihao was surprised for a moment.

   After all, Su Qinghuan is a sophomore now. In the past two years, there have been a lot of gossips in school about her insisting on going to the rich and powerful and relying on Li Moyao, but Su Qinghuan has not come out to explain.

   Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan seems to have let go of her suddenly now, and she can even break down her sister relationship with Su Xier so calmly.

  Li Zihao found that he really couldn't understand the little fox now.

   But that's fine, Li Zihao feels that the current little fox is more exploratory than before.

  The man thought so, and he also frankly agreed with Su Qinghuan's words.

"Yeah, my family and the Su family are long-term friends, so I have known Qinghuan and Xi'er since childhood, and they are all friends. Don't spread our relationship indiscriminately, Xi'er and I are both single now, just having a good time. "

   Being stared at by a handsome guy like Li Zihao with such a smile, even though the little fox's roommates usually spurn Li Zihao's playful style, at this moment one or two faces flushed, and the little deer collided in their hearts.

   Or the head of the dormitory pinched her palm before she recovered from today's explosive news, and she looked at the little fox.

   "Qing Huan, then you were too low-key before? Why didn't you tell everyone about your family background?"

   "Don't you daughters from rich families like your sister Su Xier live off-campus all the time? Why do you still live with us?"

The dormitory of the Department of Literature in the main department of A has not been renovated for many years, which is far worse than the dormitory of the wealthy people in the art department, but even so, the occupancy rate of the art department is still at least 30% lower than other departments. .


   The little fox heard the words, Wenwen smiled quietly at her roommate, she hesitated to speak, and there was a bit of sadness in her expression, enough for everyone to make up a big drama.

"The reason why I didn't tell everyone before was because my sister and I were not very close. She is my half-sister. She and her mother... came to my house after my mother passed away. "

   The image that Su Xier used to give people in school was the only jewel in the Su family's palm, and they were picked up by luxury cars.

   But now the little fox not only revealed the blood relationship between the two, but also stabbed Su Xier with a knife.

Since Su Xi'er was later married by her mother, and she is also related to the little fox, the two are only less than two years old. That means, Su Xi'er is the illegitimate child left behind by Su's father's infidelity in marriage. female!


   The little fox's voice just fell, and there was a gasping sound all around.

   Everyone is not stupid, and quickly sorted out the relationship between the little fox's family.

   The head of the dormitory and the other roommates usually have a bad relationship with the original owner, but they are also normal classmates. They are girls from a well-off family and simple relationships. At this moment, they can't help but sympathize with the little fox.

   "Qinghuan, your father is too...hey, it's no wonder you didn't talk about your family're too stupid, you didn't explain a few words before, which caused the alumni to misunderstand you and ask for money."

   "The mouth is on others, let them say."

   Little Fox smiled wistfully, the more she expressed that she didn't care, the more sympathy she gained.

In fact, the head of the dormitory was right. The original owner was too low-key in the past. She even gave her fiancé a bouquet of flowers, and when she was misunderstood as wanting to be close to a wealthy family with a face, she would not explain it. This kind of character is destined to be will suffer.

   Now to put it bluntly, it’s good for everyone.


   As for Su Xier hearing this news, will she run out angrily and announce that the little fox has already had a wedding with Mu Hanting, and is still entangled with Li Zihao, so the little fox doesn't care.

  Because Su Xier used to get into Mu Hanting's car when he was in school, and Mu Hanting saw Su Xier's tenderness in his eyes, which even the blind could see.

   If Su Xier cherishes feathers, she can only recognize this as a plant.


   Little Fox could have imagined that in half an hour, the relationship between him and Su Xier would spread throughout the school.

  I really hope Su Xier can like this "gift"!

   After all, this is only your first step.


   Seeing that the public opinion was almost created, the little fox quickly waved to several roommates.

   "I'm going to move out today. I'm in a hurry. I didn't tell you in advance. I have some unopened skin care products on my desk. You can pick them up if you need them."

   "Qing Huan..."

   A few roommates couldn't help but feel ashamed when they heard what the little fox said. Thinking of their usual cold reception to Su Qinghuan, they felt even more stabbed in their hearts, but the little fox had already smiled and left with Li Zihao in a hurry.

   Compared with the atmosphere of the little foxes, they are somewhat not "kind". At this moment, they are honoring the kindness of others, so they all plan to secretly post a post in the school to help Su Qinghuan attack Su Xier.


   One thing he did casually could actually have such an effect, the little fox never thought of it himself.

   And Li Zihao also quickly brought the little fox to his other car, which turned out to be a low-key and calm pure black Maybach. This kind of business model really does not match Li Zihao's image.

   If it was Li Moyao Kai, the little fox felt more normal.

   The little fox glanced at Li Zihao in surprise.

   "Hey, the old Maybach, I thought you usually only drive that kind of supercar when you come to school."

   "Isn't this car pulling the wind? It will land tens of millions anyway."

  Li Zihao gently helped the little fox put away his luggage, and then he helped the little fox open the front passenger's door earnestly.

   "Get in the car."

   The corner of the man's lips was smiling, and those peach blossom eyes were even more affectionate.

   It is said that there was once a female star who was well-known in the entertainment industry. When recording a variety show at the A University, she easily fell for Li Zihao because of one-sided relationship.

   The other party was worried about the young man's fascination, but Li Zihao broke out an astonishing statement, saying that a man's nature is to see one and love the other, but he promised that the other party must be the one he loves and the one he loves the most.

   Such a bizarre quote actually failed to stop the female star from sobering up, and finally ended up with a depression and a breakup.


  Little fox thought of those gossips, her lips were slightly raised, and she was not polite to Li Zihao, and quickly got into the car.

   "I'm honored to have Ershao Li be my coachman."

   "No no no, I'm really honored to be able to drive such a beautiful girl."

  Li Zihao blinked at the little fox, and soon got into the car.

   Even, he took the initiative to lean over.

   "Don't move, I'll fasten your seat belt."

  The man's tall body leaned, and he imprisoned the little fox on the co-pilot unexpectedly.

   The little fox raised his head slightly, only to feel that the male hormones emanating from the youth made the air begin to heat up.

   (end of this chapter)

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